A Post-doctoral position is open at LPTMS Orsay on the Statistical Physics of
Glassy Systems within the Simons collaboration « Cracking the glass problem ».
The post-docs will work in collaboration with S. Franz and other researchers in
the Paris area and beyond on the following themes: 1. Statistical mechanics of
disordered systems: glasses, spin glasses, elastic disordered systems, elasto-plastic models, etc. 2. Applications of statistical physics to other disciplines
(computer science, inference and statistics, biology). Funding is available for at
least two years of employment. The position can start at flexible dates but
preferably in Autumn 2020.
Applications should be sent to claudine.levaou@lptms.u-psud.fr
and Silvio.franz@lptms.u-psud.fr. They will comprise a CV, a publication list and two recommendation letters.