Archives de la catégorie: postdoc


Postdoc on dynamics and statistics in complex fluid (Univ Torino)

A 2 year postdoc is available to work at the University of Torino(Italy) on the field of complex fluids, broadly defined. Research interests include turbulent flows, non-Newtonian fluids, motile particles. Candidate should hold a PhD in physics, engineering or related fields. Previous experience in complex systems, statistical physics or fluid mechanics and numerical simulations is a plus.

If you are interested in this position, please email your CV to Guido Boffetta (


Post-doc finite element models of embryo tissue dynamics (Collège de France, Paris – ERC)

Active surfaces & finite element models of embryo & tissue dynamics – 24 months renewable 

PhD in mechanical engineering, applied mathematics or computer science recommended.

Portal for application:
More details attached.Lab website:

Best wishes,Hervé Turlier

Hervé Turlier, PhDTeam Multiscale Physics of Morphogenesis,Center for Interdisciplinary Research in BiologyCollège de France / CNRS UMR7241 / INSERM U105011, place Marcelin Berthelot75231 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCETel: +33 (0)144271410Mobile: +33 (0)


postdoc computational materials science at IST Austria (Vienna)

Postdoc position on computational materials science at IST Austria, Vienna

We are searching for a postdoctoral researcher, who will use and develop state-of-the-art methods, including machine learning techniques and advanced molecular dynamics, to study thermodynamic and transport properties of technologically-relevant materials. The position will be based in the newly established group of Assistant Professor Bingqing Cheng at IST Austria.

Further details and application instructions:


Postdoc: Stability and dissipative properties of liquid foam (IPR, Rennes)

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce a 2 years experimental post doc position currently open in Rennes (France), funded by the ERC, on flow in foam films.

Best regards

I. Cantat and A. Saint-Jalmes


postdoc instability electro- magneto-elastic structures (Glasgow University)

I currently have a vacancy for a postdoctoral researcher in my group at the University of Glasgow. This is part of an EPSRC funded project on modelling of instabilities in thin electroelastic and magnetoelastic structures.


I’m looking for a person with a PhD in solid mechanics and background in either nonlinear continuum mechanics or nonlinear computational mechanics or similar. The link to the job description and application portal is here:

kind regardsPrashant

Dr Prashant SaxenaLecturer, James Watt School of EngineeringUniversity of Glasgow
PI: Mechanics of Soft Solids groupGroup webpage:
Rm 734, Rankine BuildingOakfield Avenue, Glasgow G12 8LT, UKPhone: +44 141 330 2000 Ext: 0927


Postdoc: « Stability of foam films – flow and instability », InPhyNi, Nice


L’Institut de Physique de Nice offre un contrat postdoctoral de 24 mois dans le domaine de la mécanique des fluides et des phénomènes interfaciaux. Il s’agit de développer une étude expérimentale pour comprendre les écoulements au sein des films de savon.

Plus d’information dans le fichier ci-dessous

Merci de bien vouloir transmettre cette annonce aux jeunes docteur.e.s ou à tout autre personne potentiellement intéressée de votre entourage.


Christophe Raufaste


Postdoc: « Foams on the ISS », INSP Paris


postdoc experimental soft matter systems (U.Barcelona)


Postdoc: Water and aqueous salt solutions under extreme conditions: viscosity and vibrational spectroscopy (U. Lyon)

See the following link :


2-year Post-doc at LadHyX, Ecole Polytechnique on Numerical modelling of particle suspensions