Dear Colleague,
this is the announcement of the 2020 Beg Rohu summer schoolof statistical physics and condensed matter:
Statistical Mechanics and Emergent Phenomena in Biology
N. Brunel: Models of Memory in Networks of NeuronsA. Cavagna: Collective Behaviour in Biological SystemsS. Ganguli: Complex Neural Dynamics and High-Dimensional Data AnalysisM. Loreau: Theoretical EcologyF. van Wijland: Methods for Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Seminars: M. Barbier, J.-P. Bouchaud
The school will take place from the 22nd of June to the 4th of July 2020at the French National Sailing School, on the peninsula ofQuiberon in southern Brittany, France.
More detailed information can be found on the school webpage: deadline for application is the 31st of March.
A special care will be devoted to pedagogy: there will be long seriesof lectures on the blackboard that will go progressively fromthe basics to the current research edge.Furthermore, there will be sailing lessons in the afternoon.
We would be grateful if you would bring this announcement to theattention of PhD students, postdocs, young and senior researchersinterested in statistical physics and biologyand transfer this announcement to other colleagues.
Sincerely,Giulio Biroli, Chiara Cammarota, Marco Tarzia