- G. Martouzet, L. Jørgensen, Y. Pelet, A.-L. Biance, C. Barentin. Dynamic arrest during the spreading of a yield stress fluid drop. PR Fluids 6 (2021), 044006
- H.-P. Tran, M. Arangalage, L. Jørgensen, N. Passade-Boupat, F. Lequeux, L. Talini. Understanding frothing of liquid mixtures: A surfactant like effect at the origin of enhanced liquid film lifetimes. PRL 125 (2020), 17
- L Jørgensen, Y Forterre, H Lhuissier. Deformation upon impact of a concentrated suspension drop. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 896 (2020), R2
- B. Géraud, L. Jørgensen, C. Ybert, H. Delanoë-Ayari, C. Barentin. Structural and cooperative lengthscales in polymer microgels. EPJ E 40 (2017), 5
- L. Jørgensen, M. Le Merrer, H. Delanoë-Ayari, C. Barentin. Yield stress and elasticity influence on surface tension measurements. Soft Matter 11 (2015), 5111-5121.
- B. Géraud, L. Jørgensen, L. Petit, H. Delanoë-Ayari, P. Jop, C. Barentin. Capillary rise of yield-stress fluids. EPL 107 (2014), 58002.
- C. Aa. Diget, H.O.U. Fynbo, K.L. Laursen, K.O. Madsbøl, L. Jørgensen, O.S. Kirsebom, K. Riisager. Complete kinematics measurement of the 11B (p,γ) 3α reaction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 381 (2012), 012116.
- P. Oswald, L. Jørgensen, A. Żywociński. Lehmann rotatory power: a new concept in cholesteric liquid crystals. Liquid Crystals 38 (2011), 601-613.