Archives de l'auteur: Benoît Roman

Postdoc modelling of chemotactic and phoretic microswimmers (Univ. Amsterdam)

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to advertise one PhD position and postdoc position in modeling and simulation of active soft matter in my group at the University of Amsterdam.  More information about postdoc here :

The applications shall be submitted via the following website:
Best regards,Dr. Sara Jabbari Farouji

Institute of Theoretical Physics (UvA)
Science Park 904 
1098 XH Amsterdam 
Office: C3.229 
Tel: +31 525 7312

poste MConf « Instabilités dans les matériaux et les structures complexes  » (Institut d’Alembert- Paris)

Sorbonne Université recrute un Maître de Conférences en Mécanique (Section 60). La thématique est « Instabilités dans les matériaux et les structures complexes » et la personne recrutée effectuera ses recherches au sein de l’Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert (

Le poste sera ouvert officiellement en janvier 2020 et les auditions auront lieu fin avril.

Contacts :

postdoc : développement et traitement de biofilm en milieu poreux (IFPEN/LEMTA)

Mechanics of Soft Materials and Structures at EMMC (Madrid, mai 2020)

Dear colleagues,

we organize a symposium Mechanics of Soft Materials and Structures during the European Mechanics of Materials Conferences (EMMC) to be held may 27-29th 2020 in Madrid. The EMMC is a series of biyearly meetings organized under the auspices of the European Mechanics Society, Euromech, that has taken place during the last 25 years. The conference will be a meeting point of researchers with common interests in mechanics of materials from different perspectives including mechanical engineering, physics, biomechanics, applied mathematics, chemistry, etc…

S5: Mechanics of Soft Materials and Structures

Pedro Reis (EPFL, Swtizerland)
Benoit Roman (Sorbonne University, France)

Soft mechanical systems can derive their compliance either from the constitutive nature of the underlying low-modulus materials or from the slender geometry of their structural members (even with high-modulus materials). The mechanics of soft materials and structures is currently the focus of renewed research efforts taking advantage of quickly evolving experimental techniques for design, fabrication, and characterization, as well as novel theoretical and computational tools for analysis. The combination of the development of new materials with unprecedented mechanical properties, together with modern manufacturing techniques (e.g., molding, lithography, and 3D printing) to realize complex architectural layouts, are opening a wide array of opportunities, both for research and applications. For example, soft materials may be activated by coupling mechanical deformation with electrostatic, physical-chemical, magnetic or fluid forces. Such material systems are, therefore, promising candidates to envision as active structural components necessary soft robotics, shape-morphing structures, and compliant energy-harvesting devices. Soft materials also share comparable mechanical properties and, often, constitutive composition with biological tissue, therefore, acting as valuable model systems for their mechanical behavior. Another specificity of soft mechanical systems is the relative importance of surface forces such as adhesion, and capillary effects, which may even become dominant.

This session aims at bringing together researchers sharing an interest in the mechanics and physics of soft materials and structures, which, despite diverse, share the common fundamental challenges of nonlinear mechanics (large strains, nonlinear constitutive behavior, and geometric nonlinearities) coupled with other intricate physical mechanisms.

Confirmed Plenary Lectures at EMMC17:

  • Prof. Samuel Forest (Mines-ParisTech)
  • Prof. Daniel Rittel (Technion)
  • Prof. Chiara Daraio (Caltech)

Abstract submission :

  • October 1, 2019
    Beginning of abstract submission
  • December 3, 2019
    Abstract submission deadline
  • January 30, 2020
    Abstract acceptance

Registration :

  • Early registration: Feb 25th, 2020
  • Last registration for presenting authors with accepted abstract: Mar 30th, 2020

assistant prof in experimental soft matter physics (Upenn)

Atention : deadline officielle le 1er Novembre !!!

Tec 21 Winter school on « Multi scale approaches and multiphysics couplings in fluid and solid mechanics »

Tec 21 Winter school on  « Multi scale approaches and multiphysics couplings in fluid and solid mechanics »  (4th Edition)
Grenoble – 20th to 24th January 2020
Objectives:  Important societal issues require to solve problems in mechanical and process engineering of increasing complexity. A key vector of progress relies on multi-scale and multi-physics approaches. The aim of this summer school is to make an overview of the different approaches, numerical and experimental techniques allowing to tackle this complexity. All the courses will be illustrated through various recent examples. Two days will be dedicated to practical exercises on « high tech demonstrators » based on the most up-to-date techniques and methods developed by partner laboratories of Tec21. Finally on Friday, invited lecturers will give a focus on «waves in fluids and solids ».  
• Web Page:

The number of participants is limited and registrations are subject to availability. 

Registration dead line: December 1st, 2019.

 Online registration:

The Organizing Committee
Contact :

Dynamics Days 2020 (Nice, aout 2020)

Cher(e)s collègues

Du 24 au 28 aout prochain se tiendra à Nice la conférence internationale DynamicsDays. Depuis 40 ans (!) la série de conférences internationales DynamicsDays est un forum pour le développement de la théorie et des applications des systèmes dynamiques, rassemblant une large communauté de chercheurs d’horizons différents incluant la physique, la biologie, l’ingénierie et les mathématiques pour des recherches interdisciplinaires en science non linéaire.


D.Avitabile, S.Barland, M.Desroches, F.Gautero, S.Nazarenko, E.Pecou

Wetting and Adhesion of Soft Materials : Dynamics and Instability (APS March meeting, Denver)

Dear colleagues,I would like to draw your attention to the focus session  » Wetting and Adhesion of Soft Materials : Dynamics and Instability » at the upcoming APS March Meeting, March 2-6, Denver, CO. The invited speaker is Etienne Barthel, ESPCI Paris. A description of the scope of the session can be found at the end of this email.

Deadline for abstract submission is Friday, October 25, 2019. Abstracts can be submitted here.
To ensure placement in the correct session, you should select the focus session :02.01.02 Wetting and Adhesion of Soft Materials: Dynamics and Instability (DSOFT, DPOLY, GSNP) [same as 01.01.31, 03.01.44]
Please feel free to pass on this information to anyone who might be interested.
I am looking forward to seeing you in Denver!
Best regards,Julien

02.01.02 Wetting and Adhesion of Soft Materials: Dynamics and Instability (DSOFT, DPOLY, GSNP) [same as 01.01.31, 03.01.44]

The wetting and adhesion properties of soft materials are relevant for a wide range of applications including antibiofouling and hydro/omniphobic coatings, medical dressings, water harvesters, microfluidic and MEMS/NEMS devices. In many situations, the macroscopic properties crucially depend on the physical processes localized near a line (contact line, fracture, triple line, etc…) where the two materials and a liquid/gas phase meet. The adhesion of linear elastic solids and the wetting of Newtonian fluids on homogeneous hard substrates are two ideal cases that have been studied intensively, yielding models bridging macroscopic linear behavior with contact line dynamics. Yet, beyond these idealized cases, many open questions arise concerning the local dissipative processes operating in the dynamical regimes. 

New and exciting applications in wetting and adhesion rely heavily on the complex rheological properties of fluids and soft solids, mechanical behavior at large deformations, and surface patterning. In the regimes of interest, the triple line is subjected to complex dissipation mechanism either localized near the contact line through steady stade motion or through spontaneous and noise-induced instabilities (stick-slip, avalanches, cavitation, pearling) at a mescoscale. While many efforts have been made over the last few years to capture these phenomena, our understanding is still very limited. This focus session aims at bringing together experimentalists and theoreticians.

Organizer: Julien Chopin (; Julien Chopin (

2nd intl workshop on insect bio-inspired microtechnologies

Dear all, 
please find enclosed a workshop of interest for this community, mixing microtechnology and insect science. Several speakers are well known in the MePhy community.
It is in Grenoble, France, 21-22nd of november.
All the best
Prof. Jérôme Casas
Classe exceptionnelle, Université de Tours
Membre  Institut Universitaire de France – Paris
Chaire en technologie bio-inspirée CEA/LETI/CARNOT – Grenoble

Institut de Recherche en Biologie de l’Insecte
37200 Tours

Dynamics days 2020 (janvier 2020 – Connecticut)

The Mathematics Department at Trinity College is pleased to announce:

Dynamics Days 2020
January 3-5, 2020
Hilton, Hartford, CT

Dynamics Days is in international conference on chaos and nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and its applications. Dynamics Days is an international conference on nonlinear dynamics, chaos and its applications. Talks will cover a broad range of topics, including fluid dynamics, biological systems, dynamics on networks, synchronization of nonlinear systems, and pattern formation.

Dynamics Days 2020 will take place in the Hilton in downtown Hartford, Connecticut, from Friday, January 3 to Sunday, January 5, 2020. Invited speakers are:

Daniel Abrams (Northwestern University)
Spring Berman (Arizona State University)
Lydia Borouiba (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jessica Conway (Pennsylvania State University)
Karin Dahmen (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Chris Danforth (University of Vermont)
Flavio Fenton (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Leon Glass (McGill University)
Matthew Hoffman (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Edgar Knobloch (University of California at Berkeley)
Rennie Mirollo (Boston College)
Louis Pecora (Naval Research Laboratory)
Chad Topaz (Williams College)
Marie-Therese Wolfram (University of Warwick)
Greg Voth (Wesleyan University)

Abstract submissions are now open and will close at the deadline of November 8, 2019. 

For further information on the conference, including the abstract submission link, the conference program, online registration, and travel support for graduate students and postdocs, please visit the conference website at
We hope to see you in Hartford in January.

The organizing committee,

Per Sebastian Skardal (chair), Andrea Bertozzi, Elizabeth Cherry, Lina Ma, Kevin Mitchell, and Juan G. Restrepo