Effective toughness of heterogeneous materials
4eme rencontres Mécaniciens- Physiciens
Organized with D’Alembert Institute, AFM and SFP
12th june 2012, at Univ. Pierre & Marie Curie in Paris.
The fourth workshop “mechanics and physics”, organized together with AFM and SFP will take place on june 12th 2012. (see the first workshop (2009), second workshop (2010) and the third workshop as a special colloque within CFM2011)
Scope of the workshop
The goal of this one day meeting was to gather people both from the physics and the mechanics community around the question of the effective resistance of heterogeneous materials. In particular, we discussed the role of the fluctuations of resistance at the microstructure scale on the macroscopic resistance of materials. Brittle, quasi-brittle and ductile failure was discussed, and for each of these failure modes, an invited speaker provided an introduction talk, describing some of the theorical/numerical tools relevant to go from micro to macroscale in these fracturing systems, providing some important findings obtained by these approaches by comparing with the experimental observations and discussing some of the important open questions in the field. It was thenfollowed by a session of short talks given by researchers both from mechanics and physics laboratory.
Introductive presentations by
JB. Leblond (d’Alembert institute)
S. Roux (LMT- Cachan)
A. Hansen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim)
K. Ravi-Chandar (U.Texas, Austin)
Here is the programm of the workshop (in pdf)
9h:9h30 Workshop opening (coffee)
Brittle failure : from the microscope properties to the macroscopic toughness.
9h30-10h15: Stéphane Roux (LMS,ENSCachan):From the microscale to the effective toughness of brittle materials: an overview
Renaud Couzin (Institut d’Alembert, UPMC) Design and optimization of asymmetric heterogeneous adhesives
Kay Wiese (LPS, ENS) Avalanches dynamics of elastic manifolds driven in disordered solids
Jonathan Barès (SPCSI, CEA-‐Saclay) Crack propagation in disordered brittle materials
Dominique Leguillon (Institut d’Alembert, UPMC) Strengthening caused by a contrast in Young’s moduli in laminate structures
Tristan Baumberger, (INSP, UPMC) From surface roughness to symmetry-‐breaking folds of slow cracks in soft solids
Lamine Hattali (FAST, Orsay) Oscillatory fracture in PMMA
11h30- 11h45: Coffee break
Quasi-‐brittle failure: from the microscale properties to the macroscopic toughness
11h45 Alex Hansen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim) From the microscale to the effective toughness of quasi-‐brittle materials: an overview
Julien Scheibert (LTDS, Lyon) Quasi-‐brittle dynamic failure of PMMA
12h45 -‐ 14h15: Lunch at «Amore Mio», 13 rue Linné
Ductile failure: from the microscale properties to the macroscopic toughness
14h15- 15h00 :Jean-‐Baptiste Leblond (Institut d’Alembert, UPMC) From the microscale to the effective toughness of ductile materials: an overview
Stéphane Chapuliot (Areva) Ductile failure: examples and applications in the nuclear industry
Dirk Mohr (LMS, Ecole Polytechnique) : Hybrid experimental-‐numerical approach to investigate ductile fracture at low stress triaxialities
15h30 -‐ 16h00: Coffee break
Discussion and conclusion of the day
16h00 Krishnaswamy Ravi-‐Chandar (University of Texas, Austin) Challenges in fracture characterization and modeling
Organizing committee
L. Ponson
B. Roman
K. Ravi-Chandar
Where,When ?
The workshop was held on june 12th 2012
in room 311, tower 55-‐65, third floor between tower 55 and 65 on the campus of Jussieu Université Pierre et Marie Curie,
4 place Jussieu
75005 PAris
65 participants have registered.
We thank Institut D’Alembert and Association Française de Mécanique for support.