Gecko Biomedical in Paris is hiring
Polymer Chemistry Research Lead position at Gecko Biomedical in Paris.
Poste Prof (Institut de Physique de Nice)
Le nouvel Institut de Physique de Nice recrute un nouveau professeur dans une procédure “au fil de l’eau”.
Le profil scientifique est très large.
La candidature se fera de manière dématérialisée via le site du ministère ( et sur à partir du 1er septembre 2017.
A ce mail je joins les fiches de poste rédigées en français et en anglais.
Pourriez-vous faire circuler ce mail auprès des chercheurs potentiellement intéressés ?
Bien sincèrement,
Médéric Argentina
Institut de Physique de Nice
Ecole Flowing Matter (CISM du 25 au 29 septembre 2017)
Ecole « Flowing Matter” (CISM du 25 au 29 septembre 2017 )
Benjamin Dollet rappelle l’école « Flowing Matter » co-organisée avec Bernhard Mehlig au CISM du 25 au 29 septembre prochain, avec l’aide financière du program COST. La date limite d’inscription est le 25 juillet 2017.
Au programme :
– low-Reynolds-number hydrodynamics and suspension rheology (E. Guazzelli),
– active matter (R. Golestanian),
– mechanics of glassy systems (K. Martens),
– rheology of foams and Brownian suspensions (B. Dollet),
– particles in turbulence (B. Mehlig)
Le lien est :
Postdoc Microfluidic and acoustic vaporization (LPS/IJLRd’A,LIB,INSP – Paris)
URGENT : ATER à l’ESPCI au laboratoire Gulliver (2017-2018)
ESPCI, Paris is recruiting a non-tenured Lecturer for the 2017-2018 academic year. The profile includes teaching and research activities. Teaching can be performed in English.
* Teaching activity: Supervision of practical work in C programming (first year of engineering studies), programming with Matlab (2nd year of engineering studies).
The teaching is often structured as a research project involving molecular dynamics or acoustics applications. It is taught in small groups
with highly motivated students. Teaching duties are very concentrated in the year and can often be performed within a six week window, leaving the rest
of the year free for research.
* Research can be associated with the Gulliver or Langevin laboratory in the fields of statistical mechanics, hydrodynamics, active matter, elasticity, biophysics, waves.
The laboratory has active theoretical and experimental groups.
Applicants should hold a PhD in physics. A statistical physics background in out of equilibrium physics and/or condensed matter physics is welcome.
A good knowledge of programming is a must.
Formal announcement:
ESPCI is an applied science and engineering school, as well as a CNRS research centre based in the centre of the city of Paris.
Contact and information:
Post-doc Experimental study of the vapour cloud surrounding evaporating droplets (ULB) Bruxelles
Tenure track (Women in Science) AMOLF Amsterdam
With this email I wish to attract your attention to an opening for tenure track positions at AMOLF in Amsterdam. These positions are funded through the Women In Science Excel (WISE) programme, funded by the Dutch national funding agency NWO, and the deadline is 30 August 2017. For further information see below and:
If you know of suitable candidates, I would be most indebted if you would forward this email, and/or contact me
Many thanks, Martin van Hecke
About AMOLF: AMOLF is a world-leading interdisciplinary research institute working on the Physics of Functional Complex Matter. AMOLF is located at the Science Park in Amsterdam, in close proximity of the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
The research program of AMOLF is focused on the physics of functional complex matter, and brings together physics, chemistry, biology, materials sciences and engineering. Central to the mission of AMOLF is the start of promising research directions that are new to the Netherlands.
Present research themes at AMOLF are:
1) Designer Matter (metamaterials, soft robotics, self organization, soft matter).
2) Physics of Living Matter (biophysics, systems biology)
3) Nanophotonics (classical and quantum optics on the nanoscale)
4) Nanophotovoltaics (PV materials and light management)
We offer a scientifically inspiring collaborative environment, state-of-the-art infrastructure and an interdisciplinary research program. Our tenure track system is modeled on the US system, with similar independence, career perspectives and with a generous start up package (investment and personnel).
Finally, the Dutch funding system is particularly attractive for junior staff building up a new group, as there are a variety of substantial personal grants available for junior people.
About the WISE program: As the tenure track fellowship is facilitated by the NWO WISE program, applications for the position need to be made through the NWO “Women in Science Excel” program website. This process works via an open, competitive call for applications administered by the dutch science foundation NWO, with selected candidates invited to visit the institute for interview:
AMOLF will supply a startup package well beyond the WISE guidelines.
Successful candidates will be able to start a group as independent principal investigator, with a clear path to a permanent position after 5 years.
Candidates who are interested to explore the opportunity of this WISE call, are invited to contact the AMOLF director
( or any of the pertinent research theme leaders (designer matter – , biophysics– , photovoltaics– , nanophotonics before applying, todiscuss the research plan, the tenure-track start up package we can provide (in addition to the provisions of the WISE call itself), and to explain further the type of research environment at AMOLF.
Conference Mechanics of Slender Structures (deadline 17th July)
MOSS 2017
Due to several requests to expand the deadline for submission of abstracts for the 7th Symposium on the Mechanics of Slender Structures (MoSS2017), the Organizing Committee have decided to extend the deadline to the 17th of July.
The conference dates are 14 – 15 December 2017 and the event will be held at Palacio de Congresos de Mérida, Mérida, Extremadura, Spain.
This conference forms a continuation of a successful meeting series on the mechanics of systems employing slender structural elements. The first meeting was held in Northampton, U.K., in 2006 (website ), followed by the event hosted in Baltimore, USA., in 2008 (website ), in San Sebastian, Spain (website: in Harbin, China, in 2013 (, in Northampton, UK, in 2015 ( and in Shanghai, China, in 2016.
Abstracts of up to 300 words are invited in electronic format and should be submitted as an MS Word file via e-mail to the Symposium Office.
The key conference dates are as follows:
Deadline for submission of abstracts 17th of July 2017
Authors notified of acceptance of abstracts 30th of July 2017
Submission of extended abstract 29th of September 2017
Authors notified of acceptance of extended abstracts 31st of October 2017
Conference dates 14-15 of December 2017
For further information about the conference, please visit:|MOSS_2017
We look forward to hear from you.
Best regards
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Ignacio Herrera Navarro
Professor of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Engineering Professor of Applied Mechanics
Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Energética y de los Materiales
Universidad de Extremadura
Avda. de Elvas s/n
06006 Badajoz – Spain
Symposium Secretariat
David Polo González
Ingelev research group
Universidad de Extremadura
Avda. de Elvas s/n
06006 Badajoz – Spain
ASME Congress, Soft Materials (Deadline July, 19th), Tampa, Florida
The Soft Materials Mechanics Technical Committee would like to remind you that JULY 19th is the deadline for presentation only abstract submission. The ASME will not extend this deadline!
Please consider submitting abstract to “Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and Fluids” Track (12), Topic 12-22, “Mechanics of Soft Materials”
We are excited to host sessions related to the following topics:
- Active Materials
- Mechano-Chemistry
- Mechano-Biology
- Gels
- Mechanical Characterization
- Degradation and Failure
- Adhesion
- Computational Methods
- Instabilities (specific instructions are below)
- 3D Printing of Soft Materials
We ask that all abstracts include a sentence at the end that indicates which session the abstract is intended for. For example, if you would like to present in the “3D Printing in Soft Materials” session please include the following direction at the end of your abstract, “This abstract is intended for the 3D Printed Soft Materials session.”
Abstracts focusing on Instabilities of Soft Materials should be submitted to topic 12-11: “Instabilities in Soft Matter Solids and Structures” (co-sponsored with the Instabilities TC).
The soft materials mechanics committee will participate in the “Congress-wide Symposium on Additive Manufacturing” by hosting sessions on the “3D printing of soft materials”.
Please email us with any questions or specific requests that you have.
Have a nice summer, and we will see you in Tampa!
The ASME Technical Committee on Soft Materials Mechanics