Ecole « Self-organization and self-assembly: from Physics and Chemistry to Biology.  » (Tel Aviv, sept. 2019)

Dans le cadre de la collaboration entret l’université de Tel Aviv, nous organisons une école d’été intitulée Self-organization and self-assembly: from Physics and Chemistry to Biology. Elle se déroulera à Tel Aviv du 8 au 12 septembre prochain et sera complétée par une journée de workshop. Nous avons réuni pour l’occasion  des orateurs de divers horizons, de nos deux institutions mais aussi des Etats Unis, et des Pas-Bas. Vous en trouverez la liste dans la deuxième partie de ce mail. Visitez la site web

Invited Speakers:
·         Lihi Adler-Abramovich (TAU, Israel)
·         Roey Amir (TAU, Israel)
·         Roy Beck (TAU, Israel)
·         Jose Bico (ESPCI Paris, France)
·         Michael Brenner (Harvard University, USA)
·         Remi Carminati (ESPCI Paris, France)
·         Teresa Lopez-Leon (ESPCI Paris, France)
·         Philippe Nghe (ESPCI Paris, France)
·         Philippe Nghe (ESPCI Paris, France)
·         Olivia du Roure (ESPCI Paris, France)
·         Samuel Stupp (Northwestern University, USA)
·         Ilia Voet (TUE, Netherlands)
·         Gerard Wong (UCLA, USA)
·         Zorana Zervacic (ESPCI Paris, France)

The school is open to graduate students and postdocs from all academic institutes and will include four days of pedagogical lectures and one day of an advanced workshop on various topics in the field of self-assembly and self-organization in soft matter. Self-organization and self-assembly are spontaneous organization arising from local interactions between building blocks. These mechanisms govern ordering in very different systems from molecules, colloids or larger particles, and even biological systems. They can lead to original materials with new properties. During this summer school we aim at discussing different aspects of self-assembly and self-organization in soft matter. We will start with general concepts, and then develop examples in chemistry, physics and biology. We will also review the techniques that allow the self-assembled structures to be quantitatively characterized. Last, examples of applications and properties of new materials will be discussed.
One additional day will be devoted to an advanced workshop to go further into research related to the main topics.
Additional Features:
·         Short talks by selected participants
·         Poster session
·         Travel fellowships
Location: Tel Aviv University
Dates: September 8-12, 2019.
• Fee: 50 Euro
• Deadline: July 1st, 2019
• Form:
Summer school website:

ERC-funded Postdoc at LadHyX, Ecole Polytechnique on Active microparticles

Dear colleagues,

I would like to bring to your attention the following announcement for a postdoc position in my group at LadHyX (Ecole Polytechnique, France) on the theoretical modeling and numerical simulation of active microparticles.
This is a 2-year position part of an ERC-funded project. Interested candidates should contact me directly as soon as possible and no later than April 15th, 2019, and provide a detailed CV and publication list, a short research statement and 2 academic references.
Thank you in advance for forwarding this announcement to any potential candidate.
Sebastien Michelin

ALERT workshop + mechanics of root-soil systems (Aussois, octobre 2019)


Dear all,

We would like to draw your attention to a half day session « The mechanics of root-soil systems: from microscopic to macroscopic approaches » , which will take place during the forthcoming ALERT workshop in Aussois (France), next October.

This session will take place on Tuesday 1st October and will consist in some invited lectures plus open flash-talks such that everybody linked to the field could present his/her activities.
Then, if you feel concerned by the subject you can submit an abstract for a flash-talk.

A detailed description of the session is given at the end of this mail or can be found here:
The duration of each flash talk indicated in this description might be longer according to the final organization of the session.

To submit an abstract, please follow the template given here:
and send it directly to the coordinators of the session ( and

Best regards,
Evelyne Kolb and Luc Sibille


The mechanics of root-soil systems: from microscopic to macroscopic approaches


Evelyne Kolb (PMMH & Sorbonne Université,, Luc Sibille (3SR & Université Grenoble Alpes,


The interactions between plant root networks and soils is a wide issue involving many communities from agronomy, soil science, biophysics to soil mechanics and civil engineering. Under non-stressful biological and chemical conditions, the root growth trajectory depends strongly on the mechanical strength of the soil and on the presence of obstacles at the root scale, as root apices must exert a growth pressure to overcome the resistance to deformation of the surrounding soil. Zones of high mechanical resistance are one of the most common physical limitations to soil exploration by roots, limiting the accessibility of the plant to water and nutrients. In turn, soil micro-structure is affected by the root development. Soil particles may be dragged by the root and, more generally, local soil deformations are induced by the root growth. The transfers of water between the soil and the plant as well as the root exudates and production of mucilage change locally the soil properties and modify the distribution of the aqueous phase in the porous network.  In addition, the mechanical properties of the soil are highly dependent on the root architecture, as the hierarchical structure formed by roots traps the soil and increases its resistance to shear, reinforcing the stability of slopes or limiting the erosion at river banks.

The objective of this session is to gather people around the mechanics of root-soil systems at different scales and with various experimental techniques, modelling or theoretical approaches: at the field scale to assess the contribution of plant roots to the mechanical stability of soil layers, at the scale of the root system for characterizing, simulating and imaging the whole root architecture and the reorganizations of the soil produced by the root growth, at the scale of the root apex to understand the mechanical feedback between a slender growing object and grains and pores of the soil matrix with given packing fractions and textures.

The session will consist of invited talks, nevertheless a slot will be kept for some flash talks (typically 4 min and 2 slides per speaker) providing an overview of the various research fields in the root-soil interaction. Proposals for communications as flash talks are welcome.


Poste MCf Comportement des Milieux Argileux et des Géomatériaux (LEM3)

Chers collègues
Un poste de Maître de Conférences en « Génie civil », section CNU 60, est ouvert à candidature à l’Université de Lorraine sur le site de Metz/Technopole-UFR-MIM. Le poste est affecté au Laboratoire d’Etude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux


Le profil Recherche du poste concerne le «Comportement des Milieux Argileux et des Géomatériaux ».
Les mots-clés sont : Comportement Mécanique des Argiles et des Milieux poreux –  Variation Microsctructurelle – Physicochimie des argiles.

Je vous prie de trouver ci-joint la description du poste publiée dans Galaxie (Référence GALAXIE : 1191), à diffuser à toute personne potentiellement intéressée.
Attention la clôture des candidatures sur Galaxie est pour le  26 mars 2019 à 16h
La limite de dépôt des dossiers de candidature sur l’application de l’Université de Lorraine est pour le 28 mars 2019 à 16h

Bien Cordialement

Mahdia Hattab

Poste Prof : Mécanique générale, Modélisation Expérimentale, Tribologie (LAMCOS)

Subject: Recrutement d’un PU INSA Lyon – LaMCoS (Tribologie)

Cher(e)s collègues,

Nous vous informons de l’ouverture très prochaine du recrutement d’un PU en  60ème section.

Le poste est à pourvoir dès la rentrée 2019-2020 à l’INSA Lyon,
département FIMI (Formation Initiale aux Métiers de l’Ingénieur) et au
LaMCoS (équipe Tribologie et Mécanique des Interfaces), voir profils ici : Fiche_Profil-PR-FIMI-LAMCOS

Euromech Mechanics in and for cell migration (octobre 2019 – Paris)

We are pleased to announce the EUROMECH Colloquium Mechanics in and for cell migration that will be held on October 23-25, 2019 at the ENSAM Paris, France.

The Colloquium intends to bring together researchers from complementary fields including biology, medicine, mathematics, physics and mechanics communities to exchange the latest achievements as well as recent research work in the field of cell migration. During this conference we plan to discuss important physical and mechanical questions related to both single and collective cell migration, to identify how and where the numerical models can help to decipher the main principles of these mechanobiological phenomena.

For further information and abstract submission visit:

In attachment you can find the Conference flyer. We would be grateful if you could circulate this announcement in your Institution.


The Organizers


Rachele Allena



José Manuel Garcia Aznar

Universidad de Zaragoza


poste Mcf Physique des Milieux Divisés (Mines Saint-Etienne)

Chers collègues,
Un poste de maître-assistant ( <=> MCF <=> Associate Professor) est ouvert à l’Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne dans le domaine de la Physique des Milieux Divisés, avec une approche Modélisation.
Pourriez-vous diffuser l’offre jointe parmi vos connaissances (collègues, anciens étudiants, …), en France ou à l’étranger ? Nous vous en serions très reconnaissant.
Lien :

Voir annonce en pdf: Mines Saint-Etienne – Physics of Dispersed Media

amicalement, Olivier BONNEFOY


Dear colleagues,

A position of Associate Professor is open at the Ecole des Mines Saint-Etienne, France.

We are looking for an experienced candidate interested in Physics of Dispersed Media, preferably with a modelling approach.

Can you please forward this announcement to your colleagues ? we would be very grateful.

Link :

Friendly yours,
