Complex Motion in Fluids (Denmark, august 2019)

Please find enclosed the first call for the 9th summer school « Complex Motion in Fluids » ( held in Gilleleje north of Copenhagen 18-24 August 2019, organized by us in collaboration with University of Cambridge, Ecole Polytechnique, and University of Twente.

The topics for 2019 include microscale acoustofluidics, acoustic tweezers, slippery surfaces, micro swimmers, and biomechanics, and they are presented by nine international lecturers each giving a 1-hour and a 1½-hour lecture (see the attached call). Traditionally, all attendees (PhD students, postdocs and researchers) are presenting their own research either in a 12-minutes contributed talk or at one of the two poster sessions.

The invited lecturers this year are
Michaël Baudoin, Université Lille 1 (FR)
Thomas Laurell, Lunds Universitet (SE)
John Bush, M.I.T. (US)
Julia Yeomans, University of Oxford (UK)
Doris Vollmer, Max Planck Inst., Mainz (DE)
Anders Andersen, Technical Univ. Denmark (DK)
Christophe Clanet, CNRS / Ecole Polytech. (FR)
Francois Gallaire, EPFL (CH)
David Quéré, CNRS / ESPCI ParisTech (FR)

We apologize if you receive this message multiple times.

Best regards,

Tomas Bohr and Henrik Bruus
Technical University of Denmark

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