Dans le cadre de la collaboration entret l’université de Tel Aviv, nous organisons une école d’été intitulée Self-organization and self-assembly: from Physics and Chemistry to Biology. Elle se déroulera à Tel Aviv du 8 au 12 septembre prochain et sera complétée par une journée de workshop. Nous avons réuni pour l’occasion des orateurs de divers horizons, de nos deux institutions mais aussi des Etats Unis, et des Pas-Bas. Vous en trouverez la liste dans la deuxième partie de ce mail. Visitez la site web https://biosoft9.wixsite.com/website/summer-school-2019
Invited Speakers:
· Lihi Adler-Abramovich (TAU, Israel)
· Roey Amir (TAU, Israel)
· Roy Beck (TAU, Israel)
· Jose Bico (ESPCI Paris, France)
· Michael Brenner (Harvard University, USA)
· Remi Carminati (ESPCI Paris, France)
· Teresa Lopez-Leon (ESPCI Paris, France)
· Philippe Nghe (ESPCI Paris, France)
· Philippe Nghe (ESPCI Paris, France)
· Olivia du Roure (ESPCI Paris, France)
· Gerard Wong (UCLA, USA)
· Zorana Zervacic (ESPCI Paris, France)
The school is open to graduate students and postdocs from all academic institutes and will include four days of pedagogical lectures and one day of an advanced workshop on various topics in the field of self-assembly and self-organization in soft matter. Self-organization and self-assembly are spontaneous organization arising from local interactions between building blocks. These mechanisms govern ordering in very different systems from molecules, colloids or larger particles, and even biological systems. They can lead to original materials with new properties. During this summer school we aim at discussing different aspects of self-assembly and self-organization in soft matter. We will start with general concepts, and then develop examples in chemistry, physics and biology. We will also review the techniques that allow the self-assembled structures to be quantitatively characterized. Last, examples of applications and properties of new materials will be discussed.
One additional day will be devoted to an advanced workshop to go further into research related to the main topics.
Additional Features:
· Short talks by selected participants
· Poster session
· Travel fellowships
Location: Tel Aviv University
Dates: September 8-12, 2019.
• Fee: 50 Euro
• Deadline: July 1st, 2019
• Form: https://goo.gl/forms/fWqM9hRF7SMRuRgR2
Summer school website: https://biosoft9.wixsite.com/website/summer-school-2019