
J.fineberg : Lectures on fracture and friction

Jay Fineberg (The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) a présenté une série de 3 cours, dans la série des Séminaires du Laboratoire de Science et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle (SIMM) et dans le cadre de la chaire Michelin/ESPCI

Les séminaires ont eu lieu à l’ESPCI (comment venir) les 5,10 et 13 février 2015 devant une 30aine de participants.

  • Jeudi 5 février 2015 : 10h00-11h00 Amphi Schützenberger.
    Fast fracture in slow motion : Dynamic fracture in brittle gels and the structure of the near-tip region- experiment and theory
    This first lecture would kind of give an introduction to dynamic fracture mechanics and show how linear elastic fracture mechanics can be generalized to include nonlinear elasticity. These are mostly older results – that could set the stage for the newer stuff that I would talk about later.
    Find here a Pdf version of the slides
    Find here the powerpoint slides
  • Mardi 10 février 2015 : 10h00-11h00 Amphi Urbain
    Ever more singular : Instability in Dynamic Fracture
    This second talk includes things that are not included in usual fracture mechanics – basically a combination of both some old results about waves that propagate along a crack front together with very new results showing the physics within dynamic crack fronts – and some new work that suggests a new view of crack instabilities.
  • Vendredi 13 février 2015 : 10h00-11h00 Amphi Joliot
    Friction is fracture
    This third talk introduces new work about how we can view classical friction as a “classical” shear fracture problem – basically suggesting a fundamental new paradigm for friction – with some new (as yet unpublished) results that show what it is good for.