Archives de l'auteur: Benoît Roman

Ecole d’été Acoustofluidique (Porquerolles 13-17 juin 2022)

Bonjour à tous,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à une école d’été en présentiel sur le thème de l’Acoustofluidique sur l’Ile de Porquerolles, du lundi 13 juin au vendredi 17 juin 2022. Cette école s’adresse à un public varié : doctorants, post-doctorants et chercheurs désirant s’initier ou se perfectionner.

L’interaction des ondes acoustiques avec les fluides est un domaine scientifique en plein essor aux applications multiples. L’effet des ultrasons sur des objets  en suspension (particules solides, cellules, bulles et mousses, gouttelettes), ainsi que celui des ondes sonores dans les systèmes microfluidiques sont autant de situations complexes qui mêlent la physique ondulatoire et la mécanique des fluides.

Les informations seront mises à jour au fil du temps sur ce site web

Le thèmes qui seront abordés seront les suivants :
–    interactions non-linéaires ondes acoustiques / particules (pression de radiation) ou ondes acoustique / fluide (acoustic streaming), propagation en milieux complexes
–    synthèse de champs structurés : méthodes et potentialité pour la manipulation
–    acoustophorèse, manipulation, piégeage
–     effet de grande amplitude : rupture, cavitation, échauffement
–    signature acoustique produite par des reconfigurations interfaciales brutales
–    réalisations expérimentales : microfluidique et laboratoires sur puces, milieu vivants et cellules

Inscriptions au printemps 2022. Merci de diffuser l’information dès maintenant !

Pour le comité d’organisation (Michael Baudoin, Caroline Derec, Philippe Marmottant)

post doc Shear thickening Pipe Flow (IUSTI-Marseille)

Adding a sufficient quantity of small repulsive particles (e.g. cornstarch, CaCO3 + additives) to a Newtonian liquid triggers spectacular behaviors: the suspension flows under low shear stresses and jams, i.e. solidifies, at larger stresses. Recently, this sharp transition has been shown to result from the sudden establishment of frictional contacts between the particles as the repulsive stress is overcome1,2, and to trigger a new type of waves (‘Oobleck’ waves)3. However, its consequences on such a simple and ubiquitous flow as the flow in a straight pipe is still an open question.

The post-doc will precisely tackle this, apparently, simple question: How does a shear-thickening suspension flow inside a pipe? Using experiments with model shear-thickening suspensions, the goal is to address how the resistance and structure of the flow depend on the level of stress and pipe dimensions. The sliding of the particles at the wall and their migration across the pipe will be considered. In the footprints of Reynolds4, addressing the transition to the shear-jamming of the suspension will also demand to probe the stability of the flow – both in terms of steadiness and laminarity.

This research will be performed in partnership with Chryso, a company developing additives (super- plasticisers) for high performance, high-flowability concretes. The results, first obtained with model shear thickening suspensions, will then be compared to the behavior of calcium carbonate + superplasticizers suspensions, with the aim to improve fluidizing additive characteristics and concrete pumping conditions.

Context: The work will be mostly experimental involving advanced pressure-imposed rheological charac- terizations, pressure measurements and X-Ray imaging technics. It will be performed at IUSTI under the supervision of H. Lhuissier, P. Boustingorry, B. Metzger and Y. Forterre. This PostDoc is part of the ANR project ScienceFriction which also comprises theoretical and numerical approaches in collaboration with M. Wyart at EPFL, Switzerland, and with R. Mari at LiPhy, Grenoble. One other post-doc and two other PhDs will simultaneously work on other aspects of the project. We thus expect synergetic interactions and constructive collaborations between the partners and the students of this project.

Candidates having a background in Physics, Fluid Mechanics, Soft Matter, Physical chemistry and with a strong taste for both experiments and theoretical analysis are invited to apply (CV+Letter of support).

Place Dates Contacts

IUSTI, Aix-Marseille Univ, Marseille E ́toile campus

1 year (possibilities of extensions), starting before Jan. 2022

Mechanics and Physics of Structures @ ESMC (Galway-Ireland,4-8 July 2022)

Nous attirons votre attention sur le Mini-Symposium Mechanics and Physics of Structures   de l’European Solids Mechanics Conference (Galway-Ireland,4-8 July 2022) qui nous semble d’intérêt pour MePhy

We point your attention to the Mini-Symposium Mechanics and Physics of Structures   at European Solids Mechanics Conference (Galway-Ireland,4-8 July 2022), which we find very relevant to the MePhy community.


ESMC 2022 Galway, Ireland

MS- 3-5 – Mechanics and Physics of Structures       

The past years have seen a renewed interest from the Physics community in Solid Mechanics. Condensed-Matter Physicists, for example, are sometimes revisiting problems of Mechanics and Materials understood to be “classical” by Mechanical Engineers. Such an interest has brought a reinvigorating stimulus to the Solid Mechanics community in the area of geometrically non-linear problems of thin or slender structures, meta- and programmable materials and actuators, multi-physics interactions (surface tension, fluid-structure, magneto- or electrostatic coupling, responsive materials such as liquid-crystal elastomers), singularities and localization, deployable structures, fracture path stability. An example is “Buckling”, which was often viewed as problematic for the operation of elastic structures but is now exploited in the design of structures that deliberately change shape while retaining structural integrity. Entertaining the notion of shape-change by itself has permitted intrigue beyond the mechanical world into ever-changing biological structures. Understanding Nature’s principles of growth and form has subsequently inspired the development of synthetic “soft matter” for broader applications and applied solutions where traditional methods had faltered. There is much to be discovered or “rediscovered” in bringing together, again, the research communities from Solid Mechanics and Physics. By themselves, they have their own approaches and paradigms, but they focus on the same pursuit of compact analytical models and the deep understanding of phenomena. Moreover, they gather around common tools, from nonlinear mathematics, precise desktop experiments, to computational software including finite element analysis and computer graphics. Our mini-symposium therefore encourages our colleagues and friends to celebrate structures and their remarkable performances in a broad range of settings and applications.

MS 3-5 Image.JPG

Image credits: M. Sardet, L. Thiollière, L. Legrandois, M. Thbaut, C. Coulais, E. Siéfert, C. Armanini, S. Ramananarivo, A Abramian 


Sebastien Neukirch (CNRS/UPMC), Benoit Roman (CNRS/UPMC), Keith Seffen (University of Cambridge), Francesco Dal Corso (University of Trento) 

MécaPixel, concours photo sur la mécanique (INSIS)

L’Institut des sciences de l’ingénierie et des systèmes (INSIS) du CNRS vous invite à participer à
MécaPixel le concours photo sur la mécanique. Du 1er au 29 octobre 2021, envoyez votre plus belle image de science illustrant vos recherches en sciences mécaniques. Dans le cadre de son année thématique « Mécanique du futur », l’Institut des sciences de l’ingénierie et des systèmes (INSIS) du CNRS lance un concours photo sur la mécanique au sein des unités qui lui sont rattachées. Trois prix seront remis le 9 février 2022, lors d’un colloque sur la mécanique organisé par le CNRS et l’Académie des sciences, en partenariat avec l’Association française de mécanique.Pour participer, consultez le règlement du concours ci-joint et envoyez votre formulaire de candidature à, après avoir informé de votre démarche la direction et le correspondant communication de votre unité.   CNRS – Institut des sciences de l’ingénierie et des systèmes3, rue Michel Ange75794 Paris Cedex

Assistant Professor – Soft Matter experimental/theory (U.Chicago)

The Department of Physics at the University of Chicago, together with research institutes and centers including the Enrico Fermi Institute and the James Franck Institute, is conducting a search at the rank of tenure-track Assistant Professor. The search is open to all subfields of experimental and theoretical physics, including new initiatives in quantum science and biological physics and opportunities in the experimental Energy and Intensity Frontier particle physics program. Department members play leading roles in a wide range of research areas; details can be found at the Department website. The University of Chicago has an inherently crosscutting and interdisciplinary structure that is supportive of newly emerging research opportunities.

The successful candidates will conduct an independent research program, and teach and advise undergraduate and graduate students.  Qualified candidates may be eligible for a Neubauer Family Assistant Professorship or a Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professorship. Review of applications will begin on November 5, 2021 and will continue until the position is filled. If applicants would like to be considered for appointments in 2022, we strongly encourage them to submit their applications by November 5, 2021.


Completion of all requirements for a Ph.D. in physics or a closely related field at the time of hire.

Application Instructions

Applicants must apply online through the University of Chicago academic careers website Required materials are: a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of research, and a statement of teaching philosophy. Applicants are required to request at least three confidential letters of recommendation via Interfolio.  

poste CDD modélisation procédé granulation (Mines StEtienne)


Notre équipe ouvre un poste en CDD de deux ans pour travailler sur la modélisation hybride d’une ligne de fabrication instrumentée. Notre partenaire est LACTIPS qui produit un polymère industriel sans plastique. Nous sommes à la recherche d’un candidat de niveau Master ou PhD pour un travail de modélisation des processus physiques à l’oeuvre dans le procédé industriel de fabrication de granulés de polymère, tout en tirant profit des mesures physiques disponibles. La fiche de poste est disponible à cette adresse :

Pour plus d’information n’hésitez pas à me contacter :


Our group is opening a two-years position to work on a hybrid modeling of an instrumented manufacturing line. Our partner is LACTIPS who produces a plastic free polymer. We are looking for a candidate at Master or PhD level for the modeling of the physical phenomena featured in the industrial process producing polymer pellets, and by taking advantage of the physical measurements available. The job announcement is available here:

For more information, please contact me :

Guillaume Dumazer

Guillaume Dumazer
Maître Assistant / Associate Professor
Mines Saint-Etienne – Centre SPIN
Université de Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5307 LGF

Tel. 06 81 08 74 35 / 04 77 42 02 72

Elastodynamics & stability of architected materials – IRP Coss&Vita (18-19 novembre)

Voici une annonce pour le workshop de l’IRP Coss&Vita, qui aura lieu le 18 et 19 novembre en mode hybride

Advances in ELAstoDYNamics, NonLinear mechanics and Stability of Architected materials and structures

Participation is free, but registration is required before October 31st 2021 via the website

ERC-funded postdoc in experimental fluid mechanics (Marseille)

ERC-funded postdoc in experimental fluid mechanics


Postdoc on dynamics and statistics in complex fluid (Univ Torino)

A 2 year postdoc is available to work at the University of Torino(Italy) on the field of complex fluids, broadly defined. Research interests include turbulent flows, non-Newtonian fluids, motile particles. Candidate should hold a PhD in physics, engineering or related fields. Previous experience in complex systems, statistical physics or fluid mechanics and numerical simulations is a plus.

If you are interested in this position, please email your CV to Guido Boffetta (

Année de la mécanique 2021-22


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