Archives de la catégorie: poste


Tenure track : Soft Condensed Matter Experiment (UMass@Amherst)

The Department of Physics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in soft-condensed matter experiment, to begin in September 2018.

The department has a vibrant, collaborative group of faculty working in many areas of soft condensed matter, with strength in both theoretical and experimental research. We seek candidates with an ambitious research plan, who will complement existing faculty in soft and quantum condensed matter and biophysics and take advantage of campus strengths in soft materials.

The candidate must have a PhD in Physics or a related discipline and be able to teach physics at all levels. Applications received by December 1, 2017 are assured of full consideration. To apply, submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of research plans and teaching interests, and the names and contact information of three references to (link is external).



poste professeur physique expérimentale PUCV (Chili)

L’institut de physique de la PUCV (Chili) vient d’ouvrir un poste de professeur associé.
C’est un poste ouvert aux physiciens expérimentateurs avec une priorité donnée aux systèmes granulaires, ou proches (fluides complexes).

Ci-jointe l’annonce en pdf


poste MCf microfluidique / acoustofluidique IEMN (Lille)

voir l’annonce en pdf

Chers collègues,

Un poste de Maître de Conférence en microfluidique ou/et en acoustofluidique va s’ouvrir à l’IEMN, avec rattachement pour la partie enseignement au département de Mécanique de l’Université de Lille. Nous souhaitons recruter une personne dynamique qui s’impliquera tant dans les aspects recherche qu’enseignement. Le profil de recherche est très ouvert et les enseignements s’effectueront au sein du département de Mécanique de l’Université de Lille dans les domaines de la mécanique des fluides, mécanique des solides, l’acoustique, la thermodynamique, les mathématiques pour la mécanique, le numérique et les sciences et projets expérimentaux. Vous trouverez plus de détail sur le profil en pièce jointe (document préliminaire en cours de validation par l’université).

Merci de diffuser l’information auprès de vos contact. Si un candidat est intéressé par ce poste, n’hésitez surtout pas à nous contacter si vous souhaitez plus d’information: M. Baudoin ( ou M. Zoueshtiagh ( pour la partie recherche et M. Leriche ( pour la partie enseignement.

Bien cordialement,

M. Baudoin, E. Leriche, F. Zoueshtiagh



Assistant Professor in Experimental Soft Matter or Biological Physics (Brandeis Univ)

Assistant Professor in Experimental Soft Matter or Biological Physics

The Department of Physics at Brandeis University invites applications for the position of tenure-track Assistant Professor beginning in the fall of 2018 in the interdisciplinary areas of experimental biophysics, soft condensed matter physics and biologically inspired material science. We seek candidates interested in broad collaborations with a vision towards integrated sciences in which physics overlaps with other disciplines. Candidates are expected to contribute to undergraduate and graduate teaching programs while engaging in forefront research. Brandeis University offers a unique opportunity to participate in diverse interdisciplinary programs such as the NSF funded Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) focused on biologically inspired materials and a NIH supported training program in Quantitative Biology.

Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2017, and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants should submit a detailed curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching interests, a research plan, and arrange to have three letters of reference submitted to AcademicJobsOnline at

A research-intensive liberal arts university, Brandeis fosters highly collaborative science both within and between departments and is currently conducting multiple searches that will strengthen cross-disciplinary studies across the sciences. The suburban campus in Waltham, MA is close to the academic and biotechnology centers of Boston and Cambridge.

Brandeis University is an equal opportunity employer, committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and strongly encourages applications from women and minorities. Diversity in its student body, staff and faculty is important to Brandeis’ primary mission of providing a quality education. The search committee is therefore particularly interested in candidates who, through their creative endeavors, teaching and/or service experiences, will increase Brandeis’ reputation for academic excellence and better prepare its students for a pluralistic society.


Research Engineer in Physics of Industrial Processes (Saint-Gobain)

Voir l’annonce en pdf ici


poste : Fluid dyn

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Brasília invites
applications for a permanent position (tenure track, full time faculty
position) in Applied Mathematics, in the sub-areas of fluid dynamics and
numerical analysis. We particularly encourage applicants with a background
in theoretical and computational fluid dynamics who are willing to interact
with the researchers, post-docs and PhD students in fluid dynamics at the
Universidade de Brasília. All candidates must have a PhD degree in either
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or any related field
with research in fluid dynamics or numerical analysis.
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Brasília is one of the
best mathematics departments in Brazil and in Latin America, with a graduate
programme considered to be among the best in Brazil. It is widely recognised
for its strong research in pure mathematics and is now consolidating its
applied mathematics activities. The working environment is very pleasant,
international (more than a quarter of its faculty come from different
countries in Europe, Asia and The Americas) and vibrant (weekly seminars in
many areas of research and the frequent presence of visitors, post-docs and
graduate students from all over the world).
This is a full time (tenure-track) position and it comes with a teaching
load of two courses per semester (undergraduate and/or graduate courses).
The starting salary is around R$ 165000/year (one hundred and sixty-five
thousand Brazilian reais per year, as of today something around USD
50000/year or EUR 44000/year or GBP 40000/year).
The selection process (and interviews) will happen around September/October
2017 and will happen in Brasília, Brazil. For further information about the
position, about the selection process or on how to apply for this position,
please contact Prof. Yuri Dumaresq Sobral at
<> , or by phone: +556131076491 or by skype (skype id:
*IMPORTANT: Deadline for applications is 11 August 2017.*

Full Time Faculty Position
Fluid Dynamics or Numerical Analysis
Department of Mathematics
Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
IMPORTANT: Deadline for applications is 11 August 2017.
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Brasília invites applications for a permanent
position (tenure track, full time faculty position) in Applied Mathematics, in the sub-areas of fluid
dynamics and numerical analysis. We particularly encourage applicants with a background in
theoretical and computational fluid dynamics who are willing to interact with the researchers, postdocs and PhD students in fluid dynamics at the Universidade de Brasília. All candidates must have a
PhD degree in either Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or any related field
with research in fluid dynamics or numerical analysis.
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Brasília is one of the best mathematics
departments in Brazil and in Latin America, with a graduate programme considered to be among the
best in Brazil*. It is widely recognised for its strong research in pure mathematics and is now
consolidating its applied mathematics activities. The working environment is very pleasant,
international (more than a quarter of its faculty come from different countries in Europe, Asia and
The Americas) and vibrant (weekly seminars in many areas of research and the frequent presence of
visitors, post-docs and graduate students from all over the world).
This is a full time position and it comes with a teaching load of two courses per semester
(undergraduate and/or graduate courses). The starting salary is around R$ 145000/year (one
hundred and forty-five thousand Brazilian reais per year, around USD 50000/year or EUR
43000/year or GBP 31000/year).
The selection process (and interviews) will happen around late September – October 2017 and will
happen in Brasília, Brazil. For further information about the position, about the selection process or
on how to apply for this position, please contact Prof. Yuri Dumaresq Sobral at ,
or by phone: +556131076491 or by skype ( skype id: yurisobral ).
It is graded as grade 7, maximum possible grade awarded by the Ministry of Education; there are only 4 other departments of mathematics with this distinction in Brazil.

postdoc poste

poste (CDD) Ingénieur/chercheur au CINaM (Marseille)

voir l’annonce en pdf



Gecko Biomedical in Paris is hiring

Polymer Chemistry Research Lead position at Gecko Biomedical in Paris.

see announcement in pdf


Poste Prof (Institut de Physique de Nice)

Le nouvel Institut de Physique de Nice recrute un nouveau professeur dans une procédure “au fil de l’eau”.
Le profil scientifique est très large.

La candidature se fera de manière dématérialisée via le site  du ministère ( et sur à partir du 1er septembre 2017.
A ce mail je joins les fiches de poste rédigées en français et en anglais.

Pourriez-vous faire circuler ce mail auprès des chercheurs potentiellement intéressés ?

Bien sincèrement,

Médéric Argentina
Institut de Physique de Nice


Tenure track (Women in Science) AMOLF Amsterdam

With this email I wish to attract your attention to an opening for tenure track positions at AMOLF in Amsterdam. These positions are funded through the Women In Science Excel (WISE) programme, funded by the Dutch national funding agency NWO, and the deadline is 30 August 2017. For further information see below and:

If you know of suitable candidates, I would be most indebted if you would forward this email, and/or contact me

Many thanks, Martin van Hecke

About AMOLF: AMOLF is a world-leading interdisciplinary research institute working on the Physics of Functional Complex Matter. AMOLF is located at the Science Park in Amsterdam, in close proximity of the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
The research program of AMOLF is focused on the physics of functional complex matter, and brings together physics, chemistry, biology, materials sciences and engineering. Central to the mission of AMOLF is the start of promising research directions that are new to the Netherlands.

Present research themes at AMOLF are:
1)      Designer Matter (metamaterials, soft robotics, self organization, soft matter).
2)      Physics of Living Matter (biophysics, systems biology)
3)      Nanophotonics (classical and quantum optics on the nanoscale)
4)      Nanophotovoltaics (PV materials and light management)

We offer a scientifically inspiring collaborative environment, state-of-the-art infrastructure and an interdisciplinary research program. Our tenure track system is modeled on the US system, with similar independence, career perspectives and with a generous start up package (investment and personnel).
Finally, the Dutch funding system is particularly attractive for junior staff building up a new group, as there are a variety of substantial personal grants available for junior people.

About the WISE program:  As the tenure track fellowship is facilitated by the NWO WISE program, applications for the position need to be made through the NWO  “Women in Science Excel” program website. This process works via an open, competitive call for applications administered by the dutch science foundation NWO, with selected candidates invited to visit the institute for interview:
AMOLF will supply a startup package well beyond the WISE guidelines.
Successful candidates will be able to start a group as independent principal investigator, with a clear path to a permanent position after 5 years.

Candidates who are interested to explore the opportunity of this WISE call, are invited to contact the AMOLF director
( or any of the pertinent research theme leaders (designer matter – , biophysics–  , photovoltaics– , nanophotonics before applying, todiscuss the research plan, the tenure-track start up package we can provide (in addition to the provisions of the WISE call itself), and to explain further the type of research environment at AMOLF.