Archives de catégorie : conférences/écoles

Summer School Active Matter and Complex Media, Cargèse 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We are very happy to announce the Summer School Active Matter and Complex
Media, to take place on September 1st to 11th , 2020 at Cargèse, France.

The summer school will bring together scientists from the various disciplines involved in research on active matter. Topics include:

Swimming and motility of micro-organisms
Collective dynamics of micro-swimmers and active colloids
Cell crawling and collective cell migration
Amoeboid swimming
Active nematics
Active particles in complex and crowded media

The conference will include invited and contributed talks as well as posters.

You can find more information on the conference website:

Deadline for application : 1st of May 2020

Best regards,

Salima Rafaï
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy)
CNRS et Université de Grenoble Alpes

SWEP “Surface Wettability Effects on Phase Change Phenomena » (Brighton UK 4-5 june 2020)

Dear colleagues,

we are very glad to announce that we are launching the 3rd workshop SWEP “Surface Wettability Effects on Phase Change Phenomena” in Brighton, UK.
The workshop will start at 1pm on Thu 4th June and terminate in the afternoon of Fri 5th June 2020.

The workshop aims at providing a forum for researchers to exchange knowledge on two-phase flows experiments, modeling and simulation, to discuss with worldwide experts their current research, and to propose a better comprehension on the effect of surface wettability on phase-change phenomena.

Specific topics include (but are not limited to):

• Mathematical models and computational techniques for phase change processes 

• Experimental techniques to measure the effect of different wettability on phase change phenomena

• Molecular dynamics simulations of phase change phenomena

• Multiscale simulations for boiling, condensation and ice formation 

• Mesoscale phenomena 

• Surface inhomogeneities enhanced phase transitions

Following the success of the previous two editions, we will have only invited lectures for the oral presentations and a number of posters spread in two sessions. Several recognized invited lecturers will give stimulating lectures on various topics related to SWEP. They will offer a panoramic view of the field and on the most recent results.

We also invite you to submit abstracts presenting the results of your original research in the area of experiments, modeling and simulation of wettability effects.
The accepted abstracts will be included in the poster sessions during the workshop.
Young researchers are warmly invited to highlight in their abstracts technical difficulties and open problems related to their own research activities in the SWEP area. The most stimulating topics will be selected for open discussion during the “Ask your question” session where flash-presentations will guide the discussion with the expert audience.

Abstract submission deadline is 31 January 2020
Acceptance of the abstract 29 February 2020

The workshop fees will be determined soon, but they will be aligned to what has been offered in the previous editions, and will likely include also the accommodation and all the lunches, the social dinner and the coffee break. Your travel is not included.

Maximum number of participants: 60

SWEP Workshop Chairs
Marco Marengo, University of Brighton, UK
Joel De Coninck, University of Mons, Belgium

The organising Chairman
Francesco Magaletti, University of Brighton, UK

CISM Advanced Course « Physics of Granular Suspensions: Micro-Mechanics of Geophysical Flows », 15-19 Juin 2020, Udine (Italie)

Cours avancés: CISM Advanced Course « Physics of Granular Suspensions: Micro-Mechanics of Geophysical Flows »  du 15 au 19 Juin 2020 à Udine (Italie)

Organisateurs:  Marco Mazzuoli ( and Laurent Lacaze (
Pascale Aussillous
– Aix Marseille Université, France
Sivaramakrishnan Balachandar
– University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
Julien Chauchat
– LEGI, Domaine Universitaire, Grenoble, France
Claudio di Prisco
–  Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Laurent Lacaze
– IMFT-CNRS, Toulouse, France
Marco Mazzuoli – University of Genova, Genova, Italy

Date limite d’inscription: 15 Avril 2020

International joint meeting on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Science, Marseille, May 25-29th , 2020

Dear Colleague,

this is the first  announcement of the International joint meeting on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Science, to be held in Marseille, France May 25-29 , 2020

Submission deadline has been set to January 24th 2020.

Abstract submission for an oral or poster presentation can be performed on the conference website

The scope of the conference is to discuss shared phenomena in nonlinear dynamics related to chaos,  transport and complexity. A strong emphasis will be put on the  interdisciplinary character of the conference. In the spirit of its interdisciplinary character, we encourage contributions from the ollowing  fields:

  •   * Chaos
  •   * Nonlinear Physics
  •   * transport
  •   * complex system
  •   * self-organization
  •   * Dynamical Systems
  •   * Hamiltonian systems
  •   * mixing
  •   * quantum chaos
  •   * control
  •   * fluid mechanics
  •   * plasma physics
  •   * nonlinear optics

The invited speakers are:

  •   P. Clavin (IRPHE, Aix-Marseille Université, France)
  •   B. Dubrulle (SPEC, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, France)
  •   D. Fanelli (University of Florence, Italy)
  •   M. Fontelos  (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
  •   J. Kurst (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany)
  •   Y. Pomeau  (Ladhyx, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
  •   J.-L. Thiffeault  (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)
  •   E. Ugalde   (Universidad Autonoma de San Luis de Potosi, Mexico)
  •   M. Zaks (Humbolt University of Berlin, Germany)
  •   M-C Firpo (LPP, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
  •   S. Ogawa (Rikken Institute, Japan)
  •   F. Raynal (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France)
  •   C. Manchein (Santa Catarina State University (UDESC),  Brazil)*
  •   D. Volchenkov, (Texas Tech University, USA)
  •   I. Ovsyannikov (University of Hamburg, Germany)
  •   T. Barois (LOMA, Bordeaux, France)*
  •   T. Séon (Institut d’Alembert, CNRS, Paris, France)
  •   A. Viallat (CINAM, CNRS, Marseille, France)
  •   M. Edelman (Yeshiva University, New York, USA)
  •   L. Ostrosky (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
  • * To be Confirmed

Further information  (registration procedure, scientific
program and committes, conference location, hotels list etc.) will be found
on the  conference web site: which will be
regularly updated.

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone you think could be
interested in this conference. We apologize if you receive this
announcement more than once.

For the oganizing committee,
Christophe Josserand, Xavier Leoncini and Simon Villain-Guillot

Fracture mechanics session at ICTAM, Milano, 23-28/08/2020

As you probably know, the 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2020) will be held in Milano, Italy, August 23-28, 2020. 

As usual, the Congress Committee has chosen a selection of topics, covering the broad field of Mechanics, to be the subjects of Thematic Sessions.

We have been asked to co-chair the Thematic Session SM05 on Fracture Mechanics, and it is thus our pleasant duty to invite you to submit a paper.Your submission, prepared according to the instructions given on the website should reach the Congress Office no later than 10 January, 2020

Yours sincerely,
Veronique LAZARUS (Professor of Solid Mechanics, ENSTA Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
Chad M. LANDIS (Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Texas at Austin)

2 minicolloques soutenus par le GDR Mephy aux JMC17, Rennes, 24-28 Août 2020

Journées Matières Condensées  2020 à Rennes du 24 au 28 Août 2020

Deux mini-colloques soutenus par le GDR Mephy:
MMM11. Milieux Granulaires : du micro au macro, du grain aux écoulements naturels et industriels

Organisateurs : Sylvain Courrech du Pont (MSC, Paris), Renaud Delannay (IPR, Rennes), Umberto D’Ortona (M2P2, Marseille), Philippe Gondret (FAST, Orsay), Patrick Richard (IFFSTAR, Nantes), Alexandre Valance (IPR, Rennes)             

MMM12. Frottement solide : des échelles microscopiques à la dynamique macroscopique

Organisateurs: Axelle AMON (IPR, Rennes), Elsa BAYART (ENS Lyon), Julien SCHEIBERT (LTDS, CNRS / Ecole Centrale de Lyon)

Dates à retenir:
15 février début de la soumission des abstracts pour présentation et posters
15 Avril : date limite de soumission

Thematic Session on « Low-Re-number flows and Suspensions » at ICTAM 2020 (Milano, August 23-28)

Dear colleagues,
The deadline for submitting your abstract to the Thematic Session on « Low-Re-number flows and Suspensions » at the ICTAM 2020 conference (Milano, August 23-28, 2020) is now approaching quickly!
The abstract submission website is open and will close on January 10th, 2020 (
This Thematic Session will bring together experts from our community to present their most recent advances on the motion of viscous fluids at small scales around a variety of topics, including micro-swimmers, active matter, suspensions, rheology, confined flows, fluid-structure interactions, …
As chairs of this exciting Thematic Session, we warmly invite you to submit your contributions and pass along the information to your group and colleagues. 
We hope to see you in Milano next August,
Best regards,Sebastien MichelinPeichun Amy Tsai 

KITP program « The Physics of Elastic Films: from Biological Membranes to Extreme Mechanics, May 10-July 16, 2021, Santa Barbara, USA

KITP program « The Physics of Elastic Films: from Biological Membranes 
to Extreme Mechanics », May 10-July 16, 2021, Santa Barbara, USA

KITP programs bring together scientists for a period of time no less than three weeks (some one week stays are also available for experimentalists) in order to promote advances in this focused area. Scientists attending the program have a desk for the visiting period, attend discussions and seminars and interact with the other participants. 

KITP provides accommodation and additional financial support is available for families 

The deadline for applications is December 8, 2019. For more information check:

Rheology of living & active systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2 -7 August, 2020

Symposium Rheology of living & active systems
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2 -7 August, 2020
abstract submission before January 30, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit your contributions to the session
Rheology of
living & active systems at the 18th International Congress on Rheology
This conference will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2 – 7, 2020.

Topics will include the flow and properties of active fluids, comprised of
biological or synthetic self-propelled entities, as well as biofluids. 
Talks on
experiment, theory, and simulation are welcome.

The abstract submission deadline is January 30 for oral presentations, and
April 30 for posters.

Submit your abstract at:
Updated information on the conference is available at


Francisco R. Cunha (Brazil)
Takuji Ishikawa (Japan)
Salima Rafai (France)

Salima Rafaï
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy)
CNRS et Université de Grenoble Alpes

Adresse postale:
Service Courrier UGA
Université Grenoble Alpes
Pôle Phitem
Laboratoire LIPhy
CS 40 700