Archives de catégorie : conférences/écoles

Workshop « Topology and broken symmetries » (Utrecht)

Dear colleagues,

We would like to inform you of an upcoming workshop on Topological matter that we are organizing in Utrecht next July. If you are interested to participate, you can register at the website below. We also welcome proposals for both oral presentations and posters.


Title: Topology and broken symmetries: from driven quantum matter to active metamaterials

Website and registration:
Location and date:
Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 1st to 3rd, 2019
Over the last few years, there has been an explosion of activity in the fields of topological matter, active matter and designer matter. Concepts of symmetries and topology have been found as essential guiding principles to capture the emergence of new phases of matter such as frustration-free disorder, protected edge modes or non-reciprocal transport. All of these remain elusive, however, for far-from-equilibrium systems. This workshop aims at bringing together a broad group of scientists from the quantum and the classical worlds to identify the unifying concepts for the understanding of emergent electronic, mechanical, acoustic and electromagnetic properties of driven/active materials and metamaterials.

Jácome Armas (University of Amsterdam)
Corentin Coulais (University of Amsterdam)
Romain Fleury (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Jasper van Wezel (University of Amsterdam)

Instabilities in Solids and Structures (ASME – Nov 2019)

Dear Colleague:

We, the AMD IiSS Technical Committee organizers, are pleased to continue our long-standing tradition of arranging a symposium on « Instabilities in Solids and Structures » at the annual ASME-International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE). The Congress this year will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah during the period of November 8-14, 2019. Contributions on instability in both material and structural systems are welcome. As you are aware, this is a major mechanical engineering meeting with upwards of 2,000 international participants. Our Technical Committee has participated with success in the Congress since 1994 and we certainly would like to keep up this tradition.

Our symposium accepts ONLY « Presentation Only » abstracts and the « Presentation Only Abstract Submission » deadline this year is July 22, 2019.

Participation requires just the submission of an abstract by July 22, 2019. (This is a hard deadline; do not expect an extension.)

Upload your abstract at your earliest convenience; the symposium is in Track 11 « Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids » as Topic « 11-37 Instabilities in Solids and Structures »

This year, we are pleased to continue our collaboration with the ASME AMD Technical Committee on Soft Matter. If you work on problems in this area that include instabilities, we encourage you to submit an abstract to our session.

Please let us know by return e-mail if you have any questions or concerns.


Ryan S. Elliott
Kostas Danas
Stavros Gaitanaros
Francisco López Jiménez
Dai Okumura

infos journées GdR mecafib (26-27 mars, Lyon)

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Les prochaines journées de du GdR mecafib auront lieu les 26 et 27 mars prochains à Lyon et porteront sur la prise en compte des phénomènes de variabilité dans les milieux fibreux. Pour nous éclairer sur cette problématique importante, nous avons invité trois chercheurs référents du domaine :
Dominique Jeulin (Centre de Morphologie Mathématique, Mines ParisTech), qui nous parlera de modélisation morphologique de milieux fibreux aléatoires, d’approche statistique du VER pour ce type de milieux, et de modèles statistiques de rupture adaptés ;
Maurice Lemaire (Institut Pascal, Univ. Clermont Auvergne), dont la ligne directrice de l’intervention sera de souligner que chaque fois qu’un modèle numérique est mis en œuvre, il faut se poser la question des incertitudes sur les données et sur le modèle ;
Christian Soize (laboratoire Modélisation et Simulation Multi Echelle, Univ Paris Est), qui nous parlera de modélisation stochastique des champs, d’identification statistique inverse, d’apprentissage probabiliste sur les variétés, et d’optimisation de design sous incertitudes en mécanique numérique.
Nous comptons sur vous pour venir les écouter, échanger avec eux, et par la même présenter vos travaux, qui plus est en lien avec la thématique.

L’ensemble de ces informations, ainsi que le formulaire d’inscription se trouvent sur le site web de mecafib à l’adresse suivante :

Nous vous attendons nombreux à Lyon!

Bien cordialement, Pierre Dumont et Florian Martoïa (pour les organisateurs), Lucie Bailly, Jean-François Ganghoffer et Laurent Orgéas (pour les autres).

Laurent ORGEAS, CNRS Research Director

Univ. Grenoble Alpes – CNRS – Grenoble INP
Laboratoire Sols-Solides-Structures-Risques (3SR Lab)
1270 rue de la Piscine, 38400 Saint Martin d’Hères, France

3SR Lab:
Perso web:

Complex Motion in Fluids (Denmark, august 2019)

Please find enclosed the first call for the 9th summer school « Complex Motion in Fluids » ( held in Gilleleje north of Copenhagen 18-24 August 2019, organized by us in collaboration with University of Cambridge, Ecole Polytechnique, and University of Twente.

The topics for 2019 include microscale acoustofluidics, acoustic tweezers, slippery surfaces, micro swimmers, and biomechanics, and they are presented by nine international lecturers each giving a 1-hour and a 1½-hour lecture (see the attached call). Traditionally, all attendees (PhD students, postdocs and researchers) are presenting their own research either in a 12-minutes contributed talk or at one of the two poster sessions.

The invited lecturers this year are
Michaël Baudoin, Université Lille 1 (FR)
Thomas Laurell, Lunds Universitet (SE)
John Bush, M.I.T. (US)
Julia Yeomans, University of Oxford (UK)
Doris Vollmer, Max Planck Inst., Mainz (DE)
Anders Andersen, Technical Univ. Denmark (DK)
Christophe Clanet, CNRS / Ecole Polytech. (FR)
Francois Gallaire, EPFL (CH)
David Quéré, CNRS / ESPCI ParisTech (FR)

We apologize if you receive this message multiple times.

Best regards,

Tomas Bohr and Henrik Bruus
Technical University of Denmark

Granular materials and grain-fluid mixtures (juin 2019-StPetersbourg)


Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you to submit a contribution to the mini-symposium on ‘Granular materials and grain-fluid mixtures’ which I am organizing within the conference

Advanced Problems in Mechanics

taking place in Saint-Petersburg, from June 24 to June 29 of this year. See the web site :

In addition to sharing ideas about the vastly evolving research theme of the symposium, and to enjoying the extraordinary city of Saint-Petersburg in the time of the ‘white nights’, this is of course a special opportunity to meet our Russian colleagues, members of a scientific community with strong traditions in mechanics and condensed-matter physics, who are very much interested in exchanging with foreign scientists.

The deadline for abstracts is March 15.

Looking forward to meeting you in Russia !

Best regards,

Jean-Noel Roux
Laboratoire Navier,
Université Paris-Est

« Physics of Active Matter » July 2019, Chili

« Physics of Active Matter » July 2019, Chili
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to attend the workshop « Physics of Active Matter », a Satellite of the Statphys conference 2019.

The workshop that will take place in Viña del Mar, Chile, July 15-17, 2019, will focus on general topics in active matter physics, with an emphasis on the statistical mechanics of active systems and on applications to biology and synthetic active materials.
It will consider questions such as collective and emergent behavior, topological properties, thermodynamics, and mesoscale descriptions.

StatPhys + satellites : active matter, yielding phenomena (july 2019)

Dear colleagues,

This is the fourth announcement of the 27th IUPAP Conference on Statistical Physics, StatPhys27, that will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on July 8-12, 2019.

We are pleased to announce that you can now submit your contributions for StatPhys27. Registration at the early fee is also available. For details on registration, submission and request of financial support, please visit:

Please distribute this information among interested colleagues. You can also download the conference poster from the conference website,

to help us spread the news about StatPhys27. To stay informed on new developments about the conference, please visit regularly the conference web page.

If you have any inquiries, please contact us at or

We are expecting to have a very exciting and enjoyable conference (a week after a total eclipse that will be visible in Argentina).

Looking forward to seeing you in Buenos Aires in July!

Best regards

Silvina Ponce Dawson
Local Organizing Committee, StatPhys27

STATPHYS27 satellite workshop « Yielding Phenomena in Disordered Systems »
to be held in July 2019 at Centro Atómico Bariloche in Patagonia Argentina

the deadline for abstract submissions (January 31st) is approaching fast. We will
have at least 8 slots for contributed talks and one (or even two!) poster session(s),
please do not hesitate to submit your contribution!
Also, please take into account that Bariloche is a tourist destination and July is a winter high-season.
We recommend you to book in advance your travel and accommodation.
All the information about the workshop can be found at:
J.-L. Barrat, C. Brito, S. Bustingorry, E.E. Ferrero, A.B. Kolton, V. Lecomte, A. Rosso

From: Ezequiel Ferrero <>

Workshop « Physics of Active Matter », Viña del Mar, Chile, July 15-17, 2019,
a Satellite of the Statphys conference 2019.

The workshop that will take place in Viña del Mar, Chile, July 15-17, 2019, will focus
on general topics in active matter physics, with an emphasis on the statistical mechanics
of active systems and on applications to biology and synthetic active materials. It will
consider questions such as collective and emergent behavior, topological properties,
thermodynamics, and mesoscale descriptions.
The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended to February 17, 2019.

From: Rodrigo Soto <>

X Brazilian Meeting on Simulational Physics,
Ouro Preto, Brazil, July 15 -19, 2019

The tenth edition of the Brazilian Meeting on Simulational Physics will be
held in the historic city of Ouro Preto, Brazil, from July 15 to 19, as a
Satellite Meeting of StatPhys 27, to be held during 8-12 July, 2019 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The X-BMSP will gather scientists specialized in simulations in the most diverse areas of
physics, chemistry, biology and materials science, to present the latest advances in
methodology and techniques applied to the study of problems through computer simulations.
Organizers: BV Costa, JA Plascak, DP Landau, LAS Mól, PHL Martins, LFC Pereira

From: Lucas Mól <>

School/workshop « Statistical Mechanics of Active Matter »
June 12-14 2019 GGSI L ‘Aquila (Italy)

Registration is now open to the school/workshop « Statistical Mechanics of Active Matter »
(June 12-14 2019, GSSI L’Aquila, Italy).
A limited number of grants covering local expenses will be available for Ph.D. students
and junior Postdocs. You can apply for financial support while registering.
You should register online at the workshop website before May 10, 2019.

From: Massimo Cencini <>