voici un profil de poste de Maitre de conférence en génie civil et thermomécanique.
Archives de catégorie : poste
Postdoc rheology of saponin-based hydrogels (KULeuven)
We have a rheology related postdoc position here in Leuven available, the main coordinator of the project is my colleague in the department Wim Thielemans, and the postdoc will located here in our SMaRT group labs in Leuven. I you know of a good suitable candidate maybe from your group, or elsewhere, please forward this and encourage him to apply. The main topic of the project is on the fundamental investigation and understanding of the micro-structural evolution and related mechanical and physico-chemical properties of saponin based hydrogels, with the aim to eventually commercialise those as wound dressings within an inter-university consortium. Applications should go to Wim (wim.thielemans@kuleuven.be), but happy to get contacted myself about this!
Best regards
Christian (christian.clasen@kuleuven.be)
Poste prof Mécanique (U.Paris Saclay)
Professor position in mechanical engineering, University Paris-Saclay
A full professor position in mechanical engineering will be opened at the
University Paris-Saclay. The recruited professor will teach in the fields of
fluid mechanics or continuous media in the bachelor and master degrees
of the physics department of the Faculty of Sciences of Orsay. He / she
will strengthen the research topics of the laboratories LISN (ex-LIMSI) or
FAST in the field of fluid dynamics and transfers (numerical or experimental),
including fluid mechanics, machine learning, multiphysics and / or multiscale
approaches, soft matter, transfers, mechanics and physics of dispersed media…
Poste Ingénieur Recherche (Saint-Gobain Recherche)
Saint Gobain Recherche Paris recrute un Ingénieur de Recherche en Physique des Procédés Industriels. voir annonce en pdf
2 postes de MCF (solides et fluides) à ∂’Alembert en 2021
Annonce ICI
Assistant professor positions at Ecole Polytechnique, 2021
Cher(e)s collègues,
j’attire votre attention sur les deux postes de professeurs assistant à temps complet (équivalent maître de conférences) ouverts au département de mécanique de l’école polytechnique:
-1 poste profil mécanique des solides
-1 poste profil bio-matériaux
Voici le lien pour consulter les offres et postuler:
Bien cordialement,
Christophe Josserand
postdoc et poste ingénieur : morphogenese des embryons (college de France)
Je vous serais très reconnaissant de bien vouloir faire suivre les deux annonces ci-dessous de postes dans mon équipe www.turlierlab.com, financées dans le cadre de l’ERC DeepEmbryo (descriptions en pièces jointes):
– 1 post-doc en modélisation physique et numérique de la morphogenèse des embryons: https://bit.ly/2Kp79uT
– 1 ingénieur de recherche en calcul scientifique et IA (interface avec la biologie et la physique): https://bit.ly/3rj3OOA
Bien cordialement,Hervé Turlier
Hervé Turlier, PhDTeam Multiscale Physics of Morphogenesis,Center for Interdisciplinary Research in BiologyCollège de France / CNRS UMR7241 / INSERM U105011, place Marcelin Berthelot75231 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCETel: +33 (0)144271410Mobile: +33 (0)680282258www.turlierlab.com@virtual_embryo
Assistant Professor positions in experimental fluid and solid mechanics, U. Minnesota, USA
Dear Colleague,
We are searching for candidates, at the Assistant Professor level, in Experimental Fluid Dynamics and Experimental Solid Mechanics. Please see the attached announcement for details.
I would appreciate it if you can share this with anyone whom you think might be interested in applying.
Ryan S. Elliott, Ph.D.
Professor & Director of Graduate Studies
Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota
(612) 624-2376 (626-1558 fax)
download vCard <https://z.umn.edu/relliott_vcf>
OpenPGP Public key <https://z.umn.edu/relliott_asc> (576D4997C4D51D92)
Assistant prof position in Mechanical Engineering (U. Nevada, Reno)
(from : James Hanna)
All areas of research will be given serious consideration.
We also expect a similarly open opening at the associate level to be approved soon.