Archives de la catégorie: postdoc


postdoc thin film mechanics (SIMM-ESPCI + L’Oreal)


postdoc flow through artificial vasculature in soft media (UCSB)

See annoucement in pdf here :


Mesures et modélisation Cyclisme/Aviron (Ladhyx)

voir l’annonce du postdoc Mesures embarquées en bateau d’aviron et cyclisme sur piste et modélisation de course ici :


postdoc simulation hydrodynamic effects in fish schools (LiPhy, Grenoble)

Postdoc in Grenoble, France

We are looking for a post-doc on numerical simulation of hydrodynamic effects in fish schools and coupling to collective effects.

From Philippe Peyla (


ATER soft matter physics (SIMM-ESPCI)

Dear colleagues,

Please find attached an offer for a temporary teaching assistant (ATER) position in soft matter physics at ESPCI in Paris.
The teaching part includes 135 hours of tutorial classes and practical works in statistical physics
and soft matter physics (phase transitions, soft interfaces) for the ESPCI students.
The research part will be held at SIMM-UMR7615 lab and deal with interfaces, mechanics and cavitation.

Best regards,
Artem Kovalenko


post doc Shear thickening Pipe Flow (IUSTI-Marseille)

Adding a sufficient quantity of small repulsive particles (e.g. cornstarch, CaCO3 + additives) to a Newtonian liquid triggers spectacular behaviors: the suspension flows under low shear stresses and jams, i.e. solidifies, at larger stresses. Recently, this sharp transition has been shown to result from the sudden establishment of frictional contacts between the particles as the repulsive stress is overcome1,2, and to trigger a new type of waves (‘Oobleck’ waves)3. However, its consequences on such a simple and ubiquitous flow as the flow in a straight pipe is still an open question.

The post-doc will precisely tackle this, apparently, simple question: How does a shear-thickening suspension flow inside a pipe? Using experiments with model shear-thickening suspensions, the goal is to address how the resistance and structure of the flow depend on the level of stress and pipe dimensions. The sliding of the particles at the wall and their migration across the pipe will be considered. In the footprints of Reynolds4, addressing the transition to the shear-jamming of the suspension will also demand to probe the stability of the flow – both in terms of steadiness and laminarity.

This research will be performed in partnership with Chryso, a company developing additives (super- plasticisers) for high performance, high-flowability concretes. The results, first obtained with model shear thickening suspensions, will then be compared to the behavior of calcium carbonate + superplasticizers suspensions, with the aim to improve fluidizing additive characteristics and concrete pumping conditions.

Context: The work will be mostly experimental involving advanced pressure-imposed rheological charac- terizations, pressure measurements and X-Ray imaging technics. It will be performed at IUSTI under the supervision of H. Lhuissier, P. Boustingorry, B. Metzger and Y. Forterre. This PostDoc is part of the ANR project ScienceFriction which also comprises theoretical and numerical approaches in collaboration with M. Wyart at EPFL, Switzerland, and with R. Mari at LiPhy, Grenoble. One other post-doc and two other PhDs will simultaneously work on other aspects of the project. We thus expect synergetic interactions and constructive collaborations between the partners and the students of this project.

Candidates having a background in Physics, Fluid Mechanics, Soft Matter, Physical chemistry and with a strong taste for both experiments and theoretical analysis are invited to apply (CV+Letter of support).

Place Dates Contacts

IUSTI, Aix-Marseille Univ, Marseille E ́toile campus

1 year (possibilities of extensions), starting before Jan. 2022


Postdoc « Matériaux fibreux pour l’extraction du lithium », ICS, Strasbourg

postdoc poste

Prestigious Research Fellowship in Engineering, Cambridge University

Attached is an advert for a research fellowship in Engineering at Pembroke College, Cambridge. The fellowship is not restricted to any specific subject but rather just restricted to Engineering viewed in a broad sense. These endowment funded research fellowships are very prestigious in the Cambridge setting as they offer nearly unlimited freedom to the holders to pursue research in topics of their choosing.

The fellowship is addressed to researchers that recently obtained their PhD or expect to receive their PhD around 1 October 2022.

Vikram Deshpande
University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1PZ
Phone + 44 1223 332664
Fax + 44 1223 332662


ERC-funded postdoc in experimental fluid mechanics (Marseille)

ERC-funded postdoc in experimental fluid mechanics



Offre PostDoc Elastomère IFREMER PIMM

Bonjour à Tous

Je souhaite partager avec vous cette offre d’emploi PostDoc 18 mois proposée par IFREMER et le laboratoire PIMM.

Il s’intitule : Coupling effect between ageing and mechanical loading – Case study of elastomer degradation under mechanical loading.

Le candidat aura des connaissances dans le domaine des élastomères (physico-chimie et mécanique idéalement).

Le début de ce PostDoc est prévu le 01/01/22.

Veuillez trouver tous les détails dans le lien suivant :

Merci d’envoyer votre CV et une lettre de motivation par email à et

Bien à vous

Bruno Fayolle