Archives de l'auteur: Benoît Roman

2020 European Condensed Matter conference – (Madrid, 31aout/4sept)

 Paris, Madrid, February 20th, 2
Dear ,

The 2020 European Condensed Matter conference – CMD 2020 GEFES, jointly organized by the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (EPS – CMD) and the Condensed Matter Group / GEFES of the Spanish Royal Physics Society / RSEF will take place in MadridSpain, from August 31st through September 4th, 2020. This large physics event follows CMD27 : the joint conference of EPS-CMD and the Condensed Matter Section of the DPG (Berlin, March 2018); CMD 26 (Groningen, the Netherlands, September 2016); and CMD25 – Condensed Matter in Paris (September 2014).[1]

The comprehensive programme of plenary talks[2] and no less than 55 minicolloquia[3] at CMD 2020 GEFES, covering all areas of Condensed Matter Physics is now online !

You are kindly invited to submit your abstract on the conference website as of today. Please upload your abstract in pdf format using this template. Limit your abstract to one page (including images if wanted) and 500kB. 
 Important datesAbstract submission: until April 30th, 2020Notification of acceptance: before May 31st, 2020Participant early registration: until June 15th, 2020WebsiteClick here

We remind you that the 2020 Europhysics Prize will be awarded during CMD 2020 GEFES, and that the 2020 Prize Nomination Call is open until March 30th. Please see the EPS-CMD web pages for details.

We are very much looking forward to your participation!

For the EPS Condensed Matter Board and RSEF – GEFES,Kees van der Beek
EPS – CMD Chair
eps.cmd@gmail.comMaría José Calderón
RSEF – GEFES chair[1]  A complete list of CMD conference over the years can be found on the EPS-CMD webpages

 The following speakers have confirmed their participation in CMD 2020 GEFES :

    • Nuno Araujo (Lisbon, Portugal)
    • Stefano Baroni (Trieste, Italy)
    • Maria Grazia Betti (Rome, Italy)
    • Hélène Bouchiat (Université Paris-Saclay, France)
    • Seamus Davis (University of Oxford, U.K.)
    • Roel Dullens (University of Oxford, U.K.)
    • Katharina Franke (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
    • María García-Parajo (Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain)
    • Francesco Giazotto (Pisa, Italy)
    • Francisco J. García-Vidal (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
    • Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
    • Tomáš Jungwirth (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
    • Eugene Mele (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Penn Arts and Sciences, USA)
    • Beatriz Noheda (University of Groningen, the Netherlands)
    • Michelle Simmons (Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, Australia)

Workshop « origami-based robots » – June 4, 2020 Paris- IEEE ICRA Conference

Topics : Workshop on origami-based robots – June 4, 2020 – IEEE ICRA Conference
The largest robotics meeting in the world will welcome a one-day workshop on origami-based robots on June 4, 2020 in Paris.

The workshop will be a unique chance to introduce in-depth discussions on origami-based design into IEEE ICRA conference. To stimulate exchanges, several communities will be gathered from the fields of micro-nano robotics, mechanism design and also soft robotics. It will be a pleasure to have you participating in this workshop, for which ten internationally-renowned speakers are already confirmed. Please visit the workshop website for all details:

We encourage participants to present related work in order to foster discussions. Two formats are possible: 2-page abstract submission for a poster presentation, or a ½-page description with picture of innovative origami-based structures or mechanisms, for researchers who would like to come with prototypes. Deadline for submissions: April 27, 2020 (Send your files to:

All participants are expected to register specifically here:

On behalf of the workshop organizing committee,

Stephane Viollet, Pierre Renaud, Kanty Rabenorosoa, Jamie Paik, and Cynthia Sung


Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the summer school GEOMETRICAL MODELISATION IN SOLID MECHANICS organized by the GDR Géométrie Differentielle et Mécanique and Centre Henri Lebesgue which will be held in Piriac-sur-Mer (Brittany, France).
This research school is organized from Monday 8th to Friday 12th of June 2020 with 4 lectures of 8h :
Lecture 1 by Peter Olver :  Ttitle Symmetry, conservation laws, and moving frames
Keyword Lie group, group action, infinitesimal generator, Lie algebra, prolongation, partial differential equation, calculus of variations, Euler–Lagrange equations, conservation law, Noether’s Theorem, elasticity, differential invariant, moving frame, signature, invariant curve and surface flows

Lecture 2 by Arash Yavari : Title Geometric Nonlinear Elasticity and Anelasticity
Keyword Nonlinear elasticity, dislocations, disclinations, point defects, growth mechanics, accretion, material manifold, residual stress, moving frames, Bilby-Kroner-Lee decomposition

Lecture 3 by Patrizio Neff :
Title  Scales in solids
Keyword Microstructured continua, micromorphic continua, Cosserat model, Cauchy model (Piola, Green-Lagrange strains), second gradient models, Mindlin-Eringen model, lattices.

Lecture 4 by Patrick Verovic : Titre Finsler geometry for mechanics
Keyword Generalized metrics, generalized Lagrangian, Finsler geometry, fracture, cavitation, phase fields.
You are kindly requested to register for the school before March 12th, 2020

Registration form and additional informations are available at

The conference fee covering local expenses is 400 Euros. This includes 

  1. Lodging at VVF Piriac-sur-mer during the school
  2. All meals at the conference center
  3. Coffe/Tea breaks
  4. Banquet 

We  look forward to seeing you in Piriac-sur-Mer. We would also appreciate if you forward this summer-school announcement to your colleagues who might be interested in attending. 

If you have any questions please contact us by e-mail 

With best regards, 

The Organizing Committee 

Guy CASALE, Université de Rennes 1
Aziz HAMDOUNI, Université de La Rochelle
Loïc LE MARREC, Université de Rennes 1 

The Scientific Commitee

Boris KOLEV, ENS Paris-Saclay
Camille LAURENT GENGOUX, Université de Lorraine
Joel MERKER, Université de Paris-SUD
Tudor RATIU, Université Jia-Tong ShanghaiClaude STOLZ, Ecole Centrale Nantes

This conference is supported by Université Rennes 1, GDR-GDM, CHL, CNRS, GDR-GDM, GDR-Meca-Wave, Régions Bretagne et Pays de Loire, ANR.


Recent Advances in Nonlinear Science Chaos, Complexity and Transport (CCT20) and Nonlinear Science and Complexity (NSC20) (May, Marseille)

Dear Colleague,

This is the second announcement for the joint International meeting on 
Recent Advances in Nonlinear Science
Chaos, Complexity and Transport (CCT20) and Nonlinear Science and Complexity (NSC20) 
May 25-29 , 2020      Marseille, France    

Submission deadline has been set to February 15th 2020.

Abstract submission for an oral or poster presentation can be performed 
on the conference website

The scope of the conference is to discuss shared phenomena in nonlinear dynamics related to chaos,  
transport and complexity. A strong emphasis will be put on the  interdisciplinary character of the conference. 
In the spirit of its interdisciplinary character, we encourage contributions from the following  fields:

    * Chaos
    * Nonlinear Physics
    * transport
    * complex system
    * self-organization
    * Dynamical Systems
    * Hamiltonian systems
    * mixing
    * quantum chaos
    * control
    * fluid mechanics
    * plasma physics
    * nonlinear optics

The invited speakers are:

    P. Clavin (IRPHE, Aix-Marseille Université, France)
    B. Dubrulle (SPEC, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, France)
    D. Fanelli (University of Florence, Italy)
    M. Fontelos  (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
    J. Kurths (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany) 
    Y. Pomeau  (Ladhyx, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
    J.-L. Thiffeault  (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)
    E. Ugalde   (Universidad Autonoma de San Luis de Potosi, Mexico)
    M. Zaks (Humbolt University of Berlin, Germany)
    M-C Firpo (LPP, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
    S. Ogawa (Rikken Institute, Japan)
    F. Raynal (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France)
    C. Manchein (Santa Catarina State University (UDESC),  Brazil)*
    D. Volchenkov, (Texas Tech University, USA)
    I. Ovsyannikov (University of Hamburg, Germany)
    T. Barois (LOMA, Bordeaux, France)
    T. Séon (Institut d’Alembert, CNRS, Paris, France)
    A. Viallat (CINAM, CNRS, Marseille, France)
    M. Edelman (Yeshiva University, New York, USA)
    L. Ostrovsky (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
* To be Confirmed

Further information  (registration procedure, scientific program and committes, 
conference location, hotels list etc.) will be found on the  conference web site:     which will be regularly updated.

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone you think could be interested in this conference. 
We apologize if you receive this announcement more than once.

For the organizing committee,
Christophe Josserand, Xavier Leoncini and Simon Villain-Guillot


Beg Rohu School : Statistical Mechanics and Emergent Phenomena in Biology (Quiberon, June 2020)

Dear Colleague,

this is the announcement of the 2020 Beg Rohu summer schoolof statistical physics and condensed matter:
Statistical Mechanics and Emergent Phenomena in Biology
N. Brunel: Models of Memory in Networks of NeuronsA. Cavagna: Collective Behaviour in Biological SystemsS. Ganguli: Complex Neural Dynamics and High-Dimensional Data AnalysisM. Loreau: Theoretical EcologyF. van Wijland: Methods for Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics 
Seminars: M. Barbier, J.-P. Bouchaud
The school will take place from the 22nd of June to the 4th of July 2020at the French National Sailing School, on the peninsula ofQuiberon in southern Brittany, France.
More detailed information can be found on the school webpage: deadline for application is the 31st of March.
A special care will be devoted to pedagogy: there will be long seriesof lectures on the blackboard that will go progressively fromthe basics to the current research edge.Furthermore, there will be sailing lessons in the afternoon.
We would be grateful if you would bring this announcement to theattention of PhD students, postdocs, young and senior researchersinterested in statistical physics and biologyand transfer this announcement to other colleagues.
Sincerely,Giulio Biroli, Chiara Cammarota, Marco Tarzia

Plasticité, rupture et nanomatériaux : interactions entre physique et mécanique (Académie des sciences, 25 février)

Madame, Monsieur, 

L’Académie des sciences est heureuse de vous convier à sa conférence-débat sur  « Plasticité, rupture et nanomatériaux : interactions entre physique et mécanique » qui se tiendra le mardi 25 février 2020 de 14h30 à 16h45 en Grande salle des  séances de l’Institut de France (23 quai de Conti 75006). Le programme complet est consultable sur ce lien 

Les interventions d’Etienne BARTHEL, Samuel FOREST, Thomas PARDOEN, Laurent PONSON, illustreront le nouveau dialogue disciplinaire entre physique et mécanique.   

Cette séance est ouverte au public dans la limite des places disponibles. Les inscriptions sont obligatoires sur le site web de l’Académie des sciences. 

Une diffusion en directest prévue pour les personnes qui ne pourront  pas se rendre à l’Académie.

 N’hésitez pas à diffuser largement cette information et retrouvez le programme de l’ensemble des séances publiques proposées par l’Académie sur son site web (


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Ecole d’été Quiberon : Méthodes Probabilistes et Statistiques en Mécanique (Septembre 2020)

Che(è)r(e)s collègues 

Au nom de son comité d’organisation, j’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la tenue de la 9° Ecole  d’Eté de Mécanique Théorique de Quiberon qui portera sur le thème des Méthodes Probabilistes et Statistiques en Mécanique. Elle se tiendra du 6 au 12 septembre 2020 au centre IGESA de Quiberon. Vous trouverez toutes les informations  ainsi que les modalités d’inscription sur le site

Pardon par avance pour les éventuels envois multiples.Bien cordialement à toutes et à tous

International meeting in the honor of Yves Couder (2-5/06/2020)

Dear Colleague, 

this is to announce the

International meeting in the honor of YVES COUDER, to be held in Paris, organized jointly by Ecole Normale Supérieure-PSL* and Université-de Paris.

Registration is open at  :

Registration is free of charge. Participants are responsible for booking and paying for their own travel and lodging.

YVES COUDER (1941-2019) had a tremendous scientific impact in such fields as turbulence, dendritic growth, the Saffman-Taylor instability, plant morphogenesis and walking droplets, as well as in many disparate areas of non-linear physics, ranging from biological self-organization to urban development. This meeting aims at bringing together scientists working in these fields and to highlight and discuss new avenues of science in the field of non-linear condensed matter physics.

Organizing committee: M. Ben Amar (ENS-PSL*, Physics Dept), F. Petrelis (ENS-PSL*, Physics Dept), M. Labousse (ESPCI-PSL*, Gulliver), A. Eddi (ESPCI-PSL*, PMMH), E. Fort (ESPCI-PSL*, Inst. Langevin), C. Benoit (U-Paris, Diderot), A. Daerr (U-Paris, MSC), V. Fleury (U-Paris, MSC), L. Limat (U-Paris, MSC), S. Metens (U-Paris, MSC), M. Rabaud (U-Paris-Saclay, FAST)​

International school of soft matter (Cargese aout 2020)

Bonjour à tous, (English  below)

l’ESPCI et l’Université de Hokkaido organisent conjointement une International School of Soft Matter du 13 au 14 aout 2020.

Le focus principal est sur les matériaux souples (soft materials) et fluides complexes avec la présence d’une exceptionnelle sélection d’enseignants( . Pour ceux qui s’en rappellent cette école est similaire à celle organisée en 2017 à Sapporo et dont la caractère très pédagogique (et pas simplement une série de séminaires) avait été très apprécié par une délégation de doctorants de l’ESPCI. L’esprit de l’ecole est de donner une formation interdisciplinaire (chimie, physique, mécanique) et de faire des liens entre les approches.

L’inscription est gratuite pour les permanents et non permanents employés pas le CNRS

Inscriptions ouvertes en principe jusqu’au 25 février (mais ca pourra être prolongé un peu):


Hello everyone

ESPCI and the University of Hokkaido are jointly organizing an International School of Soft Matter from August 13 to 14, 2020.

The main focus is on soft materials and complex fluids with a very nice lineup of lecturers ( For those who remember it, this school is similar to the one organized in 2017 in Sapporo and whose very pedagogical character (and not just a series of seminars) was very much appreciated by a delegation of doctoral students from the ESPCI. The spirit of the summer school is to give an interdisciplinary training (chemistry, physics, mechanics) and to make links between approaches.

Registrations are open in principle until February 25th (but this may be extended slightly):

Registration is free for permanent and non-permanent employees of the CNRS.

Summer School « life in flows » (CISM, Juillet 2020)

Dear colleagues,
We are organizing a CISM Summer School on “Life in flows”, July 6-10 2020, in Udine (Italy). The application deadline is May 6. Practical information can be found on CISM website:
This school will address how organisms sense surrounding flows and how they respond to this sensing information. It will cover all scales, from bacteria to starling flocks. There will be 6 series of blackboard lectures covering both basics and recent advancements in the field. The lecturers are:- Howard Berg (Harvard): Life at low Reynolds number- Christophe Eloy (IRPHE): Search algorithms to track the source of an odor in a flow- Charlotte Hemelrijk (Univ Groningen): Collective motion in groups of fish and birds – Thomas Kiørboe (DTU): Plankton encounter rates- James Liao (Univ Florida): Principles of fish locomotion- Jane Wang (Cornell): Aerodynamics of insect flapping flight
We would be grateful if you could advertise this announcement around you, in particular to students, post-docs, and young researchers.  
Best regards,
The Organizers:

Christophe Eloy, IRPHE, Marseille, France

Eric Lauga, DAMTP, Cambridge, UK