Archives de la catégorie: postdoc


postdoc Mécanique de micro-capsules (BMBI UTC)

poste de postdoctorat à pourvoir au laboratoire BMBI à l’UTC. Il porte sur l’étude du comportement mécanique de microcapsules par approche microfluidique/microrhéologique.

La date limite est à ce jour fixée au 11 mai.


Postdoc transport masse/chaleur dans les arbres (PIAF)

Le PIAF (Physique et Physiologie de l’Arbre)  propose une position de Post-Doc de 2 ans sur la modélisation de transport de masse et de chaleur au sein de branches lors d’épisode de gel. Nous cherchons donc un physicien  ayant déjà une competence en transport de masse et de chaleur par elements finis. Des notions d’homogeneisation ou de milieu triphasiques seraient un plus.

Serait-il possible de faire passer l’annonce auprès du réseau.

En vous remerciant


******  *********** 
Integrative Physics and Physiology of Trees in Fluctuating environments

INRA Site de Crouel 
5 chemin de Beaulieu 
63100 Clermont-Ferrand – France 
tel: (33) 4 43 76 14 02 
GPS: N 45.77482° E 3.14414° 


Postdoc in LMA, CINaM, IUSTI on structural organization of red blood cells

Veillez trouvez une offre de post-doc en pj proposée par les laboratoires LMA, CINaM et IUSTI dans le cadre de l’appel de l’Institut Centuri à Marseille. Le sujet s’intitulé « structural organization of red blood cell suspensions under flows  in health and sickle cell disease ». Merci par avance pour votre aide

Bien cordialement
Emilie Franceschini

Emilie Franceschini, Chargée de recherche CNRS
Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique
4 impasse Nikola TESLA
CS 40006
Tel bureau: 33 4 84 52 42 86
Tel salle manip: 334 84 52 59 49


2 postdocs (Experimental / Computational) colloidal suspensions (Cornell)

Open Experimental Postdoc Position: Hormozi Research Group, Cornell University 

A full-time experimental post-doctoral researcher position is immediately available in the group of Prof. Sarah Hormozi at Cornell University ( 

The project will involve flows of dense non-Brownian suspensions, colloidal suspensions and active matter. Candidates are sought in all technical subdisciplines of soft matter physics and optical physics with a strong background and publication. The position requires familiarity with setting up and working with optical devices from scratch, i.e., skills such as Particle Image Velocimetry, Particle tracking Velocimetry, Advanced Microscopy. The main objective is to establish and set up a new lab at Cornell University and get involved in various fundamental research projects. Cornell University offers an intellectually stimulating environment with excellent facilities. Incredibly exciting is the opportunity for the candidate to interact with outstanding faculty on campus and scientists at other universities in the areas of soft matter physics and fluid mechanics. The successful candidate will benefit from the ongoing experimental projects at the Hormozi’s lab, research institutes such as the Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility ( and the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (  

This is expected to be a one-year position. However, an additional year will be considered contingent on project performance and funding.  To apply, please send a CV, names of three references, and up to three representative publications to Prof. Sarah Hormozi ( with the subject“Hormozi Group: Experimental Postdoc

Position.”  Open Computational Postdoc Position: Hormozi Research Group, Cornell University  A full-time post-doctoral researcher position is immediately available in the group of Prof. Sarah Hormozi at Cornell University ( The project will involve flows of dense non-Brownian suspensions. Candidates are sought in all technical subdisciplines of computational rheology and soft matter physics with a strong background and publication record in theoretical and computational research. The candidate is expected to bring enthusiasm, deep thinking, broad curiosity, and creativity to the project.   Cornell University offers an intellectually stimulating environment with excellent facilities. Incredibly exciting is the opportunity for the candidate to interact with outstanding faculty on campus and scientists at other universities in the areas of soft matter physics and fluid mechanics. The project will particularly be carried out in a collaborative fashion with Professors Donald Koch (CBE Cornell) and Franck Radjai (CNRS, University of Montpellier, France). Although the project is purely computational and theoretical, the successful candidate will benefit from the ongoing experimental projects at the Hormozi’s lab, research institutes such as the Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility ( and the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source ( and collaborating with scientists in experimental physics, notably Professors Guillaume Ovarlez (CNRS, University of Bordeaux, France) and Annie Colin (CNRS, ESPCI, France).  This is expected to be a two-year position, with the second year contingent on project performance and funding.  

To apply, please send a CV, names of three references, and up to three representative publications to Prof. Sarah Hormozi ( with the subject“Hormozi Group Computational Postdoc Position.”


postdoc multi-physical non-destructive testing (Bordeaux)

voir l’annonce en pdf ci dessous:


Postdoc « Physique et Physiologie de l’Arbre », Clermont-Ferrand

bonjour à tous,

Le PIAF (Physique et Physiologie de l’Arbre)  propose une position de Post-Doc de 2 ans sur la modélisation de transport de masse et de chaleur au sein de branches lors d’épisode de gel. Nous cherchons donc un physicien  ayant déjà une competence en transport de masse et de chaleur par elements finis. Des notions d’homogeneisation ou de milieu triphasiques seraient un plus.

******  *********** 
Integrative Physics and Physiology of Trees in Fluctuating environments

INRA Site de Crouel 
5 chemin de Beaulieu 
63100 Clermont-Ferrand – France 
tel: (33) 4 43 76 14 02 
GPS: N 45.77482° E 3.14414°

postdoc poste

postdoc biomécanique nucléaire (LadHyX)

Bonjour a tous,

Ci-joint une annonce de poste de postdoc ou ingenieur de recherche dans le domaine de la biomecanique nucleaire dans mon equipe au LadHyX a l’Ecole Polytechnique. Merci de diffuser autour de vous.

Abdul I. Barakat
CNRS Director of Research – Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX)
AXA Professor of Mechanics and Biology
Ecole Polytechnique
Route de Saclay
91128 Palaiseau Cedex
Tel:  +33-1-6933-5268
Fax:  +33-1-6933-5292
Google Scholar:

Adjunct Professor
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
University of New South Wales Sydney


Postdoc « Biomechanics and mechanobiology of the lymphatic system », UT Compiègne


Postdoc on shape morphing electro-active slender structures, CentraleSupelec, University of Paris-Saclay, Ecole Polytechnique

Please find attached a postdoc opening on shape morphing electro-active slender structures. The project is financed by Labex LaSIPS and involves teams from GeePs (CentraleSupelec), the SP2M (ICMMO, Université Paris-Saclay) and LMS (École Polytechnique).

The position may start no earlier than June, 2021 and should be filled by October 2021.


PostDoc position – Tactile peception of materials and skin friction, Saarbrücken.

Dear Colleagues,

Please forward the attached opening announcement to any young researchers who might be interested in studying the relation between skin friction and materials perception.

We look for a PostDoc who connects microstructure and surface energy with tactile material perception in collaboration with dermatologists (optical tomography and spectroscopy).

Thanks, and best regards,

Roland Bennewitz