The major environmental and social challenges facing our planet and our societies require us to rethink the world of industry, and are leading to the emergence of new professions. The aim of the Mastère ACTION is to train generalist professionals capable of working in the wide variety of professions involved in decarbonizing industry. It is based on a unique training program in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), covering environmental, economic and social aspects. This training covers everything from database creation and critical LCA analysis to regulatory knowledge. It provides training in a wide range of techniques for decarbonizing industry, enabling participants to propose trajectories and strategies for decarbonizing their companies.
Université Paris Science Lettres is the winner of the MERCASTO Compétences Métiers d'avenir France 2030 project on decarbonizing industry. The ACTION master's degree is part of this project. It is supported by ESPCI Paris - PSL and Chimie ParisTech - PSL, two engineering schools fully committed to building a sustainable and responsible future.
Career opportunities include: Life Cycle Analysis Engineer, Life Cycle Analysis Expert, R&D Project Manager, LCA and Decarbonization Consultant for the process industry, Environmental Project Manager, Eco-design and Environmental Innovation Engineer, Decarbonization Strategist.