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PC’UP accueille Falling Walls Lab 2024

🚀 Live from Falling Walls Lab Paris, hosted by PC’UP – Incubateur ESPCI Paris (ESPCI Paris – PSL) at Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, where 6 participants share their innovative ideas that create a positive impact on science and society.

👉 Let’s meet them:
Clarisabel Garcia Rodriguez (Institut PasteurSorbonne Université) is breaking the wall of heart scarring.
Hasan Hassoun, Ph.D. (École nationale des ponts et chaussées) is breaking the wall of noise pollution.
Juan A. Garcia-Sanchez, PhD (Université Côte d’AzurDimiCare Biotech) is breaking the wall of antibiotic resistance.
Sarah Souheil (Université de LyonENTPELTDS) is breaking the wall of tremor relief alternative.
Deepshika Arasu (PoietisUniversitat de Barcelona) is breaking the wall of Huntington’s incurability.
Milad Moazzam, PhD (ESPCI Paris – PSL) is breaking the wall of carbon capture and energy harvesting.

🙌 Thanks to our jury Alexandre Aubry (Institut Langevin – Ondes et images), Karla Balaa (UniversitĂ© PSL), ClĂ©ment Barraud (Pioniq Technologies), StĂ©phanie Kuss (RĂ©seau C.U.R.I.E.), Lucie Ries, PhD (former winner 2023).

We warmly thank Vincent CROQUETTE and Marie-Christine Lemardeley for their presence and participation.

Special mention to the organization team: Guillaume Berteloot from Deeptech Founders, Elodie Tramoy, Audrey LE DANTEC, CĂ©line Daire Ramondou, Amandine Bugnicourt, PhD from Adoc Talent Management, Floriane Grollau, PhD, Siegfried Martin-Diaz, Elodie Chabrol, PhD.

Let’s see who’s the winner!

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