Archives de l'auteur: Benoît Roman

Postdoc mechanics and machine learning (UCLA)

A postdoc position isavailable at UCLA in applied math./theoretical mechanics/machine learning. Here is the description:

M. Khalid Jawed Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering University of California, Los Angeles , Structures-Computer Interaction Laboratory

Journée Systèmes & Matière Complexes (16 nov 2020)

Cher(e) collègue,

La 5ème édition de la journée Systèmes & Matière Complexes aura lieu le 16 Novembre 2020

Du fait du contexte sanitaire, cette journée se déroulera exclusivement en distanciel.

Comme les éditions précédentes, cette journée se déroulera en quatre sessions de présentations courtes de 4 min + 1 min de questions (trois planches maximum). Chacune de ces sessions sera précédée d’une conférence. Les orateurs invités pour cette cinquième édition sont :

François Boué, Université Paris Saclay

Francesca Chilla, ENS de Lyon,

Thibault Charpentier, Université Paris-Saclay,

Simona Cocco, ENS de Paris

L’objectif de cette journée est de permettre à la communauté systèmes & matière complexes de se rencontrer et d’échanger autour de ses thèmes de recherche qui sont, au sens large :

·      les systèmes désordonnés,

·      les fluides complexes,

·      la dynamique complexe,

·      les approches statistiques,

·      les matériaux multi-échelle,

·      les systèmes biologiques.

Une annonce ultérieure précisera le site d’inscription pour cette rencontre gratuite mais à inscription obligatoire

Nous demandons aux destinataires de ce mail de diffuser largement l’information dans leur laboratoire et plus largement à tout public intéressé.

Merci d’avance de votre aide.

Bien cordialement

Le comité d’organisation : H. Auradou, G. Baldinozzi, D. Bonamy, C. Douarche, P. Guenoun, H. Henry, M. Lebental, L.T. Lee, A. Rosso, P. Urbani

Assistant Professor (tenure track) / Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering Aarhus university

Post-doc atmosphere/gravity waves (LOPS)

Post-doc position in fluid mechanics/physics of the atmosphere/gravity waves 
in LOPS, Plouzané, France

France Energies Marines and LOPS are looking for a young researcher to contribute 
to the improvement of the representation of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer 
and turbulent fluxes in atmospheric models by developing and testing a 
parameterization of the impact of sea sprays ( 
The requested qualifications include a PhD in atmospheric science, wave or 
mechanical physics, or equivalent, and a good understanding of the physics of the 
atmospheric boundary layer and fine-scale processes. 

Powders and Grains 2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5-9 July 2021  

Paper Submission is open !
P&G is to share the state of the art in the physics and micromechanics of 
granular media. P&G distinguishes itself from other meetings on granular 
materials by: (a) the mixture of disciplines, (b) single session talks, and (c) 
refereed conference papers published online before the meeting. Past meetings: 
Clermont-Ferrand (1989), Birmingham (1993), Durham (1997), Sendai (2001), 
Stuttgart (2005), Golden (2009), Sydney (2013) and Montpellier (2017).

Post-doc simulation of polymer materials and soft matter, (Goettingen)

The projects aim at studying the kinetics of self-assembly of copolymer materials 
and at investigating the rheology of dense polymer melts and composites via computer 
simulations of highly coarse-grained models. Candidates are expected to hold a PhD 
degree in Physics, Chemistry, or Engineering, have experience with molecular
simulations of coarse-grained polymer models or self-consistent field theory, and have 
very good communication skills in English. Experience in high-performance computing 
(using e.g., HOOMD) is desirable.

Deadline for application will be September 15, 2020. Later applications may be considered as long as the position remains unfilled.

2 postdoc Self Limited Assembly (UMass Amherst / Brandeis Univ.)

Openings: Two Theory/Computation Postdoctoral Researchers in Self-Limited Assembly (SLA), UMass Amherst and Brandeis University(1) Computational Soft Matter (Computational modeling of SLA pathways)(2) Theoretical Soft Matter (Theoretical mechanisms and theory-directed design of SLA)
We seek two postdocs to join a multidisciplinary effort connected to the NSF funded Brandeis Bioinspired Soft Materials research center (Ben Rogers, Seth Fraden, Mike Hagan, and Greg Grason), with a primary goal to elucidate the mechanisms of their assembly into self-limiting architectures using theory, computer simulation and experimental study of geometrically programmed “building blocks”.  For additional information on the scientific scope of the “Self-Limiting Assemblies” (SLA) project, see below.  
We are specifically seeking two postdoctoral positions in theory and computation, one at UMass Amherst hosted in the Grason group, and one at Brandeis University in the Hagan group.  Each position will work closely with both Grason and Hagan, as well as experimental groups (Rogers and Fraden), to develop and test controlled SLA systems.

1) Computational modeling of SLA pathways. Location: Brandeis University Qualifications: Experience in computational physics, including molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, enhanced sampling, data-driven approaches, and/or implementation of large-scale parallelized/GPU-enabled simulations. Tasks: Simulate assembly of finite-sized architectures using molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo approaches. Primary supervisor: Mike Hagan (Brandeis).
2) Theoretical mechanisms and theory-directed design of SLA. 
Location: UMass Amherst Qualifications: Experience in soft-matter theory, discrete geometry, and computational physics. Applicants are sought with interests in fields such as soft matter, thermodynamics, and materials science. Tasks: Develop geometrical principles to design new SLA ‘’building blocks ». Develop theoretical models of emergent behavior of geometrically frustrated assembly. Primary supervisor: Greg Grason (UMass: Amherst).Both positions offer ample opportunities for your professional development including participating in exciting cutting-edge science, gaining mentoring experience, and initiating your own research directions.  Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. UMass Amherst and Brandeis University are Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employers.
Start Date: As soon as September 2020. 
Submit applications to both and specify which position(s) you are applying for. Please include a CV, a list of references, and a brief description of your previous research.

MRSEC collaboration on “Self Limiting Assemblies”:
The SLA collaborative team (Rogers, Fraden, Hagan and Fraden) will develop a versatile class of DNA-origami building blocks to elucidate the fundamental physical principles for engineering components that self-assemble into large, but finite-size, superstructures. The self-assembly of size-controlled architectures is prevalent in living systems. The adaptive functions of biological materials, including viral shells, cytoskeletal filaments, and photonic nanostructures of bird feathers arise from the regulated finite size of self-assembled architectures. In contrast, most inorganic materials form unlimited structures like crystals. In this project, we will advance two complementary paradigms for bottom-up assembly of size-controlled architectures.  One uses curvature programmed building blocks that assemble into self-closing structures (e.g. tubules and capsules). The other advances a new paradigm of geometrically-frustrated assembly, in which ill-fitting blocks accumulate stresses that grow with assembly and limit their thermodynamic size.
This collaborative research addresses many fundamental questions in self-assembly: How do shapes, interactions, and flexibilities of building blocks control the assembly size? How can self-limiting assembly be adapted to distinct morphologies, like ropes, fibers, sheets or shells? Are there fundamental or practical limits to the sizes of controllably assembled structures? By answering these questions and more, we aim to develop engineering principles to create size-controlled architectures with high yield, with the structural control currently only possible via “top down” fabrication techniques (e.g. 3D printing and lithographic fabrication).

postdoc Microfluidics and Soft-Materials Research (Brandeis Univ.)

Postdoctoral Associate in Microfluidics and Soft-Materials Research

Brandeis University Bioinspired Soft Materials MRSEC, Waltham, MA, USA

We seek a postdoc to join the Brandeis Bioinspired Soft Materials MRSEC, a multidisciplinary, tightly integrated team, to design and fabricate new microfluidic devices. The focus will be on controlling protein crystallization for drug discovery applications and engaging in basic research in active matter of purified biological systems and self-assembly of DNA origami. The position will be integrated into a team of students, postdocs and faculty who work together across groups and disciplines to achieve our goals.

Responsibilities include training new students in the manufacture and operation of microfluidic devices in our cleanroom and supervising a summer course, taught in conjunction with graduate students. This position offers ample opportunities for professional development including participation in exciting cutting-edge science, gaining mentoring experience, and the potential for initiating new research.

Experience, attributes, and skills sought:

·       PhD in mechanical engineering with a diverse background in microfabrication and microfluidics.

·       Creative scientist with a track record of quality publications.

·       Automation, instrument design and construction, opto-mechanics.

·       Fabrication, including computer-aided design (CAD), CNC, laser cutting, and 3D printing.

·       Mentoring.

·       Interdisciplinary knowledge and skills bridging engineering to soft matter.

·       Work experience in cleanrooms, advanced imaging facilities, and laboratory settings.

·       Team player with outstanding leadership, communication and presentation skills.

Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. Brandeis University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer M/W/D/V.

Start Date: September 2020. Location: Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA 

Submit applications to via email.

For more information see: 

“XScreen Chip” @

the Brandeis MRSEC @ 

and the Fraden Lab @

Monthly seminar Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (GSNP) of the APS

klogW (k-log-double-u) a monthly virtual seminar series launched by 
the topical group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (GSNP) of the APS

In order to keep our community together and to use the virtual format as an opportunity to reach out to even more people around the world. 

Confirmed speakers so far include S. Ramaswamy (Bangalore), N. Goldenfeld (UIUC) and T. Liverpool (Bristol).

Inaugural Seminar: A. Liu (University of Pennsylvania), 
Doing « Statistical Mechanics » with Big Data, Monday August 3rd at 12pm (EST)

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postdoc « microfluidic strategy for metamaterials » (Gullier, ESPCI)