—————————-Dear all,
We are happy to announce the first tentative schedule for the European Coating Symposium 2021 (ECS2021) on September 7th-9th + the pre-conference course on September 6th, which you can find on the ECS page: https://www.european-coating-symposium.eu/PreliminaryAgenda.html.
The conference will be held on-site, and we look forward to seeing all of you in Brussels. Nevertheless, we are equipped for online streaming of the event for those that will not have the opportunity to join us in Brussels.
If not already done, we kindly ask you to register for the conference at your earliest convenience at the following link:
We are also pleased to announce that some seats are still available for the pre-conference course on « Dynamics of Liquid Film Coatings: Theory and Applications », which will be held on Monday 6th September at the von Karman Institute: https://www.european-coating-symposium.eu/PreconferenceTrainingCourse.html
Finally, to register for the visit of the von Karman Institute Laboratories, please send an email to ecs2021@vki.ac.be with Object ’ECS 2021 VISIT to the VKI’.
Kind regards,
Prof. Jean-Marie Buchlin, Prof. Benoit Scheid, Prof. Miguel Mendez
ECS 2021 Organizing Committee