postdoc et poste ingénieur : morphogenese des embryons (college de France)

Je vous serais très reconnaissant de bien vouloir faire suivre les deux annonces ci-dessous de postes dans mon équipe, financées dans le cadre de l’ERC DeepEmbryo (descriptions en pièces jointes):
– 1 post-doc en modélisation physique et numérique de la morphogenèse des embryons:

– 1 ingénieur de recherche en calcul scientifique et IA (interface avec la biologie et la physique):
Bien cordialement,Hervé Turlier

Hervé Turlier, PhDTeam Multiscale Physics of Morphogenesis,Center for Interdisciplinary Research in BiologyCollège de France / CNRS UMR7241 / INSERM U105011, place Marcelin Berthelot75231 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCETel: +33 (0)144271410Mobile: +33 (0)

postdoc nano-drone

Comme expliqué à la réunion d’aujourd’hui, nous sommes à la recherche d’un candidat pour un post-doctorat de deux ans dans le cadre du projet ANR Astrid  Nanofly avec un démarrage dès Janvier 2021.
Il est demandé une expérience en modélisation et simulation de dynamique vibratoire et une appétence pour de la microfabrication en salle blanche
Vous trouverez ci-joint le détail du poste dans le fichier pdf.
Le lien pour postuler est le suivant :

Merci de faire fonctionner vos réseaux.

A bientôt,


Sébastien GrondelUniversity ProfessorLeader of MAMINA GroupIEMN/DOAE – INSA Hauts-de-FranceUniversité Polytechnique Hauts-de-FranceCampus-Mont Houy – Batiment Lottmann59313 Valenciennes Cedex 9, FranceTél : +33 3 27 51 14 46

postdoc Theory of Glassy Dynamics (ENS Paris)

Applications are invited to fill one postdoctoral fellowship on “Theory of Glassy Dynamics”, possibly starting in the Fall 2021 (or earlier). The fellowship is funded by the Simons Collaboration “Cracking the Glass Problem”. 
The successful candidate will work with G. Biroli, will be affiliated at the Physics Department of Ecole Normale Supérieure for two years and will be involved in all activities of the Simons Collaboration. 

Further information about the postdoctoral position is available on the website
I would be grateful if you would bring this announcement to the attention of strong, creative individuals with a background in statistical physics and encourage them to apply.

The deadline for applications is January 15, 2021.

Giulio Biroli

Fluids and Complexity (en ligne – 7 décembre)

Cher(e) collègue,

le prochain séminaire « Fluids and Complexity » aura lieu le lundi 7 décembre de 8h45 à 18h.

Du fait du contexte sanitaire, cette journée se déroulera exclusivement en distanciel.

L’objectif de ce séminaire est de permettre aux doctorants, postdoctorants et chercheurs d’échanger autour des différents thèmes abordés au cours des présentations.


8h45-9h00     Café virtuel

– Session 1_________________________________                         
9h00-10h00      Bertrand Maury (LMO, Orsay) – Faster is Slower effect for pedestrians and micro-swimmers.
10h00-10h45    Quang Tran (INPHYNI and now: Institut Pasteur, Paris) – Philippe Thomen (InPhyNi, Nice) – Swimming of zoospores
10h45-11h15    Pause.
11h15-12h00    Clément Ganino (GéoAzur, Sophia-Antipolis) – The formation of primitive meteorite and their modification in their primitive parent bodies: a matter of fluid mechanics?                          

12h00-13h30    Pause.

– Session 2____________________________________                
13h30-14h30    Chaouqi Misbah (LIPhy, Grenoble) – On growth and forms in nature.
14h30-15h30    Liliane Léger (LPS, Orsay) – Friction mechanisms at complex fluids/solid interfaces.
15h30-16h00    Pause.16h00-16h45    Anselmo Pereira (CEMEF, Sophia-Antipolis) – Viscoplastic drop impacts.
16h45-17h30    Duncan Gilbert (InPhyNi, Nice) – Rheology of suspensions: the role of contact forces.

Les résumés des séminaires suivrons rapidement dans un prochain mail. 

Le webinaire se déroulera au cours d’une session Zoom (lien) qui sera ouverte le jour du séminaire à partir de 8h30.

ID de réunion : 850 5049 3615Code secret : 168169

Merci de diffuser largement ce message auprès de tout public susceptible d’être intéressé.

Bien cordialement,

Céline Cohen, pour le comité d’organisation

Publications en hommage à / Tribute to Yves Couder

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du numéro spécial dédié à Yves Couder,  aux Comptes-Rendus de l’ Académie des Sciences, Section Mécanique. Il est composé d’articles écrits par ses anciens étudiants, collègues et amis reprenant les thèmes  de recherche mais aussi d’enseignement qui ont jalonné la carrière de ce remarquable Professeur. Ce numéro spécial est accessible sur le lien suivant :

We are pleased to announce the publication of the special issue dedicated to Yves Couder, in the Comptes-Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Section Mécanique. It is composed of articles written by his former students, colleagues and friends on the research and teaching themes that have marked the career of this remarkable Professor. This special issue is accessible on the  following link

Post-Doc Physical modeling of Drosophila morphogenesis (MSC Paris)

Dear colleagues,

In the frame of the ongoing collaboration between our groups at Matière et Systèmes Complexes (biophysics and modelling) and Institut Curie (genetics and developmental biology), we open a 2.5-year postdoc position at University of Paris – Diderot. It will be open until we will find a suitable candidate. We expect it to start in early 2021 and it can even start immediately.

The metamorphosis of Drosophila fly, from a maggot to an adult animal, is an ideal system to study the interplay between genetics and mechanics during morphogenesis (1). The dorsal thorax tissue, which is a monolayer of several thousands of cells, exhibits a remarkable left-right symmetrical metamorphosis, although its left and right parts arise from disjoined regions. Our recently acquired live imaging and data cover this metamorphosis from intracellular scale to tissue scale and from minutes to several days. The candidate will incorporate this wealth of experimental results within a multiscale modelling strategy to uncover how the genetic and mechanic information is established and exchanged throughout the tissue.

Analytical modeling skills are required in either statistical physics, or biophysics; numerical modeling skills are a plus. The candidate should be willing to actively interact with experimentalists. Past experience related with genetics and developmental biology could be a plus and the candidate might choose to participate in experiments.

Candidates should send a CV and a motivation letter to François Graner <> and arrange three reference
letters to be sent to the same address.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. Best

François Graner et Yohanns Bellaïche

(1) see for instance :

Bosveld F, Bonnet I, Guirao B, Tlili S, Wang Z, Petitalot A, Marchand
R, Bardet PL, Marcq P, Graner F, Bellaïche Y. 2012. Mechanical control
of morphogenesis by Fat/Dachsous/Four-jointed planar cell polarity
pathway. Science.  336 :724-7. PMID:  22499807.

Guirao B, Rigaud SU, Bosveld F, Bailles A, López-Gay J, Ishihara S,
Sugimura K, Graner F, Bellaïche Y. 2015 Unified quantitative
characterization of epithelial tissue development. Elife. pii: e08519.
doi: 10.7554/eLife.08519. PMID: 26653285

PostDoc en Géosciences Marines (SHOM, Brest)

Annonce en pdf

Dear Members,

Position length: 18 months
Start date: February 1st, 2021
Location: Brest 29200 (Europe/France/Brittany).

Presentation of the agency:
Shom is the French national hydrographic service. It is appointed to collect and check all the information necessary to ensure maritime navigation’s safety. It is responsible for providing hydrographic and oceanographic support to the French Navy in measuring, describing and forecasting the maritime environment. Shom also supports maritime and coastal public policies by providing expertise in maritime limits and boundaries and integrated coastal management.

The project:
The appointee will participate to the project MELANGE 2020-2022. The acronym MELANGE stands for “Mesure en tEmps-réel des fLux sédimentAires en zoNe côtière à l'aide de GlidErs” which means “Real time measurements of sediment fluxes in coastal zones using gliders”. This project aims at developing operational in situ observation of currents and turbidity (water clarity) by using a glider equipped with acoustic and optical sensors. Within this project, Shom contributes to the data validation (of SeaBird OCR-504 and Nortek AD2CP payload sensors in particular) by comparison with satellite remote sensing of the ocean surface colours, and data obtained from CTD casts and moorings, fitted with similar optical and acoustical sensors.

The vacancy:
Duties will include embarkations on oceanographic research vessels. Two sea surveys of about one week each are planned in this project MELANGE. The main area of study will be the Bay of Biscay. The appointee will also process the data acquired during these sea surveys, under the Shom supervisor’s direction. She/he will exploit the complementarity of in situ measurements, acquired from fixed or mobile platforms, satellite observations, and even outputs from hydrodynamic model simulations. The validation process will require statistics, signal processing or even using information science and technology. The appointee will participate in writing the project final report.
The main collaborations are located in France, in particular with ALSEAMAR and CentralWeb companies both located near Aix-en-Provence and Toulon respectively, and with the CEFREM institute located in Perpignan.

The candidate:
She/he is holding a PhD in marine geoscience with knowledge in computing, signal processing of oceanographic data, including experience in primary production, sediment transport and ocean colour remote sensing.

Required skills:
•        Hydrodynamics, marine optics and satellite remote sensing of ocean colour,
•        Statistics and signal processing of oceanographic data.
•        Teamwork abilities,
•        Responsive and dynamic.

How to apply:
Please send your resume and cover letter by email to “” before November 15th, 2020. The reference of the post is: MELANGE_SEDIM

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Frédéric Jourdin
SHOM France
Office phone: +33 256 31 24 49
Email :

postdoc curved origami (FormFindingLab, Princeton)

I have a postdoctoral research position available at the Form Finding Lab at Princeton University for a project related to the mechanics of curved crease origami. 

contact : Sigrid   M. Adriaenssens