Archives de l'auteur: Benoît Roman

Liquids @ interfaces (deadline 30 septembre)

This is a reminder for the coming meeting of  GDR « Liquids at Interfaces », which will be held at the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Physics (LIPhy) in Grenoble, France, from October 23rd to October 25th 2017.

Registrations and contributions are still welcome until September 30th !

If you want to attend the workshop and present your work, go to the following website:
Follow the « submit » link on the main page, log in or create your account, and go through the « register » page as well as through the « submissions » page to upload the abstract of your contribution.

The event is free of charges, including registration and meals, but is limited to 55 participants. In addition, 30 free accomodations, close to the workshop site, are available on the « first-come first-served » basis.

Looking forward to meeting you at the workshop !

Best regards,

Abdelhamid Maali, Thomas Salez and Lionel Bureau

Dynamics days (Denver, janvier 2018)

The Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Colorado at Boulder announces:

Dynamics Days US 2018
January 4-6, 2018
Marriott City Center, Denver, Colorado

Dynamics Days is an international conference on nonlinear dynamics, chaos and its applications. Talks will cover a broad range of topics, including fluid dynamics, biological systems, dynamics on networks, synchronization of nonlinear systems, and pattern formation.

Dynamics Days 2018 will take place in the Marriott City Center in downtown Denver, Colorado, from Thursday, January 4 to Saturday, January 6, 2018. The invited speakers are

Elizabeth Bradley (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Peter Dodds (University of Vermont)
Alain Goriely (Oxford University)
Mark Hoefer (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Peko Hosoi (MIT)
Steven Haase (Duke University)
James Hudspeth (Rockefeller University)
William Irvine (University of Chicago)
Chris Jones (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Panos Kevrekidis (University Massachusetts Amherst)
Nathan Kutz (University of Washington)
Laura Miller (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Cris Moore (Santa Fe Institute)
Kandice Tanner (National Cancer Institute)
Jean Luc Thiffeault (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

For further information about the conference program, online registration, abstract submission, and travel support for graduate students and postdocs, please visit the conference website:

or contact us at

Registration, abstract submission and hotel registration with the conference rate are open.


Abstract submission for posters: Dec 15th
Abstract submission for contributed talks: November 9th
Early Registration: December 14th
Hotel Reservation: December 15th

Conference fees:

Early Registration (by Dec 14th): $150 for students/postdocs, $250 for faculty
Late Registration: $200 for students/postdocs, $300 for faculty

We anticipate that we will be able to offer a number of travel awards for students and postdocs. Please indicate your desire to be considered for such an award when submitting an abstract. Notifications of travel support award decisions will be sent by email at the end of November.

We encourage you to print out and post a copy of the conference announcement poster available at:

We hope to see you in Denver in January,

The organizing committee,

Local: Juan G. Restrepo, Jim Meiss, Patrick Shipman, Randy Tagg.
Advising: Wolfgang Losert, Mason Porter, Mary Silber.


Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder, NSF.
Additional funding pending.

Post-doc Lab. Physique et Mécanique des Textiles (Mulhouse)

Dans le cadre d’un projet commun de développement d’une prothèse de valve cardiaque en matériau textile, le Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique Textiles de Mulhouse (LPMT) et le CRITT TJFU de Bar le Duc sont à la recherche d’un candidat pour un contrat post doctoral de 12 mois.

voir l’annonce du postdoc (Projet_Valve)

Début de contrat prévu novembre 2017

iphloem 2017 (date limite 8 sept) octobre 2017

Dear colleagues,

We are excited to announce iPhloem 2017 – a workshop on the physics, physiology and genetics of sugar transport in plants.

The meeting will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark | October 5-6, 2017.

Meeting website:

The main topics of the workshop will be:
– Fluid dynamics of sugar transport and sap flow in plants
– Phloem loading and unloading
– Plasmodesmal structure and function
– Vascular architecture
– Bioimaging and biomimetics

Confirmed speakers:
Robert Turgeon (Cornell University)
Howard A. Stone (Princeton University)
Yrjö Helariutta (University of Cambridge)
Jessica Savage (University of Minnesota)
Alexander Schulz (University of Copenhagen)
Uwe Sonnewald (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Ulrich Hammes (Universität Regensburg)
Johannes Liesche (Northwest A&F University)
Kirsten Knox (University of Edinburgh)
Jessica Gersony (Harvard University)

Registration and abstract submission deadline: 8 September 2017

Green plants are Earth’s primary solar energy collectors, and the vision of enhancing plant productivity to ensure population- and food security in the 21st century has stimulated enormous scientific interest. Using breeding and genetic tools, the goal is to develop plants with enhanced ability to perform photosynthesis and distribute energy-rich sugars across the plant body. To succeed in this effort an in-depth understanding of the physical and biological constraints on sugar transport and resource allocation in plants is required. The sensitivity of plant cells, however, has hampered the development of experimental tools to reach this goal. This, combined with the lack of appropriate biomimetic models has made it exceedingly difficult to shed light on several highly important biological processes.

By bringing together scientists from different disciplines for an intense working group, we propose to catalyze advances in elucidating basic mechanisms and constraints on sugar transport in plants. We will bring together leading and emerging researchers – as well as students – from plant physiology and genetics, physics, and engineering, in a 2-day workshop. Our goal is to create an interdisciplinary environment that can address key fundamental questions at the interface between physics, physiology and molecular biology, with strong impact on future crop development programs, as well as bioinspired systems.

We look forward to an inspiring meeting in Copenhagen.

Best wishes,
Kaare H. Jensen, Missy Holbrook and Michael Knoblauch

journée Systèmes & Matière Complexes (30 novembre)

chers collègues

Nous organisons une journée Systèmes & Matière Complexes – deuxième édition. Cette journée aura lieu le 30 Novembre 2017 à l’Amphithéâtre Marie Curie de l’ENS Paris-Saclay à Cachan.

Cette journée se déroulera en quatre sessions de présentations courtes de 4 min + 1 min de questions (trois planches maximum). Chacune de ces sessions sera précédée d’une conférence. Les orateurs invités pour cette deuxième édition sont :
Cécile Appert-Roland, Université Paris-Saclay
Kirsten Martens, Université Grenoble-Alpes
Olivier Theodoly, Université d’Aix-Marseille
Francois Ladieu, Université Paris-Saclay

L’objectif de cette journée est de permettre à la communauté systèmes & matière complexes de se rencontrer et d’échanger autour de ses thèmes de recherche qui sont, au sens large :
· les systèmes désordonnés,
· les fluides complexes,
· la dynamique complexe,
· les approches statistiques,
· les matériaux multi-échelle,
· les systèmes biologiques.

Une annonce ultérieure précisera le site d’inscription pour cette rencontre gratuite mais à inscription obligatoire

Nous demandons aux destinataires de ce mail de diffuser largement l’information dans leur laboratoire et plus largement à tout public intéressé.

Merci d’avance de votre aide.

Bien cordialement

Le comité d’organisation : H. Auradou, G. Baldinozzi, G. Biroli, D. Bonamy, C. Douarche, P. Guenoun, H. Henry, M. Lebental, L.T. Lee,
A. Rosso, conjointement avec les labex PALM et Nanosaclay

9th international plant biomechanics conference (aout 2018)

More information at the Conference Website, regular updates on Twitter.


Conference Update

Abstract Submission
Submit your abstract online using our handy submission form:



Submission deadlines:
Oral presentation, submit by March 1, 2018
Poster presentation with flash talk, submit by May 15, 2018
Poster presentation (to be included in the Book of Abstracts), submit by June 15, 2018

Please follow the link below in order to register online:


Early Bird Fee deadline: May 1, 2018


Check out the fabulous line-up of Invited Speakers »

Please visit the PlantBioMech2018 conference website for up to date information on the meeting, the venue and to view the program details as they become available.

If you have any queries or require further information about the meeting then please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing

We look forward to welcoming you to Montréal.

Kind regards
Anja Geitmann
Chair of the Organizing Committee

9th International Plant Biomechanics Conference
August 9-14, 2018
McGill University, Montréal, Canada

Research Engineer in Physics of Industrial Processes (Saint-Gobain)

Voir l’annonce en pdf ici

Post-doc du Département de Physique de l’ENS

Bourses post-doctorales du Département de Physique de l’ENS

Les candidatures aux bourses post-doctorales du Département de Physique de l’ENS (« Junior Research Chairs ») sont à adresser avant le 30 octobre 2017. Ces bourses sont attribuées pour 2 ans (renouvelables une 3ème année). Un des 4 thèmes concerne la physique non linéaire. Une allocation de 150 000 euros peut être attribuée pour contribuer à la réalisation de projets expérimentaux.

Pour plus d’informations:

Postdoc (IATE Montpellier)

postdoc plutôt expérimentateur, pour travailler sur les écoulements de poudres végétales fines ayant des formes  de feuillets ou de fibres.
L’objectif est de mettre au point des expérimentations et de préciser
le comportement dans les états denses et en suspension dans l’air.

annonce en pdf

ATER ESPCI (année 2017-2018)

Non-tenured Lecturer position at ESPCI PARIS for the 2017-2018 academic year

ESPCI, Paris is urgently recruiting a non-tenured Lecturer for the 2017-2018 academic year. The profile includes teaching and research activities. Teaching can be performed in English.

* Teaching activity: Supervision of practical work in C programming (first year of engineering studies), programming with Matlab (2nd year of engineering studies).
The teaching is often structured as a research project involving molecular dynamics or acoustics applications. It is taught in small groups with highly motivated students. Teaching duties are very concentrated in the year and can often be performed within a six week window, leaving the rest of the year free for research. It is pretty light (130h) and does not require much preparation for someone with computer science skills.

* Research can be associated with the Gulliver or Langevin laboratory in the fields of statistical mechanics, hydrodynamics, active matter, elasticity, biophysics, waves.
The laboratory has active theoretical and experimental groups.

Applicants should hold a PhD in physics. A statistical physics background in out of equilibrium physics and/or condensed matter physics is welcome. A good knowledge of programming is a must.

Formal announcement:

* Contacts

Antony Maggs

Olivier Dauchot