

Joachim Delannoy, Suzanne Lafon, Yukina Koga, Étienne Reyssat & David Quéré
The dual role of viscosity in capillary rise. Soft Matter, (2019).

Pierre Lecointre, Timothée Mouterde, Antonio Checco, Charles T. Black, Atikur Rahman, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Ballistics of jumping microdroplets. Physical Review Fluids 4, 013601 (2019).

Ambre Bouillant, Timothée Mouterde, Philippe Bourrianne, Antoine Lagarde, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Leidenfrost wheels. Nature Physics 14, 1188–1192 (2018).

Pierre Chantelot, Martin Coux, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Drop trampoline. EPL 124, 24003 (2018).

Pierre Chantelot, Martin Coux, Lucie Domino, Benoît Pype, Christophe Clanet, Antonin Eddi & David Quéré
Kicked drops. Physical Review Fluids 3, 100503 (2018).

Ambre Bouillant, Timothée Mouterde, Philippe Bourrianne, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Symmetry breaking in Leidenfrost flows. Physical Review Fluids 3, 100502 (2018).

Hélène de Maleprade, Dan Soto, John Hinch, David Quéré, Tobias Baier, Maximilian Schür & Steffen Hardt
Air-propelled, herringbone-textured platelets. Physical Review Fluids 3, 104101 (2018).

Dan Soto, Henri-Louis Girard, Antoine Le Helloco, Thomas Binder, David Quéré & Kripa K. Varanasi
Droplet fragmentation using a mesh. Physical Review Fluids 3, 083602 (2018).

Joachim Delannoy, Hélène de Maleprade, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Capillary descent. Soft Matter 14, 5364–5368 (2018).

Anaïs Gauthier, Ambre Bouillant, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Aerodynamic repellency of impacting liquids. Physical Review Fluids 3, 054002 (2018).

Pierre Chantelot, Ali Mazloomi Moqaddam, Anaïs Gauthier, Shyam S. Chikatamarla, Christophe Clanet, Ilya V. Karlin & David Quéré
Water ring-bouncing on repellent singularities. Soft Matter 14, 2227–2233 (2018).

Timothée Mouterde, T.-V. Nguyen, Hidetoshi Takahashi, Christophe Clanet, Isao Shimoyama & David Quéré
How merging droplets jump off a superhydrophobic surface: Measurements and model. Physical Review Fluids 2, 112001 (2017).

Armelle Keiser, Ludovic Keiser, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Drop friction on liquid-infused materials. Soft Matter 13, 6981–6987 (2017).

Jean-Philippe Boucher, Christophe Clanet, David Quéré & Frédéric Chevy
Popsicle-Stick Cobra Wave. Physical Review Letters 119, 084301 (2017).

Martin Coux, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Soft, elastic, water-repellent materials. Applied Physics Letters, 110, 251605 (2017).

Timothée Mouterde, Gaëlle Lehoucq, Stéphane Xavier, Antonio Checco, Charles T. Black, Atikur Rahman, Thierry Midavaine, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Antifogging abilities of model nanotextures. Nature Materials, 16, 658–663 (2017).

Yanshen Li, David Quéré, Cunjing Lv & Quanshui Zheng,
Monostable superrepellent materials. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 3387–3392 (2017).

Caroline Cohen, Baptiste Darbois-Texier, Étienne Reyssat, Jacco Snoeijer, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
On the shape of giant soap bubbles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 2515–2519 (2017).

Dan Soto, Hélène de Maleprade, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Air-levitated platelets: from take-off to motion. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 814, 535–546 (2017).

Anaïs Gauthier, James C. Bird, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Aerodynamic Leidenfrost effect. Physical Review Fluids, 1, 084002 (2016).

Nada Bjelobrk, H.L. Girard, S.B. Subramanyam, Hyuk-Min Kwon, David Quéré & Kripa K. Varanasi
Thermocapillary motion on lubricant-impregnated surfaces. Physical Review Fluids 1, 063902 (2016).

Hélène de Maleprade, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Spreading of bubbles after contacting the lower side of an aerophilic slide immersed in waterPhysical Review Letters 117, 094501 (2016).

Baptiste Darbois Texier, Caroline Cohen, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Physics of knuckleballs. New Journal of Physics 18, 073027 (2016).

Dan Soto, Guillaume Lagubeau, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Surfing on a herringbone. Physical Review Fluids 1, 013902 (2016).

Emmanuel Virot, Alexandre Ponomarenko, Éline Dehandschoewercker, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Critical wind speed at which trees break. Physical Review E 93, 023001 (2016).

Pascal S. Raux, Guillaume Dupeux, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Successive instabilities of confined Leidenfrost puddles. EPL 112, 26002 (2015).

Evan Spruijt, Erwan Le Guludec, Clément Lix, Marc Wagner & David Quéré
Liquid filmification from menisci. EPL 112, 16002 (2015).

Cunjing Lv, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Retraction of large liquid strips. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 778, R6 (2015).

Anaïs Gauthier, Sean Symon, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Water impacting on superhydrophobic macrotextures. Nature Communications 6, 8001 (2015).

Qianbin Wang, Xi Yao, Huan Liu, David Quéré & Lei Jiang
Self-removal of condensed water on the legs of water striders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 9247–9252 (2015).

Caroline Cohen, Baptiste Darbois-Texier, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
The physics of badminton. New Journal of Physics 17, 063001 (2015).

Yanshen Li, Cunjing Lv, Zhaohan Li, David Quéré & Quanshui Zheng
From coffee rings to coffee eyes. Soft Matter 11, 4669–4673 (2015).

Caroline Cohen, Timothée Mouterde, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Capillary muscle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 6301–6306 (2015).

Nan Xue, Shuai Wu, Sijie Sun, David Quéré & Quanshui Zheng
Strongly metastable assemblies of particles at liquid interfaces. Langmuir 30, 14712–14716 (2014).

Anne Le Goff, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Shooting in a foam. Soft Matter 10, 6696–6704 (2014).

Adrien Benusiglio, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Explosions at the water surface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 752, 123–139 (2014).

Dan Soto, Aurélie Borel de Larivière, Xavier Boutillon, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
The force of impacting rain. Soft Matter 10, 4929–4934 (2014).

Guillaume Dupeux, Philippe Bourrianne, Quentin Magdelaine, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Propulsion on a superhydrophobic ratchet. Scientific Reports 4, 5280 (2014).

Baptiste Darbois-Texier, Caroline Cohen, Guillaume Dupeux, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
On the size of sports fields. New Journal of Physics 16, 033039 (2014).

Caroline Cohen, Baptiste Darbois-Texier, Guillaume Dupeux, Éric Brunel, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
The aerodynamic wall. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470, 20130497 (2014).

Merlijn S. van Deen, Thibault Bertrand, Nhung Vu, David Quéré, Éric Clément & Anke Lindner
Particles accelerate the detachment of viscous liquids. Rheologica Acta 52, 403–412 (2013).

Guillaume Dupeux, Tobias Baier, Vincent Bacot, Steffen Hardt, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Self-propelling uneven Leidenfrost solids. Physics of Fluids 25, 051704 (2013).

Pascal Raux, Héloïse Cockenpot, Marco Ramaioli, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Wicking in a powder. Langmuir 29, 3636–3644 (2013).

Anne Le Goff, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Viscous cavities. Physics of Fluids 25, 043101 (2013).

Keyvan Piroird, Baptiste Darbois-Texier, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Reshaping and capturing Leidenfrost drops with a magnet. Physics of Fluids 25, 032108 (2013).

Tobias Baier, Guillaume Dupeux, Stefan Herbert, Steffen Hardt & David Quéré
Propulsion mechanisms for Leidenfrost solids on ratchets. Physical Review E 87, 021001 (2013).

Baptiste Darbois-Texier, Keyvan Piroird, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Inertial collapse of liquid rings. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 717, R3 (2013).

Jacopo Seiwert, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Flexible scraping of viscous fluids. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 715, 424–435 (2013).

David Quéré
Leidenfrost Dynamics. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 45, 197–215 (2013).

Frédéric Chevy, Alexei Chepelianskii, David Quéré & Élie Raphaël
Liquid Hertz Contact: Softness of weakly deformed drops on non-wetting substrates. EPL 100, 54002 (2012).

Marie Le Merrer, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Buckling of viscous filaments of a fluid under compression stresses. Physical Review Letters 109, 064502 (2012).

Keyvan Piroird, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Magnetic control of Leidenfrost drops. Physical Review E 85, 056311 (2012).

Guillaume Dupeux, Marie Le Merrer, Guillaume Lagubeau, Christophe Clanet, Steffen Hardt & David Quéré
Viscous mechanism for Leidenfrost propulsion on a ratchet. EPL 96, 58001 (2011).

Aurélie Lafuma & David Quéré
Slippery pre-suffused surfaces. EPL 96, 56001 (2011).

Marie Le Merrer, Christophe Clanet, David Quéré, Élie Raphael & Frédéric Chevy
Wave drag on floating bodies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, 15064–15068 (2011).

Guillaume Dupeux, Marie Le Merrer, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Trapping Leidenfrost drops with crenelations. Physical Review Letters 107, 114503 (2011).

Keyvan Piroird, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Capillary Extraction. Langmuir 27, 9396–9402 (2011).

Keyvan Piroird, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Detergency in a tube. Soft Matter 7, 7498–7503 (2011).

Guillaume Lagubeau, Marie Le Merrer, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Leidenfrost on a ratchet. Nature Physics 7, 395–398 (2011).

Jacopo Seiwert, Maniya Maleki, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Drainage on a rough surface. EPL 94, 16002 (2011).

Jacopo Seiwert, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Coating of a textured solid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 669, 55–63 (2011).

Alexandre Ponomarenko, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
A universal law for capillary rise in corners. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 666, 146–154 (2011).

Maniya Maleki, Mathilde Reyssat, Frédéric Restagno, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Landau-Levich menisci. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 354, 359–363 (2011).

Caroline Parneix, Pauline Vandoolaeghe, Vadim Nikolayev, David Quéré, Joaquim Li & Bernard Cabane
Dips and rims in dried colloidal films. Physical Review Letters 105, 266103 (2010).

Mathilde Reyssat, Denis Richard, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Dynamical superhydrophobicity. Faraday Discussions 146, 19–33 (2010).

Guillaume Dupeux, Anne Le Goff, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
The spinning ball spiral. New Journal of Physics 12, 093004 (2010).

Xi Yao, Qinwen Chen, Liang Xu, Qikai Li, Yanlin Song, Xuefeng Gao, David Quéré & Lei Jiang
Bioinspired ribbed nanoneedles with superhydrophobic robustness. Advanced Functional Materials 20, 656–662 (2010).

Mathilde Reyssat, Fabrice Pardo & David Quéré
Drops onto gradients of texture. EPL 87, 36003 (2009).

Pierre Renvoisé, John W.M. Bush, Manu Prakash & David Quéré
Drop propulsion in tapered tubes. EPL 86, 64003 (2009).

Piotr Tourkine, Marie Le Merrer & David Quéré
Delayed freezing on water repellent materials. Langmuir 25, 7214–7216 (2009).

Keyvan Piroird, Christophe Clanet, Élise Lorenceau & David Quéré
Drops impacting inclined fibers. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 334, 70–74 (2009).

Mathilde Reyssat & David Quéré
Contact angle hysteresis generated by dilute strong defects. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113, 3906–3909 (2009).

Marie Le Merrer, Jacopo Seiwert, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Shapes of hanging viscous filaments. EPL 84, 56004 (2008).

Anne Le Goff, Laurent Courbin, Howard A. Stone & David Quéré
Energy absorption in a bamboo foam. EPL 84, 36001 (2008).

Étienne Reyssat, Élise Lorenceau, Frédéric Restagno & David Quéré
Viscous jet drawing air into a bath. Physics of Fluids 20, 091107 (2008).

David Quéré
Wetting and roughness. Annual Review of Materials Research 38, 71–99 (2008).

Manu Prakash, David Quéré & John W. M. Bush
Surface tension transport of prey by feeding shorebirds: the capillary ratchet. Science 320, 931–934 (2008).

David Quéré & Mathilde Reyssat
Non-adhesive lotus and other hydrophobic materials. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 366, 1539–1556 (2008).

Mathilde Reyssat, Julia M. Yeomans & David Quéré
Impalement of fakir drops. EPL 81, 26006 (2008).

Frédéric Vincent, Anne Le Goff, Guillaume Lagubeau & David Quéré
Bouncing Bubbles. The Journal of Adhesion 83, 897–906 (2007).

Étienne Reyssat, Frédéric Chevy, Anne-Laure Biance, Laurence Petitjean & David Quéré
Shape and instability of free-falling liquid globules. EPL 80, 34005 (2007).

Maniya Maleki, Étienne Reyssat, David Quéré & Ramin Golestanian
On the Landau-Levich transition. Langmuir 23, 10116–10122 (2007).

Chieko Ishino, Mathilde Reyssat, Étienne Reyssat, Ko Okumura & David Quéré
Wicking within forests of micropillars. EPL 79, 56005 (2007).

Étienne Reyssat & David Quéré
Bursting of a fluid film in a viscous environment. Europhysics Letters 76, 236–242 (2006).

Virginie Duclaux, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
The effects of gravity on the capillary instability in tubes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 556, 217–226 (2006).

Anne-Laure Biance, Frédéric Chevy, Christophe Clanet, Guillaume Lagubeau & David Quéré
On the elasticity of a liquid shock. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 554, 47–66 (2006).

Mathilde Reyssat, Anne Pépin, Frédéric Marty, Yong Chen & David Quéré
Bouncing transitions on microtextured materials. Europhysics Letters 74, 306–312 (2006).

Pascale Aussillous & David Quéré
Properties of liquid marbles. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 462, 973–999 (2006).

David Quéré
Non-sticking drops. Reports on Progress in Physics 68, 2495–2532 (2005).

Mathilde Callies-Reyssat & David Quéré
On water repellency. Soft Matter 1, 55–61 (2005).

Stéphane Dorbolo, Étienne Reyssat, Nicolas Vandewalle & David Quéré
Aging of an antibubble. Europhysics Letters 69, 966–970 (2005).

Élise Lorenceau, David Quéré & Jens Eggers
Air entrainment by a viscous jet plunging into a bath. Physical Review Letters 93, 254501 (2004).

Chieko Ishino, Ko Okumura & David Quéré
Wetting transitions on rough surfaces. Europhysics Letters 68, 419–425 (2004).

Christophe Clanet, Cédric Beguin, Denis Richard & David Quéré
Maximal deformation of an impacting drop. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 517, 199–208 (2004).

Pascale Aussillous & David Quéré
Shapes of rolling liquid drops. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 512, 133–151 (2004).

Élise Lorenceau, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Capturing drops with thin fibers. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 279, 192–197 (2004).

Élise Lorenceau & David Quéré
Drops on a conical wire. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 510, 29–45 (2004).

Anne-Laure Biance, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
First steps in the spreading of a liquid droplet. Physical Review E 69, 016301 (2004).

José Bico, Jérôme Vierling, Aurélien Vigano & David Quéré
Self-similar etching. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 270, 247–249 (2004).

Linda Elkins-Tanton, Pascale Aussillous, José Bico, David Quéré & John Bush
A laboratory model of splash-form tektites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38, 1331–1340 (2003).

David Quéré, Aurélie Lafuma & José Bico
Slippy and sticky microtextured solids. Nanotechnology 14, 1109–1112 (2003).

Aurélie Lafuma & David Quéré
Superhydrophobic states. Nature Materials 2, 457–460 (2003).

Anne-Laure Biance, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Leidenfrost drops. Physics of Fluids 15, 1632–1637 (2003).

Élise Lorenceau & David Quéré
Drops impacting a sieve. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 263, 244–249 (2003).

Yuriko Renardy, Stéphane Popinet, Laurent Duchemin, Michael Renardy, Stéphane Zaleski, Christophe Josserand, M. A. Drumright-Clarke, Christophe Clanet, Denis Richard & David Quéré
Pyramidal and toroidal water drops after impact on a solid surface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 484, 69–83 (2003).

Élise Lorenceau, Frédéric Restagno & David Quéré
Fracture of a viscous liquid. Physical Review Letters 90, 184501 (2003).

Ko Okumura, Frédéric Chevy, Denis Richard, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Water spring: a model for bouncing drops. Europhysics Letters 62, 237–243 (2003).

José Bico & David Quéré
Precursors of impregnation. Europhysics Letters 61, 348–353 (2003).

Pascale Aussillous & David Quéré
Bubbles creeping in a viscous liquid along a slightly inclined plane. Europhysics Letters 59, 370–376 (2002).

José Bico & David Quéré
Self-propelling slugs. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 467, 101–127 (2002).

Denis Richard, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Contact time of bouncing drops. Nature 417, 811–811 (2002).

José Bico, Uwe Thiele & David Quéré
Wetting of textured surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A 206, 41–46 (2002).

Élise Lorenceau, David Quéré, Jean-Yves Ollitrault & Christophe Clanet
Gravitational oscillations of a liquid column in a pipe. Physics of Fluids 14, 1985–1992 (2002).

Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
Onset of menisci. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 460, 131–149 (2002).

José Bico & David Quéré
Rise of liquids and bubbles in angular tubes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 247, 162–166 (2002).

José Bico & David Quéré
Falling Slugs. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 243, 262–264 (2001).

José Bico, Christophe Tordeux & David Quéré
Rough wetting. Europhysics Letters 55, 214–220 (2001).

Pascale Aussillous & David Quéré
Liquid marbles. Nature 411, 924–927 (2001).

Pascale Aussillous & David Quéré
Quick deposition of a fluid on the wall of a tube. Physics of Fluids 12, 2367–2371 (2000).

José Bico & David Quéré
Liquid trains in a tube. Europhysics Letters 51, 546–550 (2000).

Denis Richard & David Quéré
Bouncing water drops. Europhysics Letters 50, 769–775 (2000).

Denis Richard & David Quéré
Viscous drops rolling on a tilted non-wettable solid. Europhysics Letters 48, 286–291 (1999).

José Bico, Christian Marzolin & David Quéré
Pearl drops. Europhysics Letters 47, 220–226 (1999).

David Quéré, Élie Raphaël & Jean-Yves Ollitrault
Rebounds in a capillary tube. Langmuir 15, 3679–3682 (1999).

David Quéré
Fluid coating on a fiber. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 31, 347–384 (1999).

Alain de Ryck & David Quéré
Gravity and inertia effects in plate coating. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 203, 278–285 (1998).

David Quéré & Alain de Ryck
Le mouillage dynamique des fibres. Annales de Physique 23, 1–149 (1998).

David Quéré, Marie-José Azzopardi & Laurent Delattre
Drops at rest on a tilted plate. Langmuir 14, 2213–2216 (1998).

Alain de Ryck & David Quéré
Fluid coating from a polymer solution. Langmuir 14, 1911–1914 (1998).

David Quéré
Inertial capillarity. Europhysics Letters 39, 533–538 (1997).

Olivier Ou Ramdane & David Quéré
Thickening factor in Marangoni coating. Langmuir 13, 2911–2916 (1997).

David Quéré, Alain de Ryck & Olivier Ou Ramdane
Liquid coating from a surfactant solution. Europhysics Letters 37, 305–310 (1997).

Xavier Fanton, Anne-Marie Cazabat & David Quéré
Thickness and shape of films driven by a Marangoni flow. Langmuir 12, 5875–5880 (1996).

Alain de Ryck & David Quéré
Inertial coating of a fibre. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 311, 219–237 (1996).

Isabelle Pezron, Guillaume Bourgain & David Quéré
Imbibition of a fabric. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 173, 319–327 (1995).

Alexandre Koulago, Victor Shkadov, Alain de Ryck & David Quéré
Film entrained by a fiber quickly drawn out of a liquid bath. Physics of Fluids 7, 1221–1224 (1995).

David Quéré & Jean-Marc di Meglio
The meniscus on a fibre. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 48, 141–150 (1994).

Alain de Ryck & David Quéré
Quick forced spreading. Europhysics Letters 25, 187–192 (1994).

David Quéré & Élisabeth Archer
The trail of the drops. Europhysics Letters 24, 761–766 (1993).

Alain de Ryck & David Quéré
Entraînement visco-inertiel de liquide par un fil. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série II 317, 891–897 (1993).

Alain de Ryck & David Quéré
Fibres tirées d’un bain. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série II 316, 1045–1050 (1993).

Vladimir Ivanov, Victor Starov, Jean-Marc di Meglio & David Quéré
Application of a liquid film on a thin cylindrical filament. Colloid Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences 54, 346–354 (1992).

Robin Bruinsma, Jean-Marc di Meglio, David Quéré & Sylvie Cohen-Addad
Formation of soap films from polymer solutions. Langmuir 8, 3161–3167 (1992).

David Quéré
Sur la vitesse minimale d’étalement forcé en mouillage partiel. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série II, 313, 313–318 (1991).

Françoise Brochard-Wyart, Jean-Marc di Meglio, David Quéré & Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
Spreading of non volatile liquids in a continuum picture. Langmuir 7, 335–338 (1991).

Françoise Brochard-Wyart, Jean-Marc di Meglio & David Quéré
Mouillage d’une fibre s’enfonçant dans un bain de liquide. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série II, 311, 1473–1478 (1990).

David Quéré
Thin films flowing on vertical fibers. Europhysics Letters 13, 721–726 (1990).

David Quéré, Jean-Marc di Meglio & Françoise Brochard-Wyart
Spreading of liquids on highly curved surfaces. Science 249, 1256–1260 (1990).

Françoise Brochard-Wyart, Jean-Marc di Meglio & David Quéré
Theory of the dynamics of spreading of liquids on fibers. Journal de Physique (Paris) 51, 293–306 (1990).

Jean-Marc di Meglio & David Quéré
Contact angle hysteresis: a first analysis of the noise of the creeping motion of the contact line. Europhysics Letters 11, 163–168 (1990).

David Quéré, Jean-Marc di Meglio & Françoise Brochard-Wyart
Making van der Waals films on fibers. Europhysics Letters 10, 335–340 (1989).

Jean-Marc di Meglio, David Quéré & Françoise Brochard-Wyart
Films mouillants dans les capillaires. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série II, 309, 19–24 (1989).

David Quéré & Jean-Marc di Meglio
Vidange d’un capillaire : étude du film résiduel. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série II, 308, 147–150 (1989).

David Quéré, Jean-Marc di Meglio & Françoise Brochard-Wyart
Wetting of fibers: theory and experiments. Revue de Physique Appliquée 23, 1023–1030 (1988).

Françoise Brochard-Wyart, David Quéré & Jean-Marc di Meglio
Démouillage : retrait d’un film liquide non-mouillant déposé sur un plan ou une fibre. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série II, 304, 553–558 (1987).

Symposia & book chapters

T.-V. Nguyen, Timothée Mouterde, Hidetoshi Takahashi, David Quéré & Isao Shimoyama
Jumping force of coalescing droplets on a superhydrophobic surface. 30th Proceedings IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, p. 95–98 (2017).

Lydéric Bocquet, David Quéré, Thomas A. Witten & Leticia Cugliandolo
Preface. Soft Interfaces (Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School, July 2012).
Oxford University Press (2017).

David Quéré
Preface. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, gentleman physicien. Laurence Plévert. Éditions Belin, Paris (2017).

Keyvan Piroird, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Ball-hole interaction in basket-ball and golf. Sports Physics, Éditions de l’École polytechnique, p. 459–470 (2013).

Caroline Cohen, Baptiste Darbois Texier, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
The toe poke. Sports Physics, Éditions de l’École polytechnique, p. 383–393 (2013).

Baptiste Darbois Texier, Caroline Cohen, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Size of sports fields. Sports Physics, Éditions de l’École polytechnique, p. 259–270 (2013).

Caroline Cohen, Baptiste Darbois Texier, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Badminton shuttlecock. Sports Physics, Éditions de l’École polytechnique, p. 252–258 (2013).

Baptiste Darbois Texier, Caroline Cohen, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Knuckleballs. Sports Physics, Éditions de l’École polytechnique, p. 199–212 (2013).

Guillaume Dupeux, Anne Le Goff, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Bending a free kick. Sports Physics, Éditions de l’École polytechnique, p. 193–198 (2013).

Baptiste Darbois Texier, Caroline Cohen, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Shuttlecock dynamics. Procedia Engineering 34, p. 176–181 (2012).

Guillaume Dupeux, Caroline Cohen, Anne Le Goff, David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Football curves. Journal of Fluids and Structures 27, 659 (2011).

John W. M. Bush, François Peaudecerf, Manu Prakash & David Quéré
On a tweezer for droplets. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 161, p. 10–14 (2010).

Bruno Andreotti, Adrian Daerr, Marc Fermigier, Luc Lebon, Laurent Limat & David Quéré
Editorial. European Physical Journal Special Topics 166, p. 1–2 (2009).

Élise Lorenceau, Christophe Clanet, David Quéré & Michèle Vignes-Adler
Off-centre impact on a horizontal fiber. European Physical Journal Special Topics 166, 3 (2009).

Élise Lorenceau, Christophe Clanet, David Quéré & Michèle Vignes-Adler
Off-centre impact of a liquid on a fiber. Proceedings du Congrès Français de Mécanique, Grenoble (2007).

Élise Lorenceau, Étienne Reyssat, Frédéric Restagno, Jens Eggers & David Quéré
On liquid/liquid impact. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Leipzig (2007).

David Quéré
Three-phases capillarity. Thin films of soft matter, p. 115–136, Springer (2007).

David Quéré
Surfaces in soft matter. Soft matter, p. 187-300, The series of advanced physics, Peking University Press (2006).

Élise Lorenceau, Tim Senden & David Quéré
Wetting of fibers. Molecular Gels, Chapter 7, Springer (2006).

Mathilde Callies, Yong Chen, Frédéric Marty, Anne Pépin & David Quéré
Microfabricated textured surfaces for super-hydrophobicity investigations. Microelectronic Engineering 78–79, p. 100–105 (2005).

David Quéré
Phenomenology of non-wetting. Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Developments of Integrated Sciences, Tokyo (2003).

David Quéré & José Bico
Controlled wetting by surface patterning. La Houille Blanche, 421 (2003).

David Quéré
Rough ideas on wetting. Physica A 313, 32 (2002).

David Quéré, Christian Marzolin & José Bico
Mouillage des surfaces texturées. Formulation et modifications de surfaces, p. 19, EDP (2001).

David Quéré
Bulles, gouttes & perles liquides. Graines de Sciences 3, p. 145, Éditions Le Pommier (2001).

David Quéré, José Bico & Denis Richard
Three attempts on dry wetting. Nonlinear Wave Behavior in Multiphase Flow, p. 195, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000).

David Quéré
Fluid coating. Advances in Coating and Drying of Thin Films, ECS 99 Proceedings, p. 11, Shaker Verlag, Aachen (1999).

David Quéré
Mouillage dynamique par des liquides complexes. Actes du colloque CME 97, p. 271, EDS Éditions, Paris (1998).

David Quéré
Fabrication de films savonneux. Actes du colloque JADH’95, p. 39, Société Française du Vide, Paris (1995).

Sylvie Cohen-Addad & David Quéré
Permeability of a soap film. Soft order in physical systems, Les Houches Series, p. 193, Plenum, New York (1994).

David Quéré
Forced spreading (especially on fibers and in capillary tubes). Dynamical phenomena at interfaces, Les Houches Series, p. 543, Nova Science, New York (1993).

Jean-Marc di Meglio & David Quéré
Determination of the thickness of thin liquid films on curved surfaces. Electron Spin Resonance applications, p. 272, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1992).

J.-C. Bacri, R. Perzynski, D. Salin, D. Quéré, J.-M. di Meglio & F. Brochard-Wyart
Wetting of fibers: magnetic and van der Waals fluids. Hydrodynamics of dispersed media, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1990).


David Quéré
L’eau en gouttes. L’eau à découvert, CNRS Éditions, p. 70 (2015).

Baptiste Darbois-Texier, Guillaume Dupeux, Guillaume Lagubeau, Marie Le Merrer, Keyvan Piroird, Dan Soto, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré
La caléfaction. Reflets de la Physique 37, p. 12–16 (2014).

David Quéré
Pourquoi l’air chaud monte. In Les p’tits bateaux, p. 103, Éditions First (2013).

David Quéré
Leidenfrost becomes a fakir. Nature Materials 11, 915 (2012).

David Quéré
Water colliding with oil. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 702, 1 (2012).

David Quéré
Pourquoi l’eau éteint-elle le feu ? Trente questions de science, Éditions Le Pommier (2012).

Guillaume Dupeux, Caroline Cohen, Anne Le Goff, David Quéré et Christophe Clanet
Le football et ses trajectoires. Reflets de la Physique 28, 10 (2012).

David Quéré
L’effet lotus. Encyclopædia Universalis (2012).

David Quéré
Le mouillage, entre hydrophiles et hydrophobes. Encyclopædia Universalis, La science au présent 2012, p. 103 (2012).

David Quéré
Soft matter miraclesNature 465, 1011 (2010).

David Quéré
L’eau superficielle. Focus l’eau p. 24-27, CNRS Editions (2009).

David Quéré, Manu Prakash & John W. M. Bush
Prises de bec chez les phalaropes. Reflets de la Physique 15, 11 (2009).

David Quéré
Le contraire du contraire d’excelsior. Catalogue, Pavillon de la France, Exposition Internationale de Saragosse (2008).

David Quéré
Gouttes et perles d’eau. Commissariat Général, Exposition Internationale Saragosse 08 (2008).

David Quéré
Perle d’eau. Voir l’invisible, p. 72–73, Éditions Omniscience (2007).

Élise Lorenceau, Étienne Reyssat, Frédéric Restagno & David Quéré
Pointes liquides. Reflets de la Physique 4, 15 (2007).

Mathilde Reyssat & David Quéré
L’effet lotus. Pour la Science 347, p. 34–40 (2006).

David Quéré
Les affinités électives. Arearevue)s( 12, 34 (2006).

David Quéré & Armand Ajdari
Surfing the hot spot. Nature Materials 5, p. 429–430 (2006).

Stéphane Dorbolo, Étienne Reyssat, Nicolas Vandewalle & David Quéré
Vie brève des antibubbles. Bulletin de la SFP 151, 10 (2005) & Europhysics News, 37, 24 (2006).

David Quéré
Impact on Everest. Nature 435, p. 1168–1169 (2005).

David Quéré
Les surfaces très hydrophobes et leurs propriétés, Images de la Physique 2005, CNRS, p. 239 (2005).

David Quéré & Claudius Laburthe
La Physique d’une goutte d’eau. Cahiers de l’Université des Lycéens, (2005).

David Quéré
Self-cleaning surfaces. 2005 Yearbook of Science & Technology, McGraw-Hill Ed., p. 300 (2005).

David Quéré
Effet lotus : quand la nature a horreur de l’eau. CNRS Théma, Physiquement vôtre n°5, 4e trimestre (2004).

David Quéré
Model droplets. Nature Materials 3, 79 (2004).

David Quéré & Christophe Clanet
Sur la forme des gouttes et des bulles. Pour la Science, Hors-Série sur la Sphère 41, 112 (2003).

David Quéré
Journées Pierre-Gilles de Gennes. La Lettre du Collège de France 6, 19 (2002).

David Quéré & Pascale Aussillous
Non-stick dropletsChemical & Engineering Technology 25, 925 (2002).

David Quéré
Fakir droplets. Nature Materials 1, p. 14–15 (2002).

David Quéré
Quand la physique coule de source. Bulletin de la SFP 133, 29 (2002).

Pascale Aussillous & David Quéré
Billes liquides. Pour la Science 286, 14 (2001).

Vance Bergeron & David Quéré
Water droplets make an impact. Physics World 14, 27 (2001).

David Quéré
Fluid coating. 2001 Yearbook of Science & Technology, McGraw-Hill Ed., p. 159 (2001).

David Quéré & Élie Raphaël
Anneaux de café. Encyclopædia Universalis, La science au présent 2001, p. 64 (2000).

David Quéré & Élie Raphaël
Les fontaines pulsantes. Encyclopædia Universalis, La science au présent 2001, p. 61 (2000).

David Quéré, José Bico & Denis Richard
Le mouillage nul (ou presque). Bulletin de la SFP 125, 8 (2000).

David Quéré
L’ensimage. Pour la Science 266, 108 (1999).

David Quéré & Élie Raphaël
a. Des gouttes comme des billes. b. Un petit mystère de la vie quotidienne résolu. Encyclopædia Universalis, La science au présent 1999, p. 51 (1998).

David Quéré & Élie Raphaël
La physique du tas de sable. Encyclopædia Universalis, La science au présent 1998, p. 55 (1997).

David Quéré & Élie Raphaël
Dynamique d’une chaîne polymère unique. Encyclopædia Universalis, La science au présent 1997, p. 59 (1996).

David Quéré & Alain de Ryck
Le mouillage des fibres. La Recherche 25, 1306 (1994).

David Quéré
Autour de l’instabilité de Rayleigh. Revue du Palais de la Découverte 38, 46 (1991).

David Quéré & Jean-Marc di Meglio
Sur un thème de Rayleigh. Pour la Science 152, 116 (1990).

Around art

« Ce n’est que moi » – En compagnie de Pierrette Bloch. Préface, établissement des textes et édition
In Extenso, Toulouse (2018).

Pierrette Bloch & David Quéré
Journal. Chutes. Éditions Bernard Chauveau (2016).

Pierrette Bloch & David Quéré
Entretien. Avril 2015, 25. Éditions Bernard Chauveau (2015).

Vera Molnar et David Quéré
Entretien. 6765201 Sainte-Victoire. Éditions Bernard Chauveau (2012).

David Quéré
Le temps d’une bulle. TDC 934, 27 (2007).


Soft Interfaces – Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School (Volume 98, July 2012)
Edited by Lydéric Bocquet, David Quéré, Thomas A. Witten & Leticia F. Cugliandolo
Oxford University Press (2017).

L’extraordinaire Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
Textes édités par Françoise Brochard-Wyart, David Quéré & Madeleine Veyssié
Odile Jacob, Paris (2017).

David Quéré
Qué es una gota de agua ?
Ediciones Akal, Madrid, 2005.
Goldenbough, Séoul, (2006).

David Quéré
Qu’est-ce qu’une goutte d’eau ?
Le Pommier, Paris, (2003).

David Quéré
Lois du mouillage et de l’imprégnation.
Techniques de l’ingénieur, J2 140 (2003).

Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Françoise Brochard-Wyart & David Quéré
Capillarity and Wetting Phenomena: Drops, Bubbles, Pearls, Waves.
Yoshioka syoten, Kyoto (2003). Nouvelle édition (2008).
Springer, New York (2004).
Higher Education Press, Beijing (2015).

Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Françoise Brochard-Wyart & David Quéré
Gouttes, bulles, perles et ondes.
Éditions Belin, Paris (2002). Nouvelle édition (2005).

David Quéré
Surfaces molles.
École polytechnique, Palaiseau (2001). Nouvelle édition (2007).

David Quéré
Fibres et capillaires mouillés.
Thesis, Université Paris-VI, (1989).

David Quéré
Microémulsions bicontinues : une étude par RPE.
DEA thesis, Université Paris-VI, (1985).

Video collections

David Quéré, Marc Fermigier & Christophe Clanet
Interfaces mobiles. CD-ROM accompanying the book Gouttes, bulles, perles et ondes.
Belin, Paris (2005).
Japanese edition from Yoshioka, Kyoto (2008).

Christophe Clanet, Marc Fermigier & David Quéré
Interfacial Phenomena. DVD Multi Media Fluid Mechanics, G. M. Homsy Editor, Cambridge University Press (2008).