The Institut de Chimie et Biologie des Membranes et NanoObjets (CBMN / Université Bordeaux - CNRS) and the platform Bordeaux Protéome are offering a PhD fellowship on High-Resolution mass spectrometry applied to Heritage Sciences. This PhD work will use unexplored and multifaceted developments in analytical chemistry to decipher in situ chemistries of ancient proteins (i.e. networks, molecular assemblies and interactions). To achieve these aims, the PhD fellow will design, assess, and deploy the most advanced and next-generation workflows based on high-resolution mass spectrometry, employing the latest technical developments, several of which have never been applied to Cultural Heritage, involving omics methods (top-down, bottom-up), structural mass spectrometry (XLMS and HDXMS) and MS imaging (MALDI IMS). The developed workflows will be miniaturized and tailored to the study of very small sample amounts (trace analysis). A fundamental challenge is to bridge the gap between the information currently available, which is mainly based on individual classes of molecules independent of their matrices, with an understanding of “multi-component materials” that inherently have highly complex interactions. The PhD project will take place at Bordeaux Protéome Platform ( and will benefit from the exceptional environment of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, through its collections, the direct link with experts of other disciplines (conservators, art historians, archaeologists) as well as the scientists at the MET.
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