Advanced fluid mechanics is divided in three courses : Hydrodynamic Instabilities (HI taught by Laurent Duchemin), Microfluidics (MIC taught by Nicolas Brémond) and Transport Phenomena (TP taught byMarc Fermigier).
The schedule is the following :
January 8 13h-14h HI, 14h10-15h20 TP
January 15 13h-14h HI, 14h10-15h20 TP
January 22 13h-14h HI, 14h10-15h20 TP
January 29 13h-14h HI, 14h10-15h20 TP
February 5 13h-14h HI, 14h10-15h20 TP
February 12 13h-14h HI, 14h10-15h20 TP
February 26 13h-14h HI, 14h10-15h20 MIC
March 4 13h-14h HI, 14h10-15h20 MIC
March 11 13h-14h HI, 14h10-15h20 MIC
March 25 13h-14h HI, 14h10-15h20 MIC