2 minicolloques soutenus par le GDR Mephy aux JMC17, Rennes, 24-28 Août 2020

Journées Matières Condensées  2020 à Rennes du 24 au 28 Août 2020


Deux mini-colloques soutenus par le GDR Mephy:
MMM11. Milieux Granulaires : du micro au macro, du grain aux écoulements naturels et industriels

Organisateurs : Sylvain Courrech du Pont (MSC, Paris), Renaud Delannay (IPR, Rennes), Umberto D’Ortona (M2P2, Marseille), Philippe Gondret (FAST, Orsay), Patrick Richard (IFFSTAR, Nantes), Alexandre Valance (IPR, Rennes)             

MMM12. Frottement solide : des échelles microscopiques à la dynamique macroscopique

Organisateurs: Axelle AMON (IPR, Rennes), Elsa BAYART (ENS Lyon), Julien SCHEIBERT (LTDS, CNRS / Ecole Centrale de Lyon)

Dates à retenir:
15 février début de la soumission des abstracts pour présentation et posters
15 Avril : date limite de soumission

Thematic Session on « Low-Re-number flows and Suspensions » at ICTAM 2020 (Milano, August 23-28)

Dear colleagues,
The deadline for submitting your abstract to the Thematic Session on « Low-Re-number flows and Suspensions » at the ICTAM 2020 conference (Milano, August 23-28, 2020) is now approaching quickly!
The abstract submission website is open and will close on January 10th, 2020 (https://www.ictam2020.org/abstract-submission
This Thematic Session will bring together experts from our community to present their most recent advances on the motion of viscous fluids at small scales around a variety of topics, including micro-swimmers, active matter, suspensions, rheology, confined flows, fluid-structure interactions, …
As chairs of this exciting Thematic Session, we warmly invite you to submit your contributions and pass along the information to your group and colleagues. 
We hope to see you in Milano next August,
Best regards,Sebastien MichelinPeichun Amy Tsai 

Postdoc position in theoretical soft matter physics in Marseille, France

I am looking for a strong and motivated scientist to work on the relation between structure and rheology in disordered materials, with a focus on semi-flexible fiber networks. The position is fully funded by the Alan Turing Center for Living Systems, a new interdisciplinary research hub in Marseille that brings together physicists, biologists, engineers, and mathematicians. 

To apply for the position, please send cv and email addresses of two references to matthias.merkel@cpt.univ-mrs.fr.

Applications will be considered continuously until the position is filled.  http://centuri-livingsystems.org/m-merkel/

KITP program « The Physics of Elastic Films: from Biological Membranes to Extreme Mechanics, May 10-July 16, 2021, Santa Barbara, USA

KITP program « The Physics of Elastic Films: from Biological Membranes 
to Extreme Mechanics », May 10-July 16, 2021, Santa Barbara, USA

KITP programs bring together scientists for a period of time no less than three weeks (some one week stays are also available for experimentalists) in order to promote advances in this focused area. Scientists attending the program have a desk for the visiting period, attend discussions and seminars and interact with the other participants. 

KITP provides accommodation and additional financial support is available for families 

The deadline for applications is December 8, 2019. For more information check: https://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/activities/films21

Rheology of living & active systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2 -7 August, 2020

Symposium Rheology of living & active systems
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2 -7 August, 2020
abstract submission before January 30, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit your contributions to the session
Rheology of
living & active systems at the 18th International Congress on Rheology
This conference will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2 – 7, 2020.

Topics will include the flow and properties of active fluids, comprised of
biological or synthetic self-propelled entities, as well as biofluids. 
Talks on
experiment, theory, and simulation are welcome.

The abstract submission deadline is January 30 for oral presentations, and
April 30 for posters.

Submit your abstract at:
Updated information on the conference is available at http://icr2020.com/


Francisco R. Cunha (Brazil)
Takuji Ishikawa (Japan)
Salima Rafai (France)

Salima Rafaï
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy)
CNRS et Université de Grenoble Alpes

Adresse postale:
Service Courrier UGA
Université Grenoble Alpes
Pôle Phitem
Laboratoire LIPhy
CS 40 700

Waves in Fluids (ICTAM 2020)

Dear Colleagues,

with this e-mail I kindly remind you that the 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (25th ICTAM) will be held in Milan from 23 to 28 August 2020

(see also https://www.ictam2020.org/ and attachment).

Within such Congress my colleague Maurizio Brocchini and myself will Co-Chair the Thematic Session entitled “FM17 Waves in Fluids”.

Abstract submission closes on the 10th of January 2019 (see also attachment) and I look forward to your contribution.

Best wishes


Thierry Dauxois
Directeur du Laboratoire de Physique
CNRS @ ENS de Lyon

2 postdoc statistical mechanics of glasses (ENS Paris)

A post-doctoral positions is open at ENS Paris to work in collaboration with Francesco Zamponi and Ludovic Berthier.
The research project concerns the low-temperature properties of glasses, and the nature of their excitations and defects. We want to systematically explore the microscopic nature of tunnelling Two-Level Systems (TLS) in these systems, following up on our recent preprints [arxiv:1910.11168 and arxiv:1906.06894]. The candidate is expected to have at least some background in the physics of glasses, and on standard computational methods such as Molecular Dynamics. Experience with LAMMPS is welcome.

Please check https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/15616 for details

Applications are invited for a postdoc in theoretical statistical mechanics, to work with Francesco Zamponi and Giulio Biroli at ENS-Paris, in close collaboration with Grzegorz Szamel and Patrick Charbonneau.
The overall project focuses on obtaining a first-principle statistical mechanics description of amorphous solids. The specific goal for this position is to obtain a microscopic understanding of activated hopping processes, which are elementary, non-perturbative corrections to the mean-field description of liquids and glasses [see e.g. arxiv:1407.5677].
Candidates should have a PhD in physics or related fields, with experience in the statistical mechanics of disordered systems.

Please check https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/15619 for details

Graphene 2020 (Grenoble)

Cher collègue,

Grenoble a été sélectionnée pour accueillir la dixième édition de la conférence internationale « Graphene 2020 » (http://www.grapheneconf.com/2020/). Avec plus de 700 conférenciers attendus pour 2020, cet évènement est le plus important en Europe dans le domaine des matériaux bidimensionnels.

Nous souhaitons mettre en avant les avancées réalisées dans nos laboratoires, particulièrement via la participation encouragée des étudiants qui ont la possibilité de candidater (date limite 31 janvier, http://www.grapheneconf.com/2020/deadlines.php) à des bourses permettant de couvrir intégralement les frais d’inscription (et une partie des frais de déplacement).  

Très cordialement, le comité local d’organisation de Graphene 2020

  • Hanako Okuno (UGA, CEA, IRIG-MEM, Grenoble)Johann Coraux (UGA, CNRS, G-INP, Institut Néel, Grenoble)
  • Alessandro Cresti (UGA, USMB, CNRS, G-INP, IMEP-LAHC, Grenoble)
  • Matthieu Jamet (UGA, CEA, CNRS, G-INP, IRIG-Spintec, Grenoble)
  • Benjamin Grévin (UGA, CEA, CNRS, SyMMES, Grenoble)
  • Clément Faugeras (UGA, CNRS, UPS, INSA, EMFL, LNCMI, Grenoble)
  • Thomas Alava (UGA, CEA, LETI, Grenoble)
  • Vincent Bouchiat (Start-up Grapheal, Grenoble)
  • Catherine Journet (UCBL, CNRS, LMI, Lyon)
  • Alfonso San Miguel (UCBL, CNRS, ILM, Lyon) 

Symposium on Architected Materials | ASCE EMI Conference | Durham, UK | April 5-6, 2020

There is an upcoming symposium on Architected Materials: Advances in Modelling, Design, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications at Durham University (https://sites.durham.ac.uk/emi2020-ic/).

The event is part of ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference, taking place on April 5-6, 2020. The symposium is organised by Prof Mazdak Tootkaboni (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), Dr Alireza Asadpoure (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), Prof Minh-Son Pham (Imperial College London) and myself.

The symposium will enable sharing ideas between researchers interested in architected materials, with focus on a hierarchical structure, bio-inspired designs and novel manufacturing methods. If you cannot attend personally, perhaps one of your students or post-docs could benefit from the event.

The deadline for abstract submission is November 30th, 2020. Abstracts can be submitted here: https://www.openconf.org/emi2020ic/author/submit.php