PostDoc position – Tactile peception of materials and skin friction, Saarbrücken.

Dear Colleagues,

Please forward the attached opening announcement to any young researchers who might be interested in studying the relation between skin friction and materials perception.

We look for a PostDoc who connects microstructure and surface energy with tactile material perception in collaboration with dermatologists (optical tomography and spectroscopy).

Thanks, and best regards,

Roland Bennewitz

PostDoc Active Matter (U.Edinburgh)

Post Doctoral Research Associate in Active Matter at University of Edinburgh, UK
Research area: Active matter, collective motion, hydrodynamic interactions.
We are looking for a post-doctoral research associate to carry out research in the field of theoretical active matter at the School of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Edinburgh. This post is funded by the EPSRC New Horizons project Lattice Models of Bacterial Turbulence. The successful applicant will use analytical and numerical techniques to study collective motion in dilute suspensions of self-propelled particles in the presence of hydrodynamic interactions. 

Research area: Active matter, collective motion, hydrodynamic interactions.
We are looking for a post-doctoral research associate to carry out research in the field of theoretical active matter at the School of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Edinburgh. This post is funded by the EPSRC New Horizons project Lattice Models of Bacterial Turbulence. The successful applicant will use analytical and numerical techniques to study collective motion in dilute suspensions of self-propelled particles in the presence of hydrodynamic interactions. 

Requirements: The ideal applicant will have a PhD in Physics or Applied Mathematics. They will have a proven track record in the area of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and will be intimately familiar with the fields of low-Reynolds number hydrodynamics and active matter. The successful candidate will have the ability to develop large computer codes. Previous experience with parallel computing will be advantageous.

Start Date: April-May 2021Duration: 2 years. 

To apply: please visit Application deadline: 3 March 2021

For more information contact:Professor Alexander Morozov (

Postdoc in Soft and Active Matter (theory and/or experiment) at TU Munich, Germany, fall 2021

ERC funded Post-doc in Soft and Active Matter (theory and/or experiment) 
at TU Munich, Germany, fall 2021

Within the newly acquired ERC Starting Grant “FlowMem” we aim to identify 
the physical principles of how flow networks can retain memories. We are 
looking for a Post-doc (m/f/d) to join the team of Prof. Karen Alim at TUM in 
Munich. See:

Divison Physique Non Linéaire de la SFP

Je vous informe de la création de la Division Physique Non Linéaire (DPNL) de la Société Française de Physique (SFP).
Cette division est présentée à l’adresse suivante  et différentes actions seront annoncées prochainement.
Si vous souhaitez rejoindre dès maintenant la DPNL de la SFP, la procédure est indiquée ci-dessous. 
N’hésitez pas svp à diffuser cette information.
Bien cordialement,

Eric Falcon

Président de la DPNL de la SFP

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poste prof « Dynamique des fluides et des transferts »(LIMSI ou FAST, Univ. Paris-Saclay)

Un poste de professeur en « Dynamique des fluides et des transferts » (60ème section) est susceptible d’être ouvert à l’Université Paris-Saclay.

Le (la) Professeur(e) recruté(e) effectuera ses enseignements dans les domaines de la mécanique des fluides ou des milieux continus dans les licences et masters du département de physique de la Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay.

Il / elle renforcera les thématiques de recherche, numériques ou expérimentales, des laboratoires LISN (ex-LIMSI) ou FAST : mécanique des fluides, méthodes d’apprentissage, approches multiphysiques et/ou multiéchelles, matière molle, transferts, mécanique et physique des milieux dispersés…

Profil détaillé du poste :