Archives de la catégorie: postdoc


Postdoc: Microfluidic study of the biophysics of bacterial populations in porous media (Toulouse)

Voir annonce:  Postdoc_Toulouse_Microfluidics


postdoc Why animals learn the way they do? (IRPHE/INMED Marseille)

Why animals learn the way they do?
An experimentally driven computational approach

David Robbe / INMED /
Christophe Eloy / IRPHE /

By constantly interacting with their environment, animals are capable of developing adaptive strategies to maximize reward collection, avoid punishments and minimize energy expenditure. The biological algorithms underlying trial-and-error learning are largely unknown. To address this question, we will examine whether different computational models can reproduce the learning dynamics and behavioral strategy of rats in a laboratory-based task. The data to model are already acquired and come from experiments in which animals, engaged in a multi-trial time estimation task, converged progressively towards a conserved embodied strategy. Learning models will be based on classical reinforcement techniques and more recent developments coming from artificial intelligence (deep learning). In this project, the back and forth interaction between experiments and theory will further the understanding of the mechanisms underlying learning and trial-by-trial adjustment in performance.

Adaptive behavior; Reinforcement learning; Robotics; Embodiment; Motor learning; Rats; Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning


postdoc physics of active matter (Univ de Chile)

We invite interested young researchers to apply for postdoc positions available at the group “Millennium Nucleus Physics of Active Matter” at the Physics department of the University of Chile (Santiago). The applicants should have a strong training in physics or disciplines related to the project (see below) with skills in theoretical, numerical and/or experimental research. The selected candidates will participate in an open work atmosphere of collaboration between theoreticians and experimentalists working in different problems related to the “Physics of Active Matter”.

We are particularly interested in developing:

1-Stochastic Thermodynamics and other theoretical approaches for active matter and non-equilibrium systems in general.
2-Experimental techniques for the study of bacterial suspensions in microfluidic devices.
3-Simulations of bacterial suspensions, active tissues, or active colloids.

More information can be found in or in the personal web pages of the principal investigators:
Felipe Barra (
María Luisa Cordero (
Rodrigo Soto (

Financial support from our side is committed for one year and will be extended yearly upon agreement between the two parties. In consist in a monthly salary of 1.770.000 Chilean pesos (2800 USD approx). Operational expenses and expenses associated to conferences (such as plane tickets, etc.) can be covered from our research budget.

Candidates should send a CV, research interests, and the names and contact information of 2-3 researches that can provide references to prof. Felipe Barra,

For any further information, please feel free to contact Felipe Barra, .


postdoc experimental rheology of fluid+particles (Oslo)

Dear all,

We have an open position for an experimental post-doc on non-newtonian flows at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo..
The project provides an excellent opportunity to study basic flow behaviour of liquids with particles and their complex rheology as part of an international collaborative project (

More details about the position and application details can be found here:

If you have any questions related to the position, please do not hesitate to write.


Andreas Carlson
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Oslo

Phone: (+47) 228-57223
Skype: carlsona


Post-doc computational rheology of dense polymers (Gottingen)

Dear Colleagues,

We invite applications for a postdoctoral fellowship (salary group 13 TV-L) in the area of computer simulation of polymer materials and soft matter at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Georg-August University, Göttingen, Germany. The initial appointment will be for one year and an extension is possible.

The project aims at studying the rheology of dense polymer melts and composites via computer simulations of highly coarse-grained models and comparing the results to experiments and/or more detailed models. Candidates are expected to hold a PhD degree in Physics, Chemistry, or Engineering, have proven experience with molecular dynamics simulations of coarse-grained polymer models, and have very good communication skills in English; experience in high-performance computing (using e.g., HOOMD) is desirable.

The Georg-August University is an equal opportunity employer and supports gender equality. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, list of publications, and contact information (preferably in the form of email addresses) for two references. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Kind regards

Marcus Müller

Prof. Dr. Marcus Müller
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Georg-August University
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1
37077 Göttingen, Germany
+49 551 3913888


Post-doc Discrete/Continuum Modelling of Cohesive Granular Flows (I.D’Alembert)

Annonce postdoc en pdf

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Discrete/Continuum Modelling of Cohesive Granular Flows

Institut Le Rond d’Alembert, Sorbonne Université, Paris

Fixed term position for 1 year. Closing Date: December 31st 2018

Modelling of Cohesive Granular Flows.

Granular matter is important in a wide variety of engineering and industrial applications, as well as for the mitigation of catastrophic geophysical flows. Although our understanding of this class of material has steadily improved in the last twenty years, many open questions remain. The behaviour and rheology of cohesive granular systems forms one of them. Cohesion between rigid macroscopic grains occurs commonly in the presence of humidity (capillary bonds), when the size of the grains becomes critically small (van der Walls forces, for instance in most powders), or may be intrinsic to the system studied (as is snow and ice avalanches, or for material subject to electrostatic/magnetic forces). Cohesive contacts in a granular system induce the emergence of intermediate length scales controlling the co-existence of flowing and rigid zones. The way the “flowability” of the system is affected, and the translation in terms of a modified rheological model for cohesive granular flows, is unclear in most flow configurations.
The aim of the project is to investigate the flowability/rheology of cohesive flows in two challenging test configurations. A Bagnold flow over a bump, and the collapse of a step, will be both considered.
Discrete (Contact Dynamics) and continuum (Basilisk) numerical simulations tools will be applied to explore the flow characteristics and test rheological models.

The position will take place in the granular team within the FCIH group in Institut D’Alembert to work with Pierre-Yves Lagrée, Lydie Staron, Stéphanie Deboeuf and Stéphane Popinet, in the framework of the ANR Coprint on Cohesive Powders (PI Maxime Nicolas). As such, it will benefit from interactions with the granular team in IUSTI (Marseille) and with Saint Gobain-CREE.
Interactions with the University of Twente will be funded by an existing Van Gogh grant.

The ideal candidate will demonstrate experience/knowledge in fluid mechanics, particulate systems and numerical modelling. Application should be sent to P-Y. Lagrée ( and L. Staron (, including a detailed CV. Closure date for application is 31st December 2018.

Team Track Record on Granular Flows:

G. Saingier, S. Deboeuf and P.-Y. Lagrée, On the front shape of an inertial granular flow down a rough incline, PHYS. FLUIDS 28 (5), 053302, 2016
L. Staron, P.-Y. Lagrée and S. Popinet, Continuum simulation of the discharge of the granular silo: a validation test for the mu(I)-visco-plastic flow law,
EURO. PHYS. J. E 37, 5, 2014
L. Staron, P.-Y. Lagrée, P. Ray and S. Popinet, Scaling Laws for the Slumping of a Bingham Plastic Fluid, J. RHEOLOGY 57, 1265 (doi: 10.1122/1.4802052), 2013
L. Staron, P.-Y. Lagrée & S. Popinet, The granular silo as a continuum plastic flow: The hour-glass vs the clepsydra, PHYS. FLUIDS 24 (10), 113303, doi:10.1063/1.4757390, 2012
P.-Y. Lagrée, L. Staron & S. Popinet, The granular column collapse as a continuum: validity of a two-dimensional Navier-Stokes model with the mu(I) rheology, J. FLUID MECH. , vol 686, pp 378-408, 2011

Lydie Staron °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Sorbonne Université – CNRS
Institut Jean le Rond d’Alembert, 4 place Jussieu, Case 162
75252 Paris Cedex 5, France


2 postdocs in soft matter tribology (Lecce,Italie)

we have two open postdoc positions on soft matter tribology at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Lecce, Italy (Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies, CBN, The activities will be performed in strict collaboration with the University of Salento, located in the same city, as well as with an international industrial partner. The positions are for 1 year, renewable up to three.

The positions are mainly intended to be senior positions, however, the salary will be commensurate to the experience and skills. The (summarised) descriptions of the relevant skills are the following:
1) Expertise on theoretical soft matter tribology, with emphasis on the numerical aspects of fluid/solid contact dynamics and, eventually, multiphase flow. FEM/BEM and particle dynamics will be used/developed during the research activities.
2) Expertise on experimental tribology, with emphasis on tribological and optical methods, and familiarity with spectroscopy and microscopy characterization for surface analysis. The activities will also involve the adoption of simple micro-fabrication techniques (such as soft-lithography).

The CBN is an extremely interdisciplinary research center with the most advanced research facilities for micro-nano investigations, and is part of the network of IIT centers (
Please contact me for further information.

Best regards

Michele Scaraggi, PhD, Ing
Assistant professor
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, Università del Salento
Centro Ecotekne Pal. O – S.P. 6, 73100 Monteroni-Lecce, Italy
Visiting professor, Imperial College London, UK
Affiliated researcher, Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies, IIT Lecce, IT
tel. +39 0832 29 7815
mob.: +39 320 149 7255
fax: +39 0832 29 7815


Postdoc: Stochastic Molecular Matter + Metamaterials (AMOLF – Amsterdam)

Une annonce de Post Doc


Postdoc in Mechanics and geometry of thin and slender structures (Aarhus University)

Applications are invited for a 2 year (1+1) postdoctoral position with a background in theoretical and
computational mechanics, soft condensed matter physics, or Applied Mathematics. This project focuses on
uncovering mathematical descriptions for use in the Japanese art of paper cutting, namely Kirigami, and
Reticulated Structures.

To know more, please read this document: AarhusUniv_Postdoc_ Mechanics


Postdoc on Simulation and modelling of shear-thickening suspensions in Grenoble

We have an opening for a 18-month postdoctoral researcher, starting from February 2019, to work on the simulation and modelling of shear-thickening suspensions in Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France. The work will be centered on understanding the emergence of instabilities and on modeling the transient interplay between dilation and pore pressure feedback as shear thickening occurs.

The position is funded by the ANR grant « ScienceFriction » led by B. Metzger (IUSTI, Marseille), which combines experimental, numerical  and theoretical approaches to the rheology of shear thickening, with a focus on transient phenomena and flow instabilities in close collaboration with H. Lhuissier, and Y. Forterre at IUSTI in Marseille, and M. Wyart at EPFL in Lausanne.

The succesful candidate will work with Romain Mari within the broader Statistical Physics and Modelling group in Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (« LIPhy »), affiliated to CNRS and Université Grenoble-Alpes. Research at LIPhy covers bio-, soft matter, and statistical physics, among others. It is based in Grenoble, one of the biggest academic cities in France, in the French Alps. 

Candidates should have a recent PhD (obtained after January 2017) and have a strong background in physics, ideally in numerical simulation and/or theory of soft materials.

Application consists of a CV, a cover letter, and 2 recommendation letters, and should exclusively be made via before November 5, 2018.