
 / Research

Research Interests

I’m interested in the application of mathematics to problems in fluid mechanics.

Mostly this has focussed on the transition to turbulence in shear flows. This classical problem still finds new ways to connect with a diverse range of physics, recently pattern formation and directed percolation.

More generally this means any problem where a combination of modelling, bifurcation analysis and spectral methods are important.

More to come shortly!


Matthew Chantry, Laurette S. Tuckerman and Dwight Barkley,
Turbulent bands in a planar shear flow without walls , JFM 2016 accepted

Matthew Chantry and Rich R. Kerswell,
Localization in a spanwise-extended model of plane Couette flow , PRE 2015

Matthew Chantry, Ashley P. Willis and Rich R. Kerswell,
The genesis of streamwise-localized solutions from globally periodic travelling waves in pipe flow , PRL 2014

Matthew Chantry and Tobias M. Schneider,
Studying edge geometry in transiently turbulent shear flows, JFM 2014