Present collaborators : Nathan Jeger-Madiot (Postdoc), Chloé Dupuis (PhD student), Xavier Mousset (PhD student) in partnership with Jean-Michel Peyrin (Neurosciences Lab, Sorbonne Unviersity) and Jérôme Larghéro and Lousineh Arakélian (Cell Therapy Lab of Saint-Louis Hospital).
Past collaborators : Athanasia Kritstakou, Andrea Coronel.
Acoustic Radiation Force (ARF) allows smooth manipulations of a large number of cells in suspension in a micro-cavity or a micro-channel.
We use ARF to design acoustic trap that allows long-terms cell culture in acoustic levitation in acoustic confinement.
We work on various cell types, either to study the cell evolution and behavior when cultured in acoustic levitation, away from the walls, or to design specific cell structures, from monolayers to organoïdes. The following figure shows a large aggregate of MSC (Mesenchymal Stem Cells) in acoustic levitation (collaboration with the Cell Therapy Lab of Jérôme Larghéro in Saint-Louis Hospital).