Postdoc : Theoretical bio-physics (intracellular mechanics) in Paris

Dear Colleagues,

I am currently looking to recruit one postdoctoral researcher in theoretical biophysics, with a focus on intracellular mechanics. In particular, we are interested in the organization of actin networks under load, and on the mechanics of the cell wall.

I would be extremely grateful if you could spread this or suggest valuable candidates !

The ad :

We are also looking to hire an experimentalist, see :

Serge Dmitrieff


post-doc Steerable biosourced microswimmer powered by ultrasound (LiPhy- Grenoble)

Steerable biosourced microswimmer powered by ultrasound

voici une annonce de postdoc d’un an au LIPhy, après que le candidat choisi se retrouve coincé en Espagne pour des raisons de durée de séjour à valider pour obtenir une carte de résident.

Le poste est à pourvoir rapidement (idéalement dès mars).

lire la proposition en pdf

Gwennou Coupier —
Chargé de Recherche CNRS
Directeur du GDR Mécanique des Matériaux et Fluides Biologiques (GDR 3570 – MECABIO)

Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy).
Université Grenoble Alpes & CNRS
140, rue de la physique, 38400 St Martin d’Hères Cedex, France
Bureau 305
Tel : + 33 4 76 51 47 60

Summer school « The Mathematics of Mechanobiology » (Cetraro, Italie 27-31 aout 2018)

the CIME-EMS Summer School on

« The Mathematics of Mechanobiology »

will be held in Cetraro (Italy) on August 27-31, 2018. The invited lecturers are Antonio de Simone,
Benoit Perthame, Alfio Quarteroni and Lev Truskinovsky

The Summer School will provide an introduction to the mathematical aspects of
the interactions between mechanics and biology, with an overview on the
leading results and questions in the field. It is primarily thought for PhD
students, postdoc and early carrier researchers interested in the mathematical
challenges that stem in the application of classical mathematical methods to
new biological experiments and by the opportunity to translate mathematics to
support clinical practice

More details at the url

Best regards
Davide Ambrosi, Pasquale Ciarletta, Ellen Kuhl

Postdoctoral Research Position available in Materials Science and Rheology

Applications are invited for one Postdoctoral Research Position at the

Biocolloid and Fluid Physics group ( at the University of Granada (Spain) to study Smart Colloids in confinement.

This post is part of a TOTAL fully-funded project that aims to develop smart colloids using the inverse ferrofluid approach. The candidates will collaborate and interact widely with members of the group, including experimentalists, theorists, and simulators working in the project. The research will be carried out with external collaborators at
TOTAL (France).

We expect a highly motivated and career-oriented candidate with good English skills, strong initiative and the ability to multi-task. The candidate is expected to have a PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science or a closely related discipline. The ideal candidate should have a background in non-Newtonian fluid mechanics.

The appointment will be for a period of one year. The salary will be 36.000€/year.

The position is currently open until filled. Starting date is flexible.

For a first contact applicants should send the Curriculum Vitae and Academic Records to Please use « Postdoc application » as email subject.

For more information please contact:
Juan de Vicente
Biocolloid and Fluid Physics Group
Department of Applied Physics
Faculty of Sciences
University of Granada
C/ Fuentenueva s/n
18071 – Granada
Phone: 0034 958 245148
FAX: 0034 958 243214

International Conference on Aeolian Research, Bordeaux, 25-29 June 2018


10th International Conference on Aeolian Research, 25-29 June 2018,
Bordeaux, France.

The call for abstracts is now open until the 5th of March 2018. Please
submit your abstract following
prepared with the available template.

On this web page, you will be asked to select the session in which your
work fits best, the type of presentation you would like to get (oral
presentation or poster – NB: the conveners will proceed to abstract
selection as the number of time slots for orals is limited), the name of
the presenting person and those of all co-authors. You will be asked to
upload your abstract as a pdf file, which includes both text and figure.

As a reminder, the conference will include the following sessions:

1. Dunes and bedforms
conveners: M. Baddock, R. Ewing, L. Ping

2. Dust dynamics and processes
conveners: M. Klose, J.-B. Stuut

3. Modelling and numerical simulations
conveners: J. Nield, A. Valance

4. Paleo-environments
conveners: J. Roskin, A. Stone

5. Planetary aeolian research
conveners: J. Radebaugh, S. Silvestro

6. Experiments and instrumentation
conveners: M. Louge, G. Wiggs

7. Aerodynamics and sediment transport
conveners: C. McKenna-Neuman, H. Yizhaq

8. Coastal environments
conveners: P. Hesp, D. Jackson

9. Anthropogenic interactions
conveners: J. Leys, G. Sterk

10. Interaction with vegetation
conveners: J. Gillies, G. Okin

Recall of important dates:

10th of January 2018: open call for abstracts.
05th of March 2018: Deadline for abstract submission.
26th of March 2018: Talk/poster selection and registration opens.
11th of June 2018: Registration closes.
25th of June 2018: ICAR 2018 begins!

Field trips:
– A mid-conference trip to the Dune of Pilat will be organised for all
attendees on the 27th of June.
– Optional pre and post meeting excursions will be organised by the Polish
Geomorphological Association.

Please visit our website for more details and news:

If you have any questions, feel free to send us an e-mail to

The organising committee
Philippe Claudin, CNRS, Paris
Christel Bouet, IRD, Bondy
Sylvain Dupont, INRA, Bordeaux
Béatrice Marticorena, CNRS, Créteil
Clément Narteau, UPD, Paris

Poste d’ingénieur/docteur physico chimiste des polymères, Saint Gobain


Je me permets de vous contacter de la part d’Etienne Barthel. Je suis en charge de l’équipe de Physico chimie des interfaces et des liquides à Saint-Gobain Recherche et une offre de poste d’ingénieur/docteur physico chimiste des polymères y est ouverte. Idéalement un docteur ou post-doctorant qui se serait intéressé au comportement physique des polymères ou qui pourrait s’y mettre. Vous trouverez en attaché le descriptif, serait-il possible de le diffuser via le GDR Mephy, comme conseillé par Etienne ? Et également, si vous connaissez des personnes susceptibles d’être intéressées, pourriez-vous leur transmettre ?

Plus des infos a dans l’annonce >> PDF

En vous remerciant par avance et vous souhaitant de belles fêtes de fin d’année !

Marie Lamblet

R&D Group leader « Physical Chemistry of lnterfaces and Liquids »

Composite and Coating Department


39 quai Lucien Lefranc, 93303 Aubervilliers Cedex

Tel. : +33 148 39  65 02

Mobile : +33 607  08  14 42

E-mail :

Site internet :


vacations mécanique des fluides numériques (SupMéca)

Un intervenant fait défaut à Supméca, pour assurer un volume significatif d’enseignements (3 vagues identiques de 36h) au second semestre. Il s’agit d’un module électif d’initiation à la mécanique des fluides numérique en environnement ANSYS/Fluent, et nous cherchons un/des vacataires ayant une fibre méca flu à Paris ou région parisienne.

Les supports de cours sont prêts, nous assurons le soutien technique et organisationnel, et les heures sont rémunérées, à coût constant pour Supméca, en heure de cours soit ~2100 euros net/cours.

Vacataires MNMF – Supméca