Archives de l'auteur: Benoît Roman

Journée Systèmes et Matière Complexes — (Saclay, 19 octobre 2018)

Cher(e) collègue,

La 3ème édition de la journée Systèmes & Matière Complexes aura lieu le 19 Octobre 2018 sur le campus de Centrale-Supélec de l’Université Paris Saclay.

Comme les deux précédentes, cette journée se déroulera en quatre sessions de présentations courtes de 4 min + 1 min de questions (trois planches maximum). Chacune de ces sessions sera précédée d’une conférence. Les orateurs invités pour cette troisième édition sont :
Anne Davaille, Université Paris-Saclay
Olivier Sandre, Université de Bordeaux
Aleksandra Walczak, Ecole Normale Supérieur de Paris
David Carrière, Université Paris-Saclay

L’objectif de cette journée est de permettre à la communauté systèmes & matière complexes de se rencontrer et d’échanger autour de ses thèmes de recherche qui sont, au sens large :
· les systèmes désordonnés,
· les fluides complexes,
· la dynamique complexe,
· les approches statistiques,
· les matériaux multi-échelle,
· les systèmes biologiques.

Une annonce ultérieure précisera le site d’inscription pour cette rencontre gratuite mais à inscription obligatoire

Nous demandons aux destinataires de ce mail de diffuser largement l’information dans leur laboratoire et plus largement à tout public intéressé.

Merci d’avance de votre aide.

Bien cordialement

Le comité d’organisation : H. Auradou, G. Baldinozzi, D. Bonamy, C. Douarche, P. Guenoun, H. Henry, M. Lebental, L.T. Lee,
A. Rosso, P. Urbani

PS : Veuillez accepter nos excuses pour les envois multiples.


Annonce en pdf

Dear Colleagues:

I have an opening for a postdoctoral fellow at the intersection of statistical seismology, induced seismicity and statistical physics. The main focus would be on earthquake-earthquake triggering in the context of hydraulic fracturing in the field and in the lab. I would appreciate it if you could forward the attached ad to suitable candidates and post it in your department.

Thanks a lot,

Dr. Jörn Davidsen
Associate Professor of Physics & Humboldt Research Fellow
University of Calgary

Postdoc – onset of wind waves- FAST (Paris-Saclay)

voir l’Annonce en pdf

Project page (movies and papers):

Duration: 1 year, starting January 2019 or before.
Funding: Laboratoire d’Excellence (Labex) « LASIPS »

FAST: Frédéric Moisy,

Marc Rabaud,
LadHyX: Michael Benzaquen,

Postdoctoral researcher on experimental active matter (Brandeis University)

We are searching for a postdoctoral researcher to work at the interface of biology and physics, on a project using actin and DNA-origami technology to generate new biomimetic model systems for the study of self-organization of active materials. The position will be joint between the labs of Guillaume Duclos (Physics Department; and Bruce Goode (Biology Department; and is part of the NSF-funded Brandeis MRSEC bioinspired soft materials program (

We are looking for competitive applicants with a PhD in Biophysics, Soft matter or Biochemistry. Preference will be given to researchers with strong skills in protein biochemistry, quantitative fluorescence microscopy, and/or DNA-origami.

The applicant will work with state-of-the art microscopes, and receive training in a multidisciplinary and highly collaborative environment. This will include opportunities for quantitative modeling in collaboration with theory groups.

To apply, please send a CV, a brief summary of your research accomplishments, and a brief statement of your research interests to and

Brandeis University is an equal opportunity employer, committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community and strongly encourages applications from women and minorities.

Guillaume Duclos

Martin A. Fisher School of Physics,
Brandeis University,
415 South Street,
Waltham, MA 02453


Guillaume Duclos


post-doc experimental solid friction (ENS-Lyon)

annoucement in pdf

Dear colleagues,

A postdoc position is available for 12 months at the Physics Laboratory of ENS Lyon to work on an experimental project in the area of solid friction. I’m looking for a candidate with a background in experimental physics/geophysics/mechanics/soft matter. The postdoc should not start later than January 2019. More details can be found in the attached announcement (pdf)

I would appreciate if you could spread the information to anyone who might be interested and among your institute.

Best regards,

Elsa Bayart

Elsa Bayart – CNRS Researcher
ENS de Lyon
Site Monod – 46 allée d’Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 7
Phone: +33(0)


position in modelling – mechanistic and data driven (Nestlé Research, Lausanne)

pdf of call : NRC-Modelling Specialist – Mechanistic and Data Driven

Dear research partners,

we have posted a new job opening for a modelling specialist (engineer/scientist) in our team at Nestlé Research, Lausanne.

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply via the Nestlé Careers website : .

New graduates (Ph.D. level) are considered as well as experienced applied/industrial modelling specialists.

I am happy to provide further information on request.

Best regards, Jan

ATER Mécanique ESPCI (Attention deadline 2 aout !)

Un poste d’ATER est libéré à l’ESPCI.

voir la fiche de poste sur le site ESPCI 

voir la fiche en pdf

  • Enseignement : TP de mécanique du solide. (135h) à compter du 1er septembre 2018
  • Recherche au PMMH (ou au SIMM).
    Les dossiers de candidatures doivent comprendre :
    - Un Curriculum Vitae avec les coordonnées complètes du candidat.
    - Un résumé des activités scientifiques et d’enseignements et un projet scientifique (3 pages maximum en tout) avec les coordonnées de deux référents.
    - Une lettre de motivation.
    - La copie du diplôme de doctorat.Les dossiers doivent être adressés par courrier électronique en un seul document attaché, sous format PDF exclusivement, à l’adresse courriel
    avec copie à :
    Responsable enseignement :
    Responsables recherche :
    PMMH :
    SIMM :


postdoc UNIfied multi-scale framework for PLASticity of metals, amorphous and cellular materials

voir l’annonce en pdf

Supervisors : Marc Durand, MSC, Université Paris Diderot ( Oguz Umut Salman, LSPM, Université Paris 13 (

A fundamental question in materials science is identifying the microscopic origin of plasticity. Why do materials display plastic rather than elastic response and can we predict when this will occur ? An improved understanding of plastic deformation is important in a wide range of amorphous materials, such as metallic and polymeric glasses, foams, granular materials, colloids, and emulsions.
In molecular materials with crystalline order, plastic behavior is understood in terms of defect nucleation and dynamics. For amorphous materials, a description in terms of topological defects is not possible due to the inherent structural disorder. Therefore identifying and characterizing local plastic events in amorphous materials is essential for a complete understanding of their structural and mechanical properties. Experimentally, the challenge is identifying systems for which the microscopic events are directly observable. This is one of the main advantages of mesoscopic systems, such as foams, and the reason for the interest in making connections between mesoscopic systems and molecular materials.
Foams are interesting as a model for atomic or molecular systems with tunable structural disorder (either quenched of evolving on large time scales) and interactions between units (from pairwise to many- body interactions). Foams are also a model for other soft cellular materials such as emulsions or confluent biological tissues: these systems are constituted of highly deformable (yet almost incompressible) units (bubbles, drops, cells,. . . ). Interfacial energy is the key ingredient in the cohesion and the rigidity of such systems, often constituted solely of fluids.
The proposal aims to bring a unified approach in the understanding of plastic behavior, for both molecular and cellular materials, with various degrees of disorder (from crystalline to amorphous). We will use in conjunction complementary numerical and theoretical models to study the plasticity of two-dimensional foams and compare it with the plasticity of atomic solids, either crystalline or amorphous.
The recruited post-doc will benefit from a world-class interdisciplinary environment, both within the MSC and LSPM labs which developed expertise in numerical and theoretical modelling of heterogeneous media.
We seek motivated researchers, with theoretical and computational expertise. Candidates should have a background in computer simulation, statistical mechanics, or condensed matter. Postdoctoral position is for a period of one year, with estimated starting date January 2019.
Interested candidates can apply by sending their CV (including publication list) and a short research statement (with plans and motivations) by email to with subject: « Application UNIPLAS ».

Self-Organization in Active Matter: from Colloids to Cells (oct 2018, Erice, Italy)

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that registration is open for the Workshop Self-Organization in Active Matter: from Colloids to Cells to be held October 1-4, 2018, at the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice, Italy.

The Workshop will bring together established and junior researchers to discuss the latest development in experiments and theory of self-organization in active systems. Topics covered will include active colloids, microswimmers, active liquid crystals, bacterial suspensions and biofilms, subcellular structures, and tissues. We will have a number of invited talks by distinguished speakers that have made important contributions to the field of active matter. There will also be opportunities for contributed presentations to be selected from submissions and for poster presentations.

The venue is the The Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture in the historic town of Erice, Sicily. Erice is located on top of Mount Erice, at around 750 metres (2,460 ft) above sea level, overlooking the city of Trapani and the Aegadian Islands on Sicily’s north-western coast. A cable car joins the upper and lower parts of the town. Erice is a wonderfully preserved walled Mediaeval town offering the most breathtaking views and a palpable sense of history.

For more information and to register please visit the Workshop website:
The number of attendants is limited, so please, register soon, and in any case before August 31, 2018.
The fee of 120 Euro/night covers all local expenses (ground transportation, accommodation, meals, coffee breaks, excursion, and social dinner).
Limited funds are available to support the participation of junior scientists or scientists from developing countries.

We hope to see you in Erice in October.

The organizers

Hugues Chaté
Gerhard Gompper
Cristina Marchetti

poste prof ESPCI (PMMH) Mécanique Physique

vous trouverez ci-joint l’annonce de l’ouverture d’un poste de professeur au PMMH. Ouverture du concours à l’été 2018.

Contacts (Poste prof ESPCI – Annonce)

Pour la recherche: Philippe Petitjeans, directeur du laboratoire PMMH
Pour l’enseignement: Véronique Bellosta, Directrice des Études