
The MUFFIN project is funded by the French Natioal Research Agency (ANR – Agence Nationale de la Recherche) under grand ANR-23-CE42-0010-01 for a total of 278,000 euros. The project started 01/01/2024 and will finish 31/12/2027.

Goals of the project

Optical multimode fibers have become the subject of extensive research, particularly in telecommunications and endoscopic imaging applications. They offer new opportunities to increase data rates in optical telecommunications and to achieve high-resolution images with minimal invasiveness in endoscopic imaging. However, dispersion and mode coupling can scramble the input image, even in fibers as short as a few centimeters. Current image reconstruction techniques through multimode fibers typically rely on system pre-calibration. However, dynamic changes due to heat or bending in real-life applications make such approaches challenging and often impractical.

The goal of the MUFFIN project is to study invariant properties of multimode fibers, i.e., properties that do not depend on the specific realization of disorder, with the aim of developing new imaging modalities for endoscopy. Such an approach has been proven successful for image reconstruction through disordered scattering media.

The team

The team is composed of 4 scientists in 3 different research groups of the Langevin Institute (ESPCI, CNRS – Paris, France).

The project coordinator, Sébastien Popoff, is CNRS scientist (Langevin Institute, Control of Waves in Complex Media group). He devoted his research to the applications of wavefront shaping in complex media, measuring for the first time the transmission matrix of scattering media. His research activities stand at the interface between all parts of the project, covering the measure and the study of the transmission matrix in multimode fibers in particular for the study of perturbations, the study of mesoscopic correlations in scattering media and fibers, and the simulation of light propagation in optical fibers.

Arthur Goetschy is Associate Professor at ESPCI Paris (Langevin Institute, Theory of Waves and Mesoscopic Physics group). He is a recognized expert in the study of wavefront control and mesoscopic correlations in complex media. He worked in particular on the study of mesoscopic correlations in transmission and reflection , and the angular memory effect. He brings his experience and knowledge in the mesoscopic approaches used in scattering media to apply then to multimode fibers.

Fabrice Lemoult is Associate Professor at ESPCI Paris (Langevin Institute, Control of Waves in Complex Media group). He has worked a significant part of his career on the control of spatio-temporal degrees of freedom in complex media with a recent interest in topological effects, including the use of vortices for imaging applications.

Sylvain Mezil, is CNRS scientist at the Langevin Institute (New Concepts for Imaging and Detection group). His research deals with acoustic and optic waves propagation in complex media. He recently investigated the translational memory effect in square fibers.

Work Packages

Work Package 1: Study and predictions of the Rotational Memory Effect
Task 1.1: Experimental study of the Rotational Memory Effect
Task 1.2: Theoretical and numerical study of the properties of the Rotational Memory Effect

Work Package 2: Global Framework for Invariant Properties
Task 2.1: Identification of new candidates for memory effects
Task 2.2: Model of diffusion in the mode space to predict invariant properties

Work Package 3: Imaging Applications
Task 3.1: Using memory effects for endoscopic imaging
Task 3.2: Use of a priori knowledge for improving/unlocking image reconstruction



  1. Reaching the precision limit with tensor-based wavefront shaping
    Gutiérrez-Cuevas, R., D. Bouchet, J. De Rosny, and S. M. Popoff
    Nature Communications 15, no. 1 (2024)

    Preprint: arXiv:2311.17496
    Data and code:
  2. Tutorial: How to build and control an all-fiber wavefront modulator using mechanical perturbations
    Ronen Shekel, Kfir Sulimany, Shachar Resisi, Zohar Finkelstein, Ohad Lib, Sébastien M Popoff, and Yaron Bromberg
    J. Phys. Photonics 6, 0330022 (2024)
    Preprint: arXiv:2312.01352
    Data and code:
  3. A practical guide to Digital Micro-mirror Devices (DMDs) for wavefront shaping
    Sébastien M. Popoff, Yaron Bromberg, Maxime W. Matthès, Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Cuevas
    J. Phys. Photonics 6, 043001 (2024)
    Preprint: arxiv:2311.17496
    Data and code:
  4. Characterization and Exploitation of the Rotational Memory Effect in Multimode Fibers
    Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Cuevas, Arthur Goetschy, Yaron Bromberg, Guy Pelc, Esben Ravn Andresen, Laurent Bigot, Yves Quiquempois, Maroun Bsaibes, Pierre Sillard, Marianne Bigot, Ori Katz, Julien de Rosny, Sébastien M. Popoff
    Physical Review X, 14, 031046 (2024)

    Preprint: arXiv:2310.19337
    Data and code:
  5. Binary holograms for shaping light with digital micromirror devices
    R. Gutiérrez-Cuevas, S. M. Popoff
    J. Phys. Photonics – to be published (2024)
    Preprtint: arXiv:2311.16685
    Data and code: