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Research Gate:
Lars Kool*, Jules Tampier*, Philippe Bourrianne and Anke Lindner. Hopper flows of dense suspensions: a 2D microfluidic model system. under review [pdf].
Thibaut Divoux, Elisabeth Agoritsas, Stefano Aime, Catherine Barentin, Jean-Louis Barrat, Roberto Benzi, Ludovic Berthier, Dapeng Bi, Giulio Biroli, Daniel Bonn, Philippe Bourrianne, Mehdi Bouzid, Emanuela Del Gado, Hélène Delanoë-Ayari, Kasra Farain, Suzanne Fielding, Matthias Fuchs, Jasper van der Gucht, Silke Henkes, Maziyar Jalaal, Yogesh M. Joshi, Anaël Lemaître, Robert L. Leheny, Sébastien Manneville, Kirsten Martens, Wilson C. K. Poon, Marko Popović, Itamar Procaccia, Laurence Ramos, James A. Richards, Simon Rogers, Saverio Rossi, Mauro Sbragaglia, Gilles Tarjus, Federico Toschi, Véronique Trappe, Jan Vermant, Matthieu Wyart, Francesco Zamponi and Davoud Zare. Ductile-to-brittle transition and yielding in soft amorphous materials: perspectives and open questions. Soft Matter, 2024. [pdf]
Manouk Abkarian, Simon Mendez, Philippe Bourrianne, Janine Nunes & Howard A. Stone. Experiments and Simulations to Investigate How Air Flows in Speech Can Transport a Virus: Research and Teaching Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Chemical Education Research during COVID: Lessons Learned during the Pandemic (pp. 11-36). American Chemical Society. 2023.
Philippe Bourrianne, Paul R. Kaneelil, Manouk Abkarian & Howard A. Stone. Air Flows in Opera. Physical Review Applied, 18 (2), 2022. [pdf] [in the news: Smithsonian Magazine, Physics, MAE Princeton]
Philippe Bourrianne & Gareth H. McKinley. When fizzy water levitates. Physics Today, 75 (8), 2022. [pdf]
Philippe Bourrianne, Vincent Niggel, Gatien Polly, Thibaut Divoux & Gareth H. McKinley. Tuning the shear thickening of suspensions through surface roughness and physico-chemical interactions. Physical Review Research, 4 (3), 2022. [pdf] [in the news: INP-CNRS]
Philippe Bourrianne, Stanley Chidzik, Daniel J. Cohen, Peter Elmer, Thomas Hallowell, Todd J. Kilbaugh, David Lange, Andrew M. Leifer, Daniel R. Marlow, Peter D. Meyers, Edna Normand, Janine Nunes, Myungchul Oh, Lyman Page, Talmo Pereira, Jim Pivarski, Henry F. Schreiner, Howard A. Stone, David W. Tank, Stephan Thiberge, Christopher Tully. Inexpensive Multipatient Respiratory Monitoring System for Helmet Ventilation During COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Medical Devices, 16 (1), 2022. [pdf] [in the news: Physics Today]
Philippe Bourrianne, Nan Xue, Janine Nunes, Manouk Abkarian & Howard A. Stone. Quantifying the effect of a mask on expiratory air flows. Physical Review Fluids, 6 (11), 2021. [pdf] [in the news: Physics World, Physics]
Philippe Bourrianne, Paul R. Kaneelil, Manouk Abkarian & Howard A. Stone. Tracking the air exhaled by an opera singer. Physical Review Fluids, 6 (11), 2021. [pdf] [in the news: Physics World] [video]
Philippe Bourrianne, Paul Lilin, Guillaume Sintès, Traian Nîrca, Gareth H. McKinley & Irmgard Bischofberger. Crack morphologies in drying suspension drops. Soft Matter, 17 (39), 2021. [pdf]
Divya Panchanathan*, Philippe Bourrianne*, Philippe Nicollier, Abhijatmedhi Chottratanapituk, Kripa K. Varanasi & Gareth H. McKinley. Levitation of fizzy drops. Science Advances, 7 (28), 2021. [pdf] [in the news: Physics World]
Paul Lilin, Philippe Bourrianne, Guillaume Sintès & Irmgard Bischofberger. Blooming flowers from drying drops. Physical Review Fluids, 5 (11), 2020. [pdf] [video]
Henri-Louis Girard, Philippe Bourrianne, Mohsen Yeganeh, Robert E. Cohen, Gareth H. McKinley & Kripa K. Varanasi. Lubricant-impregnated surfaces for mitigating asphaltene deposition. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (25), 2020. [pdf]
Henri-Louis Girard*, Philippe Bourrianne*, Dayong Chen, Aditya Jaishankar, Jessica L. Vreeland, Robert E. Cohen, Kripa K. Varanasi & Gareth H. McKinley. Asphaltene adsorption on functionalized solids. Langmuir, 36 (14), 2020. [pdf]
Divya Panchanathan*, Philippe Bourrianne*, Kripa K. Varanasi & Gareth H. McKinley. Reduced adhesion of sparkling water droplets. Physical Review Fluids, 4 (10), 2019. [pdf] [video]
Philippe Bourrianne, Cunjing Lv & David Quéré. The cold Leidenfrost regime. Science Advances, 5 (6), 2019. [pdf]
Ambre Bouillant, Timothée Mouterde, Philippe Bourrianne, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré. Symmetry breaking in Leidenfrost flows. Physical Review Fluids, 3, 2018. [pdf] [video]
Ambre Bouillant, Timothée Mouterde, Philippe Bourrianne, Antoine Lagarde, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré. Leidenfrost wheels. Nature Physics, 14 (12), 2018. [in the news: New York Times, Le Monde, Physics Today]
Guillaume Dupeux, Philippe Bourrianne, Quentin Magdelaine, Christophe Clanet & David Quéré. Propulsion on a superhydrophobic ratchet. Scientific Reports, 4 (1), 2014.
*equal contribution
Philippe Bourrianne, Laurent Caillier, David Quéré & Cécile Holfeitner. Food cooking method. WO2017125688, 2017.
Other publications:
Philippe Bourrianne. Non-wetting situations in temperature (in French: Non-mouillant et température: application aux revêtements culinaires). PhD Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 2016. [pdf]