Employment History

Since 2020 CNRS Research director at ESPCI

Since 2019 Professeur attaché PSL/ESPCI

2017-2020 Associate Professor at Hokkaido University

2007-2020 CNRS Research associate at ESPCI

2006-2007 Postdoc – ESPCI – wetting and evaporation of polymer solutions

2005-2006 Postdoc – Stanford University, USA, Department of Chemical Engineering

2001-2004 PhD thesis at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris and Lyon


2000 DEA de Physique des Liquides (ex ICFP) , Université Pierre et Marie Curie

Master’s degree in hydrodynamics

1997-2000 ECPM, Ecole Européenne de Chimie Polymères et Materiaux, Strasbourg

Engineering school of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials, Strasbourg

1995 – 1997 ENSCR, Ecole Nationale de Chimie de Rennes

Cycle Préparatoire Intégré

Awards and honors

  • Subvention of the Del Duca foundation nominated by the French National Academy of Sciences 2022
  • ETH Invited professor, 2019
  • ACS PMSE young investigator, 2017
  • ’Young rheologist award’ from TA Instruments, 2013
  • France-Stanford Research award, 2012
  • MRSEC guest lecturer, Univ. Massachussets, 2012
  • Prix de la Fondation Langlois, 2009

Institutional duties

  • Since 2020 – In charge of the PSL transdisciplinary courses and scientific animation on Soft Matter
  • Since 2018 – Copilot of the PSL graduate program « Engineering, Applied Sciences and Innovation »
  • 2009-2019- Coordinator of the Chaire Saint-Gobain-ESPCI on « Active Materials and Interfaces »


  • In charge of the PSL week on Soft and Living Matter for Masters and Engineering students (since 2021)
  • Foams, Master Materials Science and engineering, PSL since 2019
  • Foams, ESCOM (chemistry engineering school), 2014-2021
  • Foams, PSL week on formulation, since 2016
  • Matériaux architecturés, Master Science et Génie des Matériaux PSL, 2016-2020
  • Former teaching activities at ESPCI: Thermodynamics, Polymer Physics, rheology


2023 Microconference in CNRS Les échappées inattendues, Bibliothèque Marguerite Duras on Recycling foams – Video on you tube at 10.55′ (2) L’eau, ça coule de sciences ! | Micro-conférences | Les Échappées inattendues – YouTube

2023 Interview for Radio France Culture La Science CQFD on Leaching foams

2023 Article for Les techniques de l’Ingénieur on Leaching Foams, with G. Lefevre

2022 Collaboration to a Youtube video for CNRS channel « Un zest pour la planète » on leaching and recycling foams

2021 Article for « Profession recycleur » on leaching and recycling foams

2021 Article « en direct des labos » on CNRS web site on leaching and recycling foams

2021 Article « en direct des labos » on CNRS web site on Assembling polymers at liquid interfaces for encapsulation

2018 Collaboration to a YouTube video for CNRS « un zeste pour la science » on freezing emulsions

2018 Recording TV show E=M6 on ’magic sand’
2016 Article published in ’l’actualité chimique’ on Gelified foams for decontamination
2014 TV show ’on est pas que des cobayes’ on France 5. ’Comment faire une bulle carrée ?’

2015 TV show ’on est pas que des cobayes’ on France 5.’comment congeler une bulle ?’
Conférence expérimentale at Espace Pierre Gille de Gennes ’comment choisir son savon ?’

Editorial and panel evaluation activity

  • Since 2022 Editorial board member of JCIS
  • 2021-2022 Vice President of ANR Comittee 30

Organization of workshops and conferences

2022 Coorganization of the Scientific workshop of PSL Engineering graduate program on « Materials for Engery and medical applications »

2021 Organization of the PSL Soft and Living Matter days PSL Soft Matter days – Sciencesconf.org
2017 Organization of the ESPCI/Saint-Gobain workshop on granular materials with E. Clément and P. Jop
2017 Organization comittee of the workshop ’environnement : la chimie en action’
2017 Organizing comittee of the Society of Rheology meeting, Tampa Florida, Chairman of the session ’Interfaces, foams, emulsions’
2017 Organizing comittee of the 2nd edition of the ESPCI Soft Matter days, Second Edition https://smd2017.sciencesconf.org/
2016 Scientific comittee of SOMATAI Conference, conference of the ITN SOMATAI, soft matter at aquous interfaces
2015 Organizing comittee of the ESPCI Soft Matter days
2013 workshop on particles at interfaces, GDR mousses et émulsions

Invited Conferences

  • Workshop on polymer-based materials, Leiden, October 2024
  • Summerschool on Ienaique, Cadarache, July 2024
  • Eufoam European Conference on foams, Plenary talk, July 2024
  • Liquid Matter Conference, Keynote, Mainz, Sept 2024
  • Journée de la Matière COndensée, SFP,keynote, Oct 2024
  • Colloid and Interfaces Symposium, 2023, UPenn, Plenary, June 2023
  • International Soft Matter Conference, Poznan, Poland, keynote, Sept 2022
  • European Colloid and Interface Society, Crete, keynote, Sept 2022
  • International Colloid Conference, Lisbon, keynote, June 2022
  • Groupe Francais de Rhéologie, Bordeaux, Oct. 2020, 2021 (canceled)
  • Invited speaker at the Materials Research Society, Phenix USA, April 2019
  • Plenary talk at the Juelich Soft Matter days in Novembre 2018
  • Plenary talk at EUSMI/Softcomp annual meeting, Croatia, 2018
  • Keynote lecture at GDR Liquids at interfaces, Grenoble, 2017
  • Colloid and Microgel Symposium, organized by M. Moeller, P. Langer and A. Kuhne, Aachen, 2017
  • ‘PMSE Young Investigators’ symposium, ACS meeting, San Francisco, 2017
  • Eufoam, European conference on foams, keynote lecture, Dublin, 2016
  • PC focus, 2016, journées scientifiques de l’ESPCI
  • MECAMAT, Paris, 2015, Keynote lecture
  • ACS Meeting, Boston, Keynote invited lecture, dans le symposium ‘Adhesion sciences’, 2015
  • Beyond Everest, Plenary Talk, Nessbar, Bulgarie, 2014
  • “Layer by layer assembly of polymer multilayers at the oil-water interface for encapsulation”
  • Workshop ‘colloids at interfaces’, ENS Lyon, 2014
  • SOMATAI Summer School, Berlin, 2014
  • Gordon Research Conference, Polymer Physics, USA, 2014, plenary talk in the session “next generation of polymer scientists”
  • Gordon Research Conference, Colloid, macromolecular and polyelectrolyte solutions, Ventura, USA, 2014, plenary talk in the session “rheology of complex fluids”
  • Colloque franco-japonais avec le KIPS (Institut de recherche sur les polymères), ESPCI, 2013, plenary talk
  • « Surfactants workshop”, conference plénière, Oxford Mathematical Institute, 2013
  • Workshop « dynamics of amphiphiles at liquid interfaces”, 2013
  • Conférence expérimentale grand public à l’Espace Pierre Gille de Gennes, ESPCI, 2013
  • Symposium en l’honneur des 60 ans de G. Fuller, plénière, Stanford University, 2013,
  • AERC (congrès européen de Rhéologie), Leuven, 2013, keynote lecture
  • Journées scientifiques de l’ESPCI, 2012
  • Conférence « colloquium of the Materials department » FORTH, Grece, 2012
  • Guest MRSEC lecturer Univ. Massachussets (2012)
  • Journées de formulation de la Société Française de Chimie (2012), atelier pédagogique sur la dynamique et rhéologie d’interfaces liquides
  • Invited lecture FORTH, Heraklion, Greece 2011
  • Journées de la Matière Condensée, SFP, Troyes, (2011)-mini-colloque « interfaces liquides à l’échelle nanométrique »


  • ANR FROST with S. Deville at ILM and F. Fernandes at LCMCP (PI S. Deville) (2022-2026)
  • Contrat de collaboration COLAS with N. Sanson and A. Kovalenko (2022)
  • Subvention scientifique de la fondation del Duca pour les jeunes équipes (2022-2025)
  • CNRS Prime PhD thesis on bubbles freezing, (PI S. Deville) (2022-2025)
  • Labex IPGG project (PI Damien Baigl ENS) (2021-2023)
  • IMAT Sorbonne University (2021)
  • Institut Carnot on Microfluidics and Soft Matter (2021-2023)
  • Contrat Saint-Gobain SGR (2019-2022)
  • Contrat Saint-Gobain CREE Cavaillon (2017-2020) in collab with S. Deville
  • ANR FOAMEX (2017-2021) (coordinator) involving BRGM, ICSM Marcoule, Extracthive
  • Givaudan, contrat de prestation (2017)
  • PSL environnement (2017-2018) (coordinator)
  • Contrat Saint-Gobain Cavaillon (2016-2019)
  • PhD fellowship INSIS 2014-2017
  • Contrat de collaboration avec Saint-Gobain (2015)
  • Contrat de collaboration avec Saint-Gobain (2016)
  • CIFRE Saint-Gobain (2012-2015)
  • ITN Network SOMATAI (2012-2016) (coord. by P. Lang)
  • ANR JCJC INTERPOL 2012-2016) (coordinator)
  • France-Stanford research award (2012) (leader) in collab with G. Fuller
  • Thèse Givaudan (2010-2013) coadvised with P. Perrin and N. Pantoustier
  • CIFRE Rhodia (2006-2009)